Plague Diary

A 1701-post collection

Monday, An Attempt Was Made

Well, I tried to export the test again, but got WAY MORE errors than before. Once again, I shall consult the community. I might have to collate the files to share with someone.

And learn how to firkin do that.

Or, as I said earlier, beg Beloved to make the thing.

I dunno. MeMum is now saying she doesn't want to learn how to play Sudoku and I should just give up. But I don't want to wander down that depression spiral, thankyou very much.

I want this to exist and I think it's worth the effort. I think MeMum is worth the effort. And heartbreak. And exasperation.

I shall be reading with the writer's group until it's time to take Mayhem to work. THEN I get a wriggle on with other nonsense.

Sunday, Bread and Lurgi

I needed extra rest this morning, so VTTRPG with the international maniacs had to be cancelled. I do feel bad about it, but I also need to get over this dang bug.

I have one loaf shaped while the oven pre-heats. Waiting on that last proof. I should have two lovely loaves cooling by dinnertime. I shall be making a sincere effort to see if the fix for GameMaker works and if not, I try the other angle.

Time and experimentation will

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Saturday, Lurgi Again

I was all set and ready to do parkrun today... Until about 7PM when my eyes spontaneously crunchified and my nose began running like a gorram tap.

Yes folks, I once again have Lurgi. Replete with the wonderful world of digestive issues. Yay. Not.

So today I am focussing on achieving bodily stability whilst also working on bread. Because I also need to make bread this weekend.

Offerings soon. Attempts at project maybe. Farting around for sure.

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Friday, Physio and Fudging it

I might have two breakthroughs. Working at the Gamemaker issue from two sides. On one side, the web install and the community help, on the other - the Steam version and its virtual Windows drive.

Maybe approaching it from two directions will box the dang thing in and keep it still so I can work on it.

Fingers crossed.

I had to wait for better internet to get one potential fix done. I'm waiting on feedback for the other side. And a

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Thursday, Attempting to PLN

So once again, I've hit a wall in trying to make Pseuducku exist. I can't make the program I'm using to make it do one thing I need to do in order to test whether or not the thing I made works.


I tried asking for help in the community and... the community has no help for me.

My options at this point are:

  • Track down the dev working on the Linux version and bother them about it
  • Start all over
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Wednesday, Rant Due and Embuggerance

I got a notification this morning of an NDIS meeting at ten today. So I moved mountains to be ready for that.

And then it didn't happen. Yay.

So now I'm back onto my offerings for the day after taking due care of myself for the day. Betting a dollar that the actual thing will be happening in the afternoon despite the notification about ten.

I'll get that unriddled one way or another if/when it happens.

I need to focus. And

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Tuesday, Day at Home

So here's an update on my daily shenanigans and what passes for my schedule.

Mayhem's permanently signed up to the evening shift so, on Crunch Days, he could plausibly be working between midday and eight at night. Because Mayhem wants to be there an hour in advance, I'm driving at ten.

I have a lot of the morning to get my writing into gear, do my stretchies, and otherwise maintain my meat suit.

And that means I have my afternoons to attempt

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Monday: It's ALIIIIIVE!

Finally. We have a permanent fix. Which is an automated daily restart of my hub site. Fingers crossed, everything shall remain normal for a majority of visitors here. If not, try again at a different hour the next day.

For those of you just here for the stories, here's what you missed:

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Wednesday, Rant Due, Internet Woes, and Shenanigans

My site is back up! Yay.

My internet is down. Boo.

I'm currently able to send this because phone data works with my laptop.

So. For those of you who missed the updates on my other places, the list of tales you missed before today:

It's only two, but at least they're readily accessed. I will be tagging this blog entry as Instant Story. For the archive.

I'll be posting the daily

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Monday, Tentative PLNs

I needed all of Sunday to recover from parkrun, but I managed my morning regime before it was time to do the runaround for Mayhem.

I might spare myself some aggravation and go do the shopping before I settle myself into making today's offerings. It needs must to be done and then I have less to fret about on Tuesday. Because Tuesday has become more crowded than expected! Huzzah.

The Sullage people, as I mentioned, are having a look at the system

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Sunday, Ouchies

I had to skip both game sessions because foot. It was absolute agony last night. Fortunately, a long rest has helped me with the ability to walk. Just... not... far.

I had to get Miss Chaos to help me with my morning doses. Mostly ferrying the finished product to my desk.

I'll catch up on yesterday's missed offerings and then work on today's. After that, I'm just going to chill because I think I need to be lazy for a bit.


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Saturday, Parkrun and Owwies

The bad news: I forgot to start my new foot exercise regime last night.

The good news: I remembered to do it this morning.

Bad news: My foot is PAINFUL post parkrun and various parts of both legs are not far behind.

I need a sleep to recover, now that I am safe home. And if I perchance to miss making my offerings, y'all get a twofer tomorrow.

Squeezed in betwixt game sessions and taking Mayhem's compy to the repair folks, apparently.

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Thursday, Ringing Around

I got the call from the Sullage People, and they couldn't do Monday. Rearranged my calendar for Tuesday, which is a day off from driving anyway and then called the Council Guy about the day of that deed.

I got the call from the Friendly Support Person who's sending me a list of people who can help Miss Chaos gain employ and take a first step on independence. Yay.

I have the Bikkie in the oven while I'm on the phone with

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Wednesday, Rant Due and Other PLNs

At least I remembered my pills with my coffee today. So there's that. The downside is I had the little container full of pills with me for at least a firkin week. Forgotten every single time I was out and needed to take them. Yay.

I need to get back onto the anxiety meds I've run out of. They're non-prescription and specialised so it's a bit of a slog to get them seen to. And, of course, ex$pen$ive.

And speaking

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