Leyland's Tour

A 60-post collection

Friday, Busy Bean Again

Okay. For realsies. THIS time, I'm going to go out and get my Ashwagandha, some Crimbo shopping, and household essentials.

Not going to be saving a lot this pay cycle.

When I finally get back from my excursion, I have to remember my stretchies or I shall hurt myself by writing.


I am just so firkin tired already. AND I still have to unfuck my habitat.

The house is still a shambles and I can feel time running down. Grr.

It's only the four of us this Crimbo. I shouldn't be as stressed as I am already.

I shall make my offerings once I return from my adventures. Wish me luck.

Thursday, Busy Bean

So. Last night, I discussed arranging a means by which MeMum could cock a snook at the people cutting her off from Doctor Who and other things for the sake of profit and profit alone.

Lots more of us will want to know about that for sure. Watch for cautionary posts telling you what not to do so you don't accidentally commit a piracy. Coughcough.

One of the essential tools for that sort of thing is a Smart TV. Be very careful

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Thursday, Tech Support Run

MeMum needs a few things, which always includes shopping and tech support. So a large portion of today shall be spend going hither, thither, and yon.

Expect my offerings in the evening.

My findings from the yoghurt flatbread experiment:

  1. One household's version of "medium heat" is different to another's. Tread carefully. [In my case, each bread took fucking ages to cook and turned out medium brown instead of lightly scorched]
  2. It is far easier to transfer rolled out flatbreads to your pan
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Monday, Tech Support and Leyland's Tour

I am taking my meds and then I am off to the other side of Brisbane to help MeMum out with assorted stuff. Also, since it's two days pre-birthmas, I'm likely getting a prezzie too.

So my usual offerings will be either erratic or delayed.

Especially since I think I'm picking up Beloved this afternoon.


It's going to be a busy time and I have not given a single thought towards what I'm doing for All Hallows Read this year.


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Friday, Sydneyside PLNs

As you may well guess, we arrived in Sydney safe and sound. Adorable is off for her morning run and Beloved is keeping her company, so I have some limited time to attempt offerings.

Because today... and TOMORROW... are for the dreaded...


Which means being present and talking to people about stuff that isn't my merry blue boy.

Speaking of such, I'd best get a wriggle on with today's offerings. Sooner done, sooner less to fret about.

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Tuesday, Leyland's Tour and then all the other things

I am helping MeMum with the byzantine Gordian knot that is Queensland firearms license paperwork, today. Which means that I will be largely incommunicado until that is well over with.

Which means that all my usual offerings unto the altar of notes [better known as the internet] will be either late today or not present until tomorrow.

Also going on behind the curtain is yet another one of those "why am I even trying" existential crises based entirely around the blatant fascism

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Friday, Unfucking, Leyland's Tour, and Sundry Nonsense

Beloved has to get some medical equipment and she's maintaining her passport for assorted techie business. I have a Thing happening this weekend, so there won't be any more streams next weekend.

I will be flat out getting my offerings in order, then. I'm going to put a pause on everything else behind the curtains.

Adorable has more than enough chapters to listen to as is, so I don't need to panic about that part.

Beloved is getting the tix and arranging

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Saturday, Parkrun and Leyland's Tour

Beloved has taken a disused computer tower from our place to Adorable's so there's more chance of us sharing games or such of the like.

Tomorrow, I do my stream nonsense, and then pick up Beloved at the train station for a day of Baldur's Gate and snuggles.

Today, I get on with my offerings and have a napnap.

Tomorrow, I fully anticipate getting buggerall else done but the barest of basics.

Stay tuned for that.

Let's get going.

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Saturday, Parkrun, Leyland's Tour, and Heavy Stuff

The expedition to Captain S' old place was more of a scouting and planning mission than any serious unfucking.

We also found out how much had been "creatively borrowed" by members of the fam who thought they were entitled. Some old tools and Captain S' password book. Charming. Not.

Whoever nicked the password book potentially has access to what little money Captain S had in her account. What a "winner" this person was to choose to do that.

Quoth Beloved: "Have a

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Saturday, Out all day

We did parkrun, we did brunch, we came back for a shower and a change, we got our hair did and had dinner.

That's why this post is so late in appearing.

A whole day out and about. And to your eventual benefit, more chapters in A Devil's Tale

Current chapter count: paused for names and profiles in Chapter 306.

There's a limit to the number of times I add TK[Fix] to a WIP because otherwise I will let something slip

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Thursday, Visiting PLNs

Beloved does not have experts today and Adorable has not laid her hands on The Princess Bride so I am taking a very special book on a very special journey.

HEALTH UPDATE: The "wobbling" is perfectly normal. Dangit. Also, Beloved has been given the "just because you can..." speech. We may have to sit on her.

I actually don't have to thread the renfair dress. It was hung up properly to boot. Either we threaded it properly earlier and forgot, or we

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Friday, Freedom and Shenanigans

Beloved is OUT of the hospital, but she has yet to escape the swarms of experts there to be assured of her full recovery.

I mis-reported her arm as broken this whole time, it's "only" fractured. If there's "just" a crack in it, they don't need to put her in a cast.

IMNSHO there's no such thing as "only" fractured.

So. Full update on conditions:

  • Broken jaw
  • with added plate and braces
  • which means liquid/puree diet.
  • A shoulder that
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Sunday, Home Again, Tired Bean

It's after five in the afternoon, I have been talking all day and socialising with people, and I am bloody worn out.

All I want to do is nap.

So it's highly likely that I will be doing a twofer tomorrow, or at least the minimum a day behind and a twofer on Tuesday.

I don't want to make it that extended, but I might have to.

My feet hurt and I am very sleepy. If anything comes out of my warped

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Thursday, Leyland's Tour and a Bad Air Day

I'm having trouble with air. Boo. I might be hauling ass all the way across to MeMum's for the Grand Washing Machine Hunt because her old washer decided to flood a part of her house. Yay.

I've been on the nebuliser and I've taken my preventers. I'm currently in the midst of my coffee and pills.

As soon as I get the go-ahead, I am heading offski on the long journey to go help do the things. Yay.

I'm'a finish my soup

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Monday, Meatspace Mania

The instant I'm done with the blog, I'm in the car and off to MeMum's to help with assorted nonsense.

Donations, educations, lunch, and fuel money ahoy. Yay.

Hopefully I get MeMum to stop using the goshdang comment button the entire firkin time.

If I get back in time, I shall be doing the Instant Story then. If not, y'all get a twofer tomorrow.

Chapter count: working on Chapter 267.

Let's get going on the stuff. Yoiks and away!

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