Busy Busy

A 281-post collection

Tuesday? Okay.

It was busy yesterday because lack of focus. It's busier today because lack of focus plus output on different sites today. Whee.

Further complications are added into this mess because Jolie has decided that she needs my personal love, affection, and round-the-clock attention. This includes singing her sad songs of loneliness, smoodging up to me, and attempting to trample my keyboard whilst also occupying the mouse mat.

I love her dearly, of course, and I lavish attention on her already, but GDI, I can't get anywhere if I do nothing.

Of course, all I want to do today is sleep and maybe write fanfic if I'm in the mood.

...also I think there's a wedding we must attend tomorrow...

I know nothing for sure.

Let the shenanigans ensue.


It's seven AM already, and I have yet to do anything related to work. Why? Because I got hit in the face with a collab fanfiction and I'm having an absolute ball with it, that's why.

I am more distractible than a kitten under a disco ball, but I am happy. That counts, right?

It should count.

Anyway. I shall be attempting to get on with the normal workflow at an undefined "later". Possibly whilst 'multitasking' with the aforementioned collab fanfic.


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I edited the heck out of an episode, but I've yet to introduce the background music. I've also found out that I'm an episode behind, so there goes some significant portion of my weekend.

I'm short by one episode so, theoretically, I should be able to make that happen during the following fortnight. Theoretically.

Today, I should be able to get the music in the current episode. Tomorrow, recording the next batch of stories. The day after? Who can tell.

It's Valentine's

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Monday Again? Okay.

This week's goal is a total of 81K in KOSBOB, and today's goal is unfuckening the house followed by adjusting the new cover for 2019's Year of Instants.

If I can get that done with relative ease [I mean, there's not a lot I have to do to the cover to make it ready] then I can try to focus on finishing off the formatting. THEN I can maybe just post the dang story.

Fingers crossed.

I have maybe three quarters of

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Once again, my inability to count is hurting my day. I have to go through my master file and be sure all the numbers are incremental. Whee.

That's going to take a little patch of time.

Things will be fixed. Eventually. From thence onwards, I vow to check my counting accuracy every fifty stories. That should keep me sorted. I hope.

It's been raining here - which I like - but not on the fires. Boo.

I also binged The Witcher and

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A Milestone Approaches

This week, I shall write the last Instant for 2019. Which will set off maybe a week or more of me making sure every last entry is fixed and without flaws, firing up Photoshop to edit the new cover for the year of Instants, and getting it out there - for free - over on Smashwords.

Because copyright is a thing and there's stuff in there that belongs to other IP's and I can't even suggest a donation for that stuff. Sigh.

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Whelp... Here we go again.

After boxing up all of the meals - twenty-five of them, to be precise - there is one more enormous task to face.

Unfucking an entire kitchen.

This is a process that involves taking everything off the kitchen countertop, cleaning that, cleaning the stuff that goes back on, and then putting all the stuff back that belongs there.

What to do with all the stuff that doesn't belong there is the next problem.

I also have to scour my emails to see

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Last-minute folderol

I watched Toastyhat animate in the wee smol hours again, so already tired! Yay! I'm also out of coconut milk and should get myself a fresh supply of coconut milk and I have NO idea if Beloved is down for more shopping so close to Crimbolio.

Getting supplies close to Xmas is HELL. Candy-cane coloured, mint-flavoured, ho-ho-HELL.

I do try to have all possible supplies to stay the hell out of the shops at that time of year, but... not always possible.

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Okay, so yesterday I just managed to get my output accomplished. Then I pretty much instantly conked out until the wee small hours this AM.

I got perhaps half a music piece for the podcast, but I haven't edited anything. In a few brief minutes, I shall be feeding the felines and dotpainting touch-ups. Then commencing on my output once more.

I'm feeling a little weary at the moment, so I need to figure out a pick-me-up to get me back on

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On the Road Again...

Today, I am working whilst mobile, so my schedule is shot to shit. Assuming I ever had a schedule...

I did wake early (and so did Chaos) so I dotpainted all the red trim on my Tiefling's gi and belt. There's a few little slips that are easily countered by some dotpainting touch-ups. No big deal.

Tomorrow - most likely - I shall journey with my box o' dudes to ask about washes so I can bring up some features.

90% won't

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Mo Monday...

Mo hassles.

Tomorrow is a really big day, run-around wise. Pippi is getting her stitches out in the same hour-ish that Mayhem is attending some kind of welcome-to-your-McJob party. I also have a shrink visit and I have to wish MeMum a merry birthmas.

Busy day.

I have to do a money run today, and unfuck the house, and go get a new stash of Halo Top because it's my Sanity Treat.

I shall also be doing the Instant in good time

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Yesterday was bloody exhausting. So much so that I conked out and wound up being awake at one in the morning... writing self-indulgent claptrap.

I wrote so much that I hurt my wrist.

Fucking whoops.

I also have D&D tonight. So I'm in for a long-ass day. A day that includes taking Mayhem to a pre-formal so he can schmooze and show off for one last time with his schoolmates.

At least I don't have to drag his arse to

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Run the Fuck Out

Ok, so here's the situation. I got a son to deliver to graduation, a kitty to deliver for her hysterectomy, a child to deliver to her bus, and said graduation to attend.

Story is going to be hella late.

I can try to get stuff done, but I can't make promises.

I did wake up earlier this morning, but I dove into temptation and spent my energy on some self-indulgent claptrap that may never see the light of day.

...check my Patreon

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A bit of a breather? Nope

Today, Mayhem has a job interview. Also today, I have to go out and snag some kitty fodder of the soft and gooshy variety. I did promise Mayhem that I would get him some Kobolds to paint.

We're not painting yet. We have to have a clear workspace to work in and that means (gasp of dread) putting the laundry away. Horrible fate, that.

I'm also planning to do a thing on why my pet universe centres on the idea that Humans

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Second Chaos Week

I have another week of disrupted schedules, running around for stuff, and generally being a disorganised loon.

I have a cat getting vaccinations. I have a cat getting desexed. Different cats. I have Mayhem's graduation plus hauling him to a job interview. I have the regular shuffle of Cleaning Days and the chaos of Whatever Is Happening To My Car.

Like, I should be finding out what's going on with my vehicle this week. I hope. If not, I'll have to ring

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