Amalgam Universe

A 2196-post collection

Challenge #03695-J042: Soft Space for All

Aboard a ship heading to the edge, the human creates a special room filled with pillows and stuffed animals. They are asked why the odd room? Two words, emergency de-stressing. For everyone. -- Anon Guest

They began with soft lining for the floor, walls, and ceiling. Following that were large enough soft furnishings to, as Human Bakr put it, "confound a horse."

There were also animal effigies in soft fabrics.

There were also soft, colourful lights and ur-music with calming and meditative chords. It was... a confounding habitat for a Human to create.

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Challenge #03694-J041: Let Our Motto be Broadcast

"Why do you have THAT many weapons on your walls?"

"Why do you ask?"

"Isn't it a bit .... overkill?"

"Nah, I just really like all these pretty sharp things."

"Are they actually useful?"

"When have you ever seen me without a blade during an emergency?"

"Fair point." -- Anon Guest

Human Reg had one of the more interesting mottos: "It's better to be prepared than be embarrassed." To that end, she always had a knife, a multitool, or both somewhere on her

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Challenge #03693-J040: Nothing Wrong in Here

A strange noise is coming out of the human habitat. When they look in, the pet is rushing around like it's half-insane. The human chuckles and calls it the "midday zoomies". -- Anon Guest

Companion Xaal had detected strange noises inside Human Per's habitat. A rhythmic thumping and an irregular vocalisation that could imply physical or mental distress. Alarmed, ze entered the emergency code that let hir into the Human's area.

Human Per was jumping up and down, arms and legs going

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Challenge #03692-J039: The Largest To-Read List

A person had a perfect memory. Working hard, they went to the B'Nari to get an artificial body, but kept that eidetic memory talent of theirs. Then they went to an Archivaas world, and asked to please spend time in the libraries to read, and make friends. -- DaniAndShali

Records, memories, events. Experiences. Emotions pressed onto paper in nothing more than black and white. Some preserved these in ridiculous measures. Climate-controlled mega-structures containing labyrinths of stacks. Not just books. Movies. Holograms. Games.

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Challenge #03691-J038: One Abandoned Prize

A Human, and their Havenworlder spouse, find an early-shattering, almost pre-shattering, ship in nearly perfect condition with all of its materials, well almost all of it's materials, intact. And they're able to claim it. -- Anon Guest

One being's trash is another's treasure. Truer words had never come out of the entire insane mess that was the Human race. Things thrown away in eons past became valuable in later years. Things valuable in eons past also became worthless.

Thus, the cycle of

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Challenge #03687-J034: Mutually Assured Devotion

"You need to stop and get some sleep!"

"Aw, just one more page?"

"We have work in the morning."

The human grumbled, put the book away, sighed, and fell asleep almost as soon as their head hit the pillows.

"Silly, sweet human, you look after us, and we look after you." -- Anon Guest

Humans, though they may deny it, need their Companions. Humans are rough around the edges, tough against many opposing forces, and many have a gruff demeanour. This is

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Challenge #03685-J032: Your Plastic Pal...

"I have my best friend in my pocket!"

They press a button on their wrist unit, and a small holograph showed smiling and saying hello.

"Is that an AI?"

"Yep! Their name is KIP, and we've been best friends since we met when I was 8. And we still are!" -- Anon Guest

Kindly Interactive Pal was made for children in remote vessels or settlements, so they would not feel lonely. Kids could personalise them. They were meant to be put away

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Challenge #03684-J031: Gezundheit

The human always wears a livesuit, or at least a protective head covering with full face mask when around havenworlders. Even when other humans were not. When asked, the human would sigh, sadly, and say, I'm allergic to everyone. -- Lessons

Some people should never go to space. Some people go anyway. I mean, who wouldn't right? Space is where all the cool stuff is. All the interesting people and fun places to see.

Hi. I'm Human Vaun, and I'm allergic to

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Challenge #03682-J029: Shortcut to Catharsis

"Of all the species in this universe, HUMANS are my least favorite."


"They're cruel, they're selfish, they're relentless, they're greedy, and they have absolutely no remorse for any of they pain they cause, or the planets they destroy."

"Aren't... you human?"

"That doesn't change how I feel about them." -- Anon Guest

"And what's worse," continued Human Vid as she waited for her turn at the buffet, "is that we're so very stupid. You know the system I'm from? Planitia Magus?

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Challenge #03680-J027: Come Relax by the Volcanoes

Humans build a wonderful resort station where the main attractions are a large assortment of hot spring baths and plenty of food. -- Anon Guest

Only Humans could look at a planet that was, essentially, a bubbling cauldera on every continent and say, "This is the best place to build a resort!"

This is just one among many reasons why the Alliance believes that the Humans are insane.

That said, Humanity also loves an engineering challenge. A planet ripe for geothermal energy

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Challenge #03677-J024: For Intended Use Only

Human Child: This! Is! SPARTA!

Human Parent: This is not Sparta, and you won't like what happens next if you hit your sister with that broom. -- Escla

"I told you not to let them go through the archives unchecked," said Mami. "Now you know why there's 'parental guidance' advisories."

Deni lowered his broom, knowing better than ticking off Mom. "I was just playing," he protested.

"You were just playing a little too dangerously," insisted Mom. "Brooms are for sweeping up garbage,

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Challenge #03675-J022: Desperate Measures

An emergency ship lands on a pax humanis sanctuary planet. The medics beg for emergency blood donations. The people there are all too eager to roll up their sleeves. -- Anon Guest

They say that you have to be desperate to crash-land on a Pax Humanis sanctuary. It is, after all, a world full of killers. For interesting values of 'full'.

Most of the planet is wilderness. Empty of intelligent life.

The Fittleton Driver was desperate. They tried for a soft landing,

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Challenge #03674-J021: If You Can Hear This...

"I will be honest with you. Pax Humanis is coming to haul you to court, your chances of escape are slim. What, they're sending a Humanis member that's a lucker? Turn yourself in, now, and spare yourself the pain. Your chances just became none." -- Fighting Fit

Humans are, possibly, the strangest Deathworlders known to intelligent life. Those weird little apes had a rough evolutionary path. They almost went extinct several times, and for at least one of those, it was self-induced.

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Challenge #03672-J019: A Wolf With Honour

I am a member of Pax Humanis. I have sworn my very life, my SOUL, to this Havenworlder and their family. I will protect them for as long as I can draw breath. They saved my beloved family, they saved my children, anyone that touches them, or my family, will pray that death finds them before I do. -- The New Guy

Once upon a time, a Human decided that it was a good idea to throw food to a wolf. Eventually,

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Challenge #03670-J017: Nothing Scheduled

The station was quiet, well as quiet as a major hub could be, but more than that, it was peaceful. They sat in the garden, enjoying the relaxation, nibbling on snacks, and petting a cleaner, who was scooping up the snack crumbs. -- Anon Guest

Rare indeed in the public service industries is an entire day off. Yes, members of essential services get their holidays, but the day off is a direct result of slowness in the system. A lack of demand

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