A 382-post collection

Saturday, Parkrun, Game Night, and Game Morning

I survived with my feet intact, found a very nice place to have brunch, and managed to avoid getting feedback on the Pseuducku mockup. My tester didn't read the accompanying text, methinks.

I'm sharing a game with one pack of maniacs tonight, and another very early tomorrow morning. Fun times ahoy!

I'm saving on exercise shoe money by living all summer in my new orthotic sandals. They work wonders, even if my toes get froze in air conditioning. Thus saving me from walking in the most expensive shoes and making them last a smidgeon longer.

All the better to save up the moolah necessary for a new pair of exercise shoes.

...dang bill season...

Onwards to my offerings for the diem.

Thursday, Bread in Progress

Mayhem's crook, so I have time to make bread. The starter's incubating, the chia's soaking, and everything is weighed and measured out for the folding and fermenting.

Which is a good thing because I need to make bread.

I'm finishing my stretchies up, so I'll be doing my offerings soon. Then to work on a mock-up for Pseuducku. All to test what the buttons should look like.

Let's see how far I get, today.

Luck be with me, I should have a

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Sunday, Bridge to Brisbane

I have checked the weather and wearing the long excercise pants would boil my thunder thighs. So today is the first day of...

::dramatic sting::

Summer Wear

This in combo with the pure polyputthekettleon branded shirt means that I will be a lather by the time I reach the finish line. Also the world will be mercilessly exposed to my pasty white hairy legs. Deal with it.

And I'm only doing the 5K walk because I know I'm capable. I need to

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Tuesday, Patreon Perhaps and Pseuducku

I have a day of minimal expectations, so of course I'm piling expectations on myself.

I have updated my Pseuducku pages. Check it out if you're interested. I encourage my user base [Hi, Mum!] to do that. It's linked in the Menu.

I think I'll be sharing a fanfic with my Patrons in order to plump out the yield this week. I don't have a lot of Archive work either and I am trying to not feel bad about this.

The time

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Sunday, Catching up

I owe y'all two stories, today. Two starter sentences. And two WIP memes over on the Fediverse.

I'll be getting on with that very soon. But first - Riverfire!

Pro tip: Do not schedule a hair appointment in Caboolture on the same day you're plotting to see Riverfire. Just. Don't.

We wanted to see the jet flyover, but the traffic was INSANE. I couldn't even get to parking before sunset turned the sky dim. Poor Adorable had a fight over ill-timed alleged

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Sunday, Post Stream and Sleep

It's Mayhem's birthday today, so I wished him some happy returns. The lad returns to work on the morrow and I am roaming about for medical intervention that day too. Yay.

So no stream tomorrow.

I shall not expect myself to "win" this week. I'll do what I can, but I know I'm going to miss a day or two.

That's just how things are going to go this time around.

It's RiverFire this Saturday, so no game stream next weekend. Be

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Monday, Unriddling Sickness, and shopping PLNs

Mayhem's certain that there's something in his room making him sick, so he's spending his sick days eliminating causes. Starting with the collections of fast food containers that have been breeding in dark corners.

I also suggested air circulation might help, so we're seeing how well that goes.

Meanwhile, I am still having Bad Air Days and that sucks. I also have to do some shopping, which will probably happen tomorrow. With all good luck, my stream will be occurring in time.

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Friday, Appointments Made!

I finally tracked down all the doctors and have appointments to go place and do thing. Yay.

I'm going to get my heel seen to at about the same time that I'll be due to publish my All Hallow's Read story. Or at least commence on that nonsense.

I'm also seeing another medico about special meds at about the same time that I find out whether or not Agent #3 likes my nonsense. Synchronicity be weird around here.

I really need to

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Thursday, Spinning Wheels

I have to track down quacks, and today's a good day for it. Fingers crossed I don't get lost in the shuffle this time.

I'll be doing that between videos I have in the background for attempted focus assistance.

I actually managed to draw Kosh in his sleepwear, and then accidentally posted it twice. First post spent five-ever uploading and I thought it was borked because I couldn't find it anywhere. So I posted it again and cancelled the first one. Or

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Wednesday, Writer's Rant and Shenanigans

Mayhem's entered negotiation to have two days off a week, in which to decompress, fill out his Learners, and otherwise have a life.

The sooner he's transportationally free, the better things will be.

For all of us. I'll have some freedom back, I'll have what passes for my social life back. I'll be able to run long-range errands again.

But that's a little bit away from now. Whatever days we get, I'll rearange my life accordingly. I'd like to have Tuesdays and

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Thursday, House of Pestillence

Mayhem has a lingering Lurgi, this time. He might be starting to believe in the power of sanitising communal keyboards and may begin to believe in sanitising his hands before touching food or his face.

Time will tell.

Pseuducku news: It's not me, it's the app. My trouble with sound files is a bug in Stencyl that needs fixing, not anything I was fucking up. Yay?

So alongside doing yesterday's rant that I forgot, I shall now make room for a side

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Tuesday, Quack Trip and Pi Maybe

I'm seeing my GP today. There to get a scrip for breathing meds, and talk about getting my left heel surgically adjusted so I can maybe walk without fucking pain.

That's happening close to ten in the morning.

Mayhem's also caught another Office Lurgi. So instead of juggling driving time, I am now spinning my wheels waiting for the minute to take off.

I might actually have the time to set up the PiHole today. Huzzah. I'm also going to take the

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Friday, House of Pestillence

Mayhem didn't listen to my good advice on shaking his lurgi. He's taking that good advice today. By Monday, he'll be back at work.

I'm going to try Stencyl again. Unriddling the sound issue is a complicated problem that includes converting files to other formats and stripping their metadata. I tried finding or making copies of the extant sound files, but... that's something I must mess about with.

I will find a way.

Maybe not today, maybe not next week, but I

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Monday, Day of Rest(ish)

Mayhem's picked up a tummy bug, so I don't have to drive. The downside for him is that he has no paid time off. Bummer.

I am going to live relatively luxuriously for those four extra hours today.

There's no backup readings today because the person running the streams couldn't read anything this week. So now the sundry authors of the Archive are milling around in Discord and talking about random nonsense.

Cannibalism, flesh horse, poison, vampires, and so on.

I shall

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Friday, Preparations Ahoy

This afternoon, after I have Mayhem back home, I am packing my old rig in the boot. All the better to deliver to Adorable on the following morrow.

Tomorrow: I go on parkrun, enjoy brunch with the fam, deliver the tower, and then make my offerings before catching a slep. And THEN I might just be doing a D&D sesh as the DM in the wee smol NEXT morning.


Mayhem has PLNs to redecorate his entire dang room to

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