A 829-post collection

Friday, Plague Day 25, An Attempt?

I now know that the tremula is one hundred percent the result of the roid puffer. How did I learn?

I forgot to take it last night so this morning was amazingly tremula-free until I took it. Yay.

It did take most of the day, but I got most of Mum's online stuff sorted. She still can't do internet banking because of an ouroborous entry system. That's going to necessitate talking to a person at the branch.

Today, I am going to clean out the catio myself, now that I'm no longer wobbly from the fucking Rona. I might enlist Mayhem as backup just in case there's a turn.

I shall also filter more publishers and build another chamber of the firkin dungeon.

There is so... much... dungeon.

Onwards to storytime.

Tuesday, Plague Day 22, Patreon & PLNs

I am officially off the roid pills today. I'm still on the puffer though and I shall see how that goes for me.

On the pills and the puffer - shaking like a little wet dog but also clear nasal passages. Off the pills but still on the puffer - the nose is closing up and I am still shaking like a little wet dog. I can still breathe, but the tightness in the throat that "reads" like an incipient asthma attack.

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Friday, Teh PLN

Miss Chaos comes home this afternoon. Which means we can perhaps get all the nonsense together for the NDIS sign on process. The longer we procrastinate, the worse it gets for her. Therefore we need to get a wriggle on.


Why is everything both needlessly complicated and also expensive? It's not fair.

Today, I do another chamber. After I sift through ten potential publishers and find the ones who may be amenable to my nonsense. I procrastinated out of doing it

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Wednesday, Wordpress and Nonsense

I don't know what to write for this week's wordpress, so it will likely be a copy/pasta of the fanficcy version of A Devil's Tale. It feels lazy, but I am also stuck for what to write that doesn't sound like even more angry leftist ranting against the fascist machine grinding everyone into the dirt.

I think there's plenty of opinions about that flying around right now.

As I did yesterday, I will concentrate on my content and perhaps have a

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Wednesday, Wordpress, and Merch Maybe?

I have some Thoughts about the latest bout of Transphobic Stupidity. So that's today's Content Challenge dealt with. I will be ranting. I may be frothing at the mouth.

I am pissed. Be warned.

Beloved has some Badge Making Stuff, which she is using to create some pride pins for her work. Huzzah.

I might wrangle my way into making some Merch Pins for loyal followers or peeps wanting to support me by purchasing merch. I have two symbols and a bunch

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Wednesday, Wordpress and Chill

I think my loyal Wordpress followers are going to get a new part of A Devil's Tale today. Mostly because I don't want to think about the bullshit that's been going on. So much of the world is unfair to the people I love.

Dragging me through that stuff just for an article is only going to hurt my heart. Whilst also repeating what's been already said by others about the entire mess. I've had enough horseshit for a while.

I wish

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Friday, Unfuckening and PLNs

The Catio needs cleansing, there's a small mountain of dishwashing to do. There's absolute mountains of clothing and such. If I can do at least one round each of dishwashing and clothing, it might give Beloved a little bit of a break.

She was literally up all night, poor darling.

We have a LOT of stuff. We have a LOT of bills.

Three figures for my meds. Three figures for the cat. Three figures for all the cabinets and storage spaces we

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Sunday, Game Night and PLNs

This will be the evening when the shenanigans of IceSpire Peak wind up, I introduce a new player, and have some celebrations for them to have shenanigans with.

THEN I get them all to decide on what next and maybe set up a thing where I can record the sessions without my gloriously pale fiz in the equation.

Fun times ahoy.

Changes with it.

The fun times shall continue as I continue to build dungeons for my players to dragon in at

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Friday, Bad Air Day

Sneezin' and Wheezin' Season is kicking my butt. Double doses on the preventer, a dose on Max, and I still feel like I'm breathing through a narrow tube. Bleh.

It's Friday, so my Bare Minimum PLN is clean out the Catio.

The good news is that I made it five minutes on the OPEP this morning so I get another go at about lunchtime. If I remember. I want to remember because -dangit- it's hard to breathe and OPEP clears the clinker.

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Long Monday, New Map PLNs

I finished level 8 of 23 and have begun level 9. Yay.

Given that it's a map with actual right angles, I shall heartily enjoy making this one a virtual reality. So to speak.

I'll leave all the trickiest parts for last. Save what there is of my sanity for another day.

That's IF I feel like rising from my bed before the afternoon.

It's a day that I do not expect very much from myself. It's allowed. Thanks to wonky sleep

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Sunday, Sleeplessness Sillies

Beloved and I went out anyway. Because Kitten D'amour was releasing new clothes.

Beloved has new business outfit. I have a new witchy outfit. LOL.

I also fell pretty fast asleep after that nonsense and THAT was why I was awake at fuckoff-AM unable to rest at all.

On the plus side, I did get a lot of a chapter written. On the minus side, it wasn't for the book I was trying to write for pro reasons.


I am going

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Friday, Unfuckening PLNs

I'm going to have to swap my boots for wellies just to clean the catio. For my next trick, I shall make a chart of potentially random potions.

All because my crew of chaotic murder hobos planted their Rando Beans and now have a bunch of potion fruits. Because of course they do.

There's TONS of potions you could have.

I have to work out how to randomise them all.

Also in my PLNs is to work on more of level 8,

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Thursday, Chambering and Shenanigans

Having company whilst building chambers in TaleSpire is way more productive for the building of said chambers. It's easier to do things with company.

This set of chambers is going to be waterlogged and I need to check and see if the Kobold will drown when the water is where the book says it will be.

It's my universe. I decide who drowns.


Yesterday, my love and I tried to reach a Fish and Chippery called Yabby Road. Alas, it was

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Sunday, Mother's Day

Today is the last Mother's Day I celebrate for myself. Rennie's Day, as I have just discovered, is the third Sunday of April. Could have been informed sooner, but... meh.

Beloved is taking over the accepting of Coffee Cups, gimcrack jewelry, and macaroni arts with beaming smile and that weird soft feeling one gets when the smols make a thing just for her.

Motherhood is many things, and one of those things is wearing a macaroni necklace like it's diamonds and feeling

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Friday, Unfuckening PLNs

The house has got away from us again, so I have PLNs to at least unfuck a small area in betwixt my other nonsenses.

On my Schedule(tm):

  • Catio duty
  • Big 'n' bulky stuff dishwash
  • Populating the level I finally finished building
  • Maybe starting on the NEXT gotdang level
  • And perhaps some other shenanigans besides

I have a new enthusiastic fan and that's a cool thing. Another Rennaisance Bean has found me. They have fingers in a lot of pots just like

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