A 829-post collection

Tuesday, Shrink Times and Needs

My shrink has the Rona, so we're doing a Vidcall Headshrinking for maximum safety. My Beloved has been cooking, and I have some more cooking to do as well as meal packing.

I also have to nip out and grab myself some more vegemite.

And I'm plotting to help Beloved with the habitat unfuckening.

With firkin borked wrists to get going on.


Also I plot to do two chambers and maybe some passages before the next couple of chambers that I'll be doing tomorrow.

I am making myself do a paragraph minimum on Merchant of Lies but I'm otherwise being kind to myself because borked wrists.

Oh! AND I have Patreon stuff! Yaaaayyy...

Friday, Unfuckening Day PLNs

It's been raining, so all the fair-weather plans are tucked aside. Not that we had many plns to begin with.

What I am plotting is to do some house unfuckening to help my Beloved. All I will say to her is keep both sinks clear and she may get a nice surprise.

Which will be me hand-washing all the meal prep containers she hates putting through the dishwasher. Mua haha.

Also the usual nonsense of the day, and fixing a map because

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Thursday, Changes

I have made a decision. It's no fun to be on a diet during Date Night. Therefore, my Feast Day is now Wednesday so we can both have some fun.

Which is going to be "interesting" when it comes to my Sourdough Starter Harvest. I can either move the Feed Day to Wednesday, or just keep on going with working with it on the weekend.

Meh. The starter is small beans.

Being able to have more fun with Beloved is better beans.

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Long Monday PLNs

It's a long day for me, and only the fact that it's still a public holidaylet me crawl off to bed without disturbing my love in the process.

Tomorrow is the fun day. I have to be certain that Miss Chaos is school-ready and able to stay alert during the day.

The rest of today will be relatively quiet. We might yet finish the rennos we had PLN'd since about Saturday. It all depends on Beloved's need for sleep.

But I have

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Friday, Unfuckening and Changes

Beloved's gradual beautifying of the entire dang house has influenced me... into doing little things to make the household environment a smidge more catalogue-ready.

I tidied up the ensuite this morning, and added some pretty soaps to the larger bathroom. And now I wait to see if anyone notices, just like any true chaos gremlin.

I like being benevolently sneaky :D

Today's agenda includes cleaning the Catio and possibly ranting about Everything, Everywhere, All at Once because that movie KICKS ASS. If

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Thursday, A Day Out

Beloved has booked us to go watch Everything, Everywhere, All At Once. Which is only on in limited theatres for a limited time. But it does mean we go out shopping for things and looking at cool nerdy stuff so I shall count that win.

Other PLNs may happen later in the day.

IF I get any progress, it is double win.

BUT for now I need to focus on doing stuff that happens every day.

Let's nyoom.

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Sunday, Rennos?

Beloved is gathering materials to make a thing. My players are restructuring their Box of House. I have already decided that I'm calling this game session Better Homes and Goblins because why not.

It's been a very social week, this week, and my ability to stay awake for any of it is waning. I want to be awake for D&D and Beloved's renovation shenanigans. Everything else is gravy.

Toasty's still taking a hiatus. Tale Foundry has taken a week off.

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Friday, Divergent Paths

Beloved is offski on assorted nonsense with the relatives. I am lingering at home to both rest for tomorrow, and wait for a delivery.

Tomorrow involves more travel all over the countryside. Huzzah.

I have a nice outfit for the occasion, and it needs to be rearranged with steam because of how it was packed. High volume object in low-volume bag. You know how it goes.

I may or may not have time to rearrange the Box of House set with my

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Tuesday, Patreon and unfuckening

Thanks to Beloved being yet another whirlwind, I now have a small store of prepped meals so I don't default to potentially unhealthy nonsense when Beloved is not otherwise around to cook. And it will save money on restaurant stuff.

...though it does look like the spawn have noticed the meal trays and thought, Aha! Easy food.


Same as it ever was.

Today, I shall finish writing my Tale Foundry entry, post on Patreon, and tidy up around the kitchen a

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Saturday, Leyland's Tour

I have written the story. I have the bikkie cooking in the background. All my normal activities are now orbiting Beloved's schedule and on hold for MeMum.

And later on this week, we are getting stuff to make a door betwixt the official front of the house [master bedroom, lounge] and the rest of the house. Just so Pippi can't leap into the greater outdoors and put her life at risk.

Also so that we can have nice furniture in the front

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Thursday, Catching Up and Shoulder

I didn't do my Wordpress, yesterday. I was out having fun. So I write it today. Huzzah.

If I have the energy, I shall take a garbage bag and whirlwind all of the tissues out of my room. If not, no loss.

I have to remember to be kind with me.

Beloved and I spent a lovely spa day. It came with profiterole mice. Imagine a profiterole with white icing on top. One part has been deliberately drizzled to represent a muzzle.

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Tuesday, Shrinkydinks

It's difficult to work this morning since Jolie is making it known that she really really missed me by getting between me and my keyboard. Poor thing.

I have a shrink visit today, so she's going to be more of a sad baby about the whole pack of noise, and it can't be helped because I NEED my shrink today.

It's been a frazzling time.

We're in the process of evicting all the garbage in our house. My work yesterday was sorting

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Sunday, Complicated Day

So. Capt S is having a day in which she should not be without some fam nearby for comfort and succour. We have plns to visit her in the morning, because I need to sleep for D&D tonight, we need to get going ASAP because Capt S is two hours' drive away.

As a direct result, I am streaming at 4AM and missing out on the Tale Foundry readings. I shall catch the VOD1 at a later time.


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Thursday, A Day of Rest

We have been splurging Beloved's bonus and she has announced that she wants us to be equals in all things. Which means I get nice stuff when she gets nice stuff. I will no longer be able to sublimate my needs and go without for the sake of others.

Which is good for me in the long term. I shall be mildly scandalised by this for at least a year. I bet.

I have a new laptop to replace the old one,

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Wednesday, I'm Very Tired

Long Monday was longer than it had to be. It was a good thing I slept through most of Tuesday because our anniversary date night went minutes into the next morning, including a long walk in the sweltering evening because we were unable to directly access my car.

My knees hurt. I have chub rub. Yet I would not change very much about the evening. Maybe where I firkin parked. That's about it.

We had some excellent foods and watched an amusingly

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