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Challenge #04372-K354: Only Looks Harmless

The humans mocked another human calling them a hippo.

The human, much to the shock of their Alliance friends, thanked the mockers.

The mockers were shocked and swore at the human.

The human said "You just compared me to one of THE most feared animals on the planet next to the humble mosquito. An animal that is fast, powerful, literally a living, amphibious, tank. So thanks!" -- Fighting Fit

Of all the things that could happen in the Edge Territories, this was one of the least damaging. Well. One that was the least physically damaging. Human Fye grinned menacingly at her insulters and said, "Thanks for recognising me as dangerous to your continued health."

Those who insulted her scurried into the shadows.

Fye grinned at her Havenworlder client. "Fun fact. Hippos kill more Terrans than sharks. Yet it's the sharks people fear more than the hippopotamus. Weird how we suck at threat assessment." She paused to consider this. "Then again, hippos look cute, blobby, and friend-shaped until they open their mouths. Sharks have all the sharp all over them."

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Challenge #04371-K353: Itinerant Educator

Magic done improperly by a person very new to it can go very wrong. Fortunately, a very kind wizard helps fix the mess and gently teach proper safety. -- Anon Guest

Magic is everywhere. Many find it as natural as breathing, but there are those who can learn to harness it via education and skill. Teachers find those with magic in their bones, usually before a great upset causes trouble for them. Or for anyone around them.

But for those who choose

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Challenge #04370-K352: Strangers in the Woods

A: "It's all natural!"

B: "So're arsenic and cyanide." -- Anon Guest

There are, in magical worlds, places where the people do not trust magic. They shun it, exile those with magic in their bones, and even watch those using sleight of hand with suspicious eyes. The threat of a noose, or a pyre, lurked within those hateful eyes.

They also mistrust anything new, anything from the outside, and anyone who doesn't look like them.

No matter what you do to improve

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Challenge #04369-K351: Impromptu Intervention

They knew humans work longer than most. But this just kept going until they collapsed. Working instead of dealing with their feelings in a healthier way. -- Anon Guest

The manual said to watch your Rescue Human carefully for signs of distress. Community notes in that area also detailed some confounding signs of a Human masking their signs of distress. Though Companion Grosk tried to collate them, the final list looked like literally anything a Human could do.

Human Neis was either

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Challenge #04368-K350: Desperate Measures

They could not speak, yet they ran up to Mr. Sunshine and quickly pulled on his sleeve until getting his attention. Trying to get him to follow, the eyes filled with pleas for help, they pointed to where forces of the local CEO government were trying to drag away their children, and their pets. -- Anon Guest

[AN: Content warning for ableist language. Our protagonist has yet to learn better]

It's rare to have what I have and I know it. If

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Challenge #04367-K349: Too Cold to Hurt

The one thing about being too cold is that, when you're badly hurt, and your crewmates are trying hard to get you to safety, and get you help, it's not so bad. One the cold numbs the pain a bit and two, it slows down your system, giving them more time. At least you know... you may just make it this time. -- Anon Guest

Cold... hurts. It aches the muscles and creeps into bones. Grinding joints along the way. Thing is.

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Challenge #04366-K348: Communications Breakthrough

SPOENS are considered a mostly harmless nuisance until one of them teaches all the cogniscents who communicate with light, Morse Code and it caught on. -- Anon Guest

[AN: There's a few things to consider here. First - SPOEns are the Society for the Preservation of Original English and permanently in argument about what Original English is. Second - Morse Code is only a means of codification of language. It's right there on the tin. Third... there's more than a few cogniscents

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Challenge #04365-K347: Defying the Inevitable

They bring the child, a 5 yr old who was also a chosen hero, though she was scared, to the edge of the place where she once called home. But getting in was the problem, there was an evil wizard who kept this place trapped and out of time. And it was time to let everyone into the more peaceful era.

https://peakd.com/fiction/@internutter/challenge-04307-k289-ancient-nightmares -- Anon Guest

Four heroes stood on misty mountain's rise. Five if you counted the

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Challenge #04364-K346: Repurposed Unwanted

More baskets of unwanted children, of all species, not just the unwanted races. Why do they keep putting them at my cave? We're not going to eat them. Oh well, I guess our army will just have to keep growing. What does my army do? We were founded by masters of the way of shadows. What we do is gently spread the teachings of the first sensei, and keep gathering more baskets. -- Anon Guest

They call the cave The Unwanted Mouth

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Challenge #04363-K345: Song Without Voice

Illness had robbed them of the ability to speak, their kind brauniin friend that gently nursed them through it helped them learn to sing. Though it took time, patience, and though it hurt some, the kindness of loved ones. -- Anon Guest

Brauniin pride themselves on being unnoticed. Kind deeds done without reward nor praise. Help where it's needed, for those who toil but fail regardless. They only take that which is offered, or that which will not be noticed.

People know

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Challenge #04362-K344: Matthew 25:35-40

You're about to face the Judge. The spirit can see your heart. Read your thoughts and feelings. And they will tell you what you do NOT want to hear. The truth. You sure holding your rank and throne is worth this? -- Anon Guest

You live your life, and then it ends. Many, many chapters have been written about what happens next. But for a great majority, they agree. After the spirit leaves the mortal realm, there is judgement. Judgement, and peril.

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Challenge #04361-K343: Executive Three Card Monte

The CEO was as evil as they came, so it would seem. They called the ones in the factories, "machines". But when Pax Humanis found them, they were caring for their children lovingly, and the young children also called the ones in the factories machines. Didn't the CEO, or the kids actually know the ones there were people? -- Anon Guest

[AN: Considering recent events... I will be trying to remain in the positive vibe zone]

Deregger polities generally have a light

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Challenge #04359-K341: Not Touched by Human Hands

This restaurant had the reputation of being one of the best, and the most adaptive, places around. The fact it was owned, and ran, by kobolds surprised many that didn't know them. The head chef is quite an interesting kobold indeed. -- Anon Guest

Food, everyone agrees, is the foundation of life. What everyone disagrees with is how preparation and preservation should be done. Everyone points at other peoples and declares that they're doing it wrong. Cultural cross-contamination has spread many methods

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Challenge #04360-K342: Flight of the Unwelcome

Moving day for such a huge household is SO much easier when you're friends with a wizard, and a dragon is willing to play with the littlest ones while everyone else is packing. -- The New Guy

[AN: following on from this tale ]

It's never easy to be a surprise parent. Bliss appointed himself as suprise parent to a dozen pitiful lives on one harsh stormy night. He managed to pick up five more in the process of seeing to the needs

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Challenge #04358-K340: The Love Delusion

Never get between a team of rough and tumble space marines and the kids they are caring for. You WILL lose, and it WILL hurt. -- Anon Guest

[AN: Content warning for the perspective of the exact kind of person who'd kidnap a literal child as 'breeding stock'. Spoilers - he doesn't prosper]

It's a dangerous mission, to save my princess. It's a risk well worth the reward. She was promised to me, and I will have her. I will crawl if

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