Plague Diary

A 1694-post collection

Thursday, Shopping PLNs

I need coffee. More accurately, I need a supply of coffee pods and that requires a trip to Costco so I can get them in bulk.

I've just done my medication thing, and I'm in the process of recording more chapters. I'll work on the daily offerings until 10, when Costco is open at last.

My efforts at getting my Passport refreshed have hit the imp's ass, so to speak. I need a confirmation email to activate my account, and because the page reset to the beginning on compy restart, I can't request a new confirmation email.

Thinking about applying for the account with my GoogMail address. Wondering if it's worth it.

If this is anything like my previous experiences with this bullshit, I shall be in a holding pattern for two weeks before the confirmation email just randomly turns up in an email search.

I hate that this keeps happening to me.

BUT I did get most of the paperwork sorted, so there's that benefit to the assorted shenanigans going on in my life.

At least the passport thing isn't urgent.

Onwards, ever onwards, to all of my PLNs coming to pass.

Tuesday, Date Night and Patreon Whoopsies

I have been trying to do the challenge for Stencyl to no avail. I shall screenshot my latest code attempts for the Patreon stuff.

There has to be a way to do this thing. And the other two things in the challenge list. I shall be looking up hints and tips at a later date.

Beloved and I are having some time together tonight, because social stuff happening on Thursday. I might not get on with my usual routine for some significant

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Monday, Tale Foundry Changes and Pending Problem-solving

If my calculations are correct, we should encounter payday this week. That same payday is also date night because other social shenanigans happening this Thursday.

I have paperwork to sort out and that will be happening on Wednesday. So my week is pretty much booked out already, and it isn't yet noon on Monday.

The Tale Foundry is changing how things go. Submissions happening on Discord. So my submissions will no longer be publicly available. I will be altering my Patreon posts

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Sunday, Back in Brisbane

Let's recap.

We were supposed to board the plane at almost seven in the evening, get to Brisbane by eightish, and I would potentially have some energy to drive home and sleep in my own bed. That was the PLN.

However. The plane had a dodgy motor in its tail, the one responsible for driving the air conditioning in the plane. In order to get it operational, they needed a special charger at the airport.

Some other plane nicked it for two

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Saturday, Social Shenanigans and Radio Silence

As you may have guessed, today was a teensy bit of a scrum. Tram to parkrun, doing parkrun [I made it in under an hour despite having the World's Steepest Hill [hyperbole] as part of the course.

It damn near did me in, but I made it.

My legs are going to hate me for the rest of the week.

We had to check out before parkrun and then go collect our bags in our active wear. Fortunately the friend we were

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Friday, Sydneyside PLNs

As you may well guess, we arrived in Sydney safe and sound. Adorable is off for her morning run and Beloved is keeping her company, so I have some limited time to attempt offerings.

Because today... and TOMORROW... are for the dreaded...


Which means being present and talking to people about stuff that isn't my merry blue boy.

Speaking of such, I'd best get a wriggle on with today's offerings. Sooner done, sooner less to fret about.

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Thursday, Packing, Panic, and Pills

I got clothes packed and ready for the trip. I have meds packed for the duration because the whole bottles might put me over the weight limit. I am going to evict a majority of my keys from my bag because won't need them for the interim. And because metal detectors.

I shall be relying on my cloak for warmth and hoping for the best.

I am attempting to do the day's offerings in record time so I can make sure I

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Wednesday, No Date Night, so...

Beloved cancelled Date Night because we will be having all those fun activities this Friday, down in Sydney.

So I shall therefore render my offerings and attempt Stencyl stuff as is normal. I am also indulging in a few carbs as is normal.

I will end up indulging in Baldur's Gate 3, which is not as is normal.

Gonna get ONE of my alts to Act 2 if it firkin kills me.

I am in the midst of recording more chapters and

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Tuesday, Leyland's Tour and then all the other things

I am helping MeMum with the byzantine Gordian knot that is Queensland firearms license paperwork, today. Which means that I will be largely incommunicado until that is well over with.

Which means that all my usual offerings unto the altar of notes [better known as the internet] will be either late today or not present until tomorrow.

Also going on behind the curtain is yet another one of those "why am I even trying" existential crises based entirely around the blatant fascism

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Monday, Foundry Reads, Prepping

I have put some laundry on with an aim towards having clean clothes for the upcoming trip. Oooh look at me being all organised and stuff.

Thanks to plane tickets, the budget is SUPER tight and will remain so for some time. AND I have an upcoming license fee that I near forgot about AND we need more income because everything expensive.

Well. Since I'm waiting on ideas care of Beloved hearing some intervening chapters, I shall have the time to work

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Sunday, Game Night and Expenses

I forgot to check my alarms this morning -_- Bleh. Still managed to get a game sesh on for my international peeps.

The cats are now fed, and I am currently watching the Foundry until it's time to my story stream.

The rest of my day is for offerings and other shenanigans. Including working out the schedule for the rainbow crowd game night henceforth.

Whee fun.

I might even have time to fix my "evil" playthrough in BG3. Or I might

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Friday, Unfucking, Leyland's Tour, and Sundry Nonsense

Beloved has to get some medical equipment and she's maintaining her passport for assorted techie business. I have a Thing happening this weekend, so there won't be any more streams next weekend.

I will be flat out getting my offerings in order, then. I'm going to put a pause on everything else behind the curtains.

Adorable has more than enough chapters to listen to as is, so I don't need to panic about that part.

Beloved is getting the tix and arranging

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Thursday, Roadblock on Progress

I hit another wall in Stencyl today. Paired with another disagreement with Beloved, I was not in a good space, mentally. Neither was Beloved, as we tried to work through what was going wrong.

At least we settled on some ways to move forward henceforth.

I mislike being told I'm dumb for being worried and then being told I was wrong for being justified in those concerns. And then being told that everything I predicted was my fault.

Fingers crossed, that should

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