
A 194-post collection

Challenge #03704-J051: For Your Protection

Beware the pretty little flowers, their petals soft and sweet. Do not inhale their scent, my dear, or you will be off your feet. Do not touch the flower, or your fingers, they will burn. And do not eat the berries, or for a grave you will swiftly yearn. -- Anon Guest

[AN: Could be the cashew pear, but there's also the Manchineel and the Gympie Gympie to contend with. I'm going to make something up for Alfarell]

Nanogh is known for many dangers. Many perils. Yet there is one thing in all the Plane of Magic that those who live there are united in keeping restrained.

They call it Haitrii, and there is only one.

Nobody wants it to reproduce. That is why it sits on a floating island and is surrounded by a shield. Well. That's one of the reasons. There's many, many more.

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Challenge #03703-J050: For Love of You

When you feel sad and tired, remember that I always love you. This vibrating heart, even my lips can vibrate too. -- Anon Guest

Cordelia could read her husband the Earl Kormwind like a book. More accurately, she could read it like a street pamphlet handed out by any group with an agenda. One made to reach the most people with the simplest message.

It was in the lashing of his tail, the angle he held his head, and the way his

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Challenge #03696-J043: Scrounged Family

How do you determine who is family?

It's not by blood.

It's a simple thing, really.

Who are you willing to fight for, to die for, and protect?

Who makes you happy every time you see them?

Who worries of you, and holds your hand if you're in need?

Those are your family. -- Anon Guest

Charity Mudbarak never had much of a home. Nor that much of an example of parental behaviour. What he remembered was the others in the mud

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Challenge #03681-J028: Sweet Poison

Brain: They're definitely a red flag.

Heart: But red is my favourite colour…

Brain: no.

You know: Hey-

Brain: You, shut up

You definitely know: But I didn’t say anythi-

Brain: we a part of the same body, I KNOW what you about to say -- Anon Guest

The adults of the Elven community called it the battle of head, hand, and heart. The wants of different parts of the whole. Qimaris was warned that this would happen when hir body

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Challenge #03678-J025: Mandatory Teenaged Rebellion

A: What did I say about demon summoning?!

B: You’ll never keep us apart!

A: I don’t care if your boyfriend is a demon, JUST STOP SUMMONING HIM THE CHURCH! Their blood and brimstone gets everywhere. And he's literally being incinerated by god light! -- Anon Guest

[AN: I do NOT know what happened, but I wound up working on a prompt scheduled for the distant future. Normal services will resume tomorrow. Apologies to everyone about this]

"I'll go through

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Challenge #03676-J023: Learning of Life and...

A young orphan's pet has passed on, their mentor, a very kind giant who guards the orphanage, soothes the young human when they don't understand why their pet won't wake up. -- Anon Guest

Feslas found Allyl in the stables, cradling one of the barn cats. Which was limp and unresponsive and... very dead. Nobody had killed the beast. It had been an old cat before Allyl took a liking to sitting still in the sunshine and straw with the animals.


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Challenge #03671-J018: Were You Talking to Me?

"Do that again, I will take you over my knee!"

" don't have knees...."

"You KNOW what I mean!"

".....sorry...." -- Anon Guest

[AN: I don't endorse abuse so I'll have to figure a way around this prompt]

Of every unlikely adventuring companion, the least likely to share adventures with in the frozen mountains was a Sserith. If it wasn't for magical means to keep a body warm, everything would have stopped -ha- cold.

And some idiot at the bar had

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Challenge #012: Versatile Lessons of the Crown

“Your daughter is doing something ridiculous”

looks at the father doing the exact same thing

“Ah I see, it’s hereditary” -- Anon Guest

Duke Garibald Tansie would never admit out loud that he was slightly ashamed of his King. There were several good reasons, starting with the fact that Kormwind Arachis Felbourne Whitekeep, ninth of the name, was devilborn. A Hellkin.

There was also the matter of his upbringing. Sent to the other side of the world to learn martial arts

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Challenge #03635-I347: Offered Cup of Kindness

They were demon-born, filled with hate and rage. They gained an army of demon-borns, and conquered a land. All of them fueled with the same rage borne from years of mistreatment, betrayal, and cruelty. Can the gentle act of a small handful of humans, and others, soothe these darkened hearts back into the light before it's too late? -- The New Guy

When all you have ever known is hate, it is easy to feel it overtake you. In the grand city

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Challenge #03623-I335: What You Need

A cavern is found with enough gold, silver, coppers, jewelry, books, rich clothing, everything a person could ever desire. But there's a warning on this entrance. It reads "Take only what is needed." And, outside the cavern, a large hospital, where many adventurers can be found. -- Anon Guest

The Church of Kind Hands keeps supplies for those who need. They accept the gifts of many, and distribute them to the wanting. Some gift their time. Rolling bandages, chopping wood, cooking food

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Challenge #03583-I294: Sufficient Motivation

A Tiefling learns how the people that some disparagingly called "Naga" all but worship Tiefling-kind. And eagerly take in any such children raising them well. -- Anon Guest

[AN: I'm moving this to Alfarell where the devilish children of "darkness" are called Hellkin]

Kala gave up on humanity at age five, when someone tried to chop off their tail for the eighth time in their memory. Having learned to read in the gutter schools, they sought any and all information about places

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Challenge #03578-I289: Creatures of the Night

Yes, we are vampires, that's true, but we do NOT take from the unwilling. No BUTS! Yes I'm aware of our nature, and that we must drink blood. We only take small amounts, enough to survive, and only from WILLING DONORS!

Fortunately, you left them alive. You will IMMEDIATELY treat their injury and we will make restitution. And if you pull this stunt again, I will, PERSONALLY, hand you to the Watch to be stuck in a sun-cage, understand me?? -- Lessons

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Challenge #03572-I283: A Very Special Remedial Education

A special school. This was built for the families of those who had committed crimes against the very people the "Noble" lords and ladies were supposed to protect. The young, the innocents, the guiltless, all of these were gathered, even if they were almost adults, brought to the school, and taught a new way to live. The lords and ladies that committed the crimes, THEY would face punishment. The rest? They would be given a chance to break that terrible cycle. --

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Challenge #03466-I178: The Rest of the World is Wrong

That push of regret was everything. But it happened, and now things were forever changed... -- Pixels By Kris

The regrets of the past poison the decisions of the here and now. Valiant Stormwight Hallowfine Whitekeep, third of the name, had watched his older brother Purity roll himself in debauchery and excess. There wasn't a girl in all the Earldom that he hadn't sweet-talked into a bedchamber or, in extremis, an alley. And why not? Bastards of the Earl's line were a

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