Plague Diary

A 1691-post collection

Tuesday, Getting Brave and Preparation

Today, as well as working on bread, I am going to work on a writeblr intro for Tumblr and then drop a few nice messages into Niel Gaiman and Diane Duane's Tumblr inboxes.

I actually have to focus on my autism and my queer cred since that's how I use my niche. I carve it out, I own it, and then I fill it with flashing neon lights so that other peeps can find me.

I also should get in contact with an Enby Expert(tm) so I can do some of the other things that match my goals for myself.

That might be a little too much interpersonal contact for this bean. I might have to do this stuff over the passage of several days. I shall check my Press Kit bio and make certain it's still valid. Then use that as a base for my writeblr intro.

But first... my offerings unto the temple of notes.

Monday, Leyland's Tour, Backup Reads, and Stream

My days are just packed. On Saturday, we were all over everywhere, and one of the things acquired for Adorable could not be juggled on the train.

So I took Beloved and the stuff on a lengthy drive through rush-hour wet-weather traffic. Whee fun.

Obviously, I made it out alive, but holy cheez whiz... some folks just believe they can clip through other cars without harm.

As Da would say, the weather got into the sawdust in their skulls.

The writing group

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Sunday, Games and Stuff

Very fun session, this morning. Thanks to Sneezin' and Wheezin' Season, I had my Death Cough going throughout. But only because we were all having so much fun being mature and responsible adults, of course.

...which means that we were making the most cursed sex/poop/fart jokes the entire time.

I pln on making my offerings and then vanishing into the void. AKA the "real world". There to share space with Beloved.

I've already been on the nebuliser once today. I

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Tuesday, Patreon, Shopping, and the Big Move

[AN: Forgot to publish this last Tuesday. Whoops]

I'll be putting my new writing rants on my new blogging site tomorrow. I've removed the link to Wordpress in my menu. It's been replaced by my new blog centre.

I think I'm capable of moving five old blog entries a day. Since I've been blogging on Wordpress since 2017, that's going to take me a while.

The good news is that I can back-date the archival stuff, so the move will be imperceptible

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Saturday, Parkrun and Leyland's Tour

My side of the family has a fine tradition of "while you're up..." which used to be taking advantage of someone after they got up from a shared sedentary occupation.

"While you're up, you can take my dirty dish to the sink."

Today was a "while we're out" day. While we're out for parkrun, why not go and get Miss Chaos a decent sports bra? While we're out, why not do a little grocery shopping? While we're out, let's get the food

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Friday, Unfuckening, Scheduling, and the Endless List of TTD

I pretty much have to sort my vinyl faster than I'm doing it. One album per week would take me the rest of my firkin life and then some. I should find time to do so at least thrice a week.

...I can get more bonus points that way.

So my morning coffee routine now includes putting on a record and deciding whether or not I like those stored sounds.

After I finish here, it's out to the catio for the regular

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Thursday, Aiming for Progress

I shall be delving into further education in Stencyl today. Not doing programming, but doing learning. Working out how to do a thing rather than making said thing go.

Not a lot of visible progress there.

I'll be moving five more blog entries out of Wordpress and into my new blogging site as well.

And the regular series of offerings, of course.

...which I'm now doing single-handedly because Jolie demands the company of my left hand.

I might be able to get

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Wednesday, New Brand Who's This?

It can't be Wordpress Wednesday, because I'm no longer publishing on Wordpress. I need a new brand for that. Coming soon.

I've asked for suggestions from the QPP and my Discordians.

If you have something in mind for the new brand, I'm willing to hear it.

I have offerings to make, side-projects to sort, and five more blog entries shifted into the new archive. And at some point in the future, I have to learn how to people so I can grow

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Monday, Moving and Sundry

No, I am not moving house. I am moving my Wordpress blog to new digs. I shall be replacing everything on my Wordpress with a screed against using stuff to feed LLM's without gaining permission nor paying the original artist.

But I gotta do the stream for this week before I get on with the big move.

Which is happening soon, because administrivia on various things has absorbed ALL of my morning.

This techno-luddite is trying to trust things again, and the

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Sunday, Bread and Movie PLNs

We're going to see Dune 2 later today. But not before I get my offerings out there and my second loaf baked.

I have also discovered that my two scales give different measurements. Which is irritating to me in ways I can't articulate in a mere handful of words.

Expect a blog rant about it at my earliest convenience.

Speaking of rant blogs, I might be self-hosting my Wordpress archive here on my hub site. There shall be branch and I will

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Saturday, Parkrun, Dune, and PLNs for Tomorrow

Did the parkrun pretty well. Then I got the announcement that we're watching Dune 2 tomorrow. Which means I had to watch Dune 1. Which, because time windows, meant watching a copy we just happened to have at Adorable's place.

And that's why I'm writing this blog at 3PM.

I have to bake my bread, but there's not enough time in the rest of today to do two loaves. Because preheating and proofing time.

I'm keeping half the dough refrigerated and sincerely

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Friday, Bread, Unfucking, and More

I had fun last night, finally getting home pretty close to midnight. That's why I'm starting my writing day in the afternoon.

I'm starting some bread today. Today's experiment involves halving the ice I throw into the Dutch Oven to keep the steam going during the rise.

I might have to be rid of the ice at all, alas. Tough crusts and proper bread are better than soft crusts around a sod loaf.

I have Wilson incubating and a timer to remind

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Thursday, Date Night of Sorts?

Beloved has a Business Thing(tm) that involves a dinner and company, so I'm fancying myself up and meeting her and Adorable at place where we will go do thing.

So my priorities are to get my offerings out as soon as possible whilst also somehow ticking a side project off my little list.

I'll be checking an album whilst I work on a flash fiction, in case you're wondering.

Chapter Count: Just completed ch 384

I'm still looking for a refuge

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Wednesday, Wordpress Moving?

I do not like the idea of having my hard work being used by some lazy-arse ideas person who can't be bothered to do their own firkin writing. Ideas people have been the bane of creative types since time immemorial. All generative AI is doing is cutting the conversations out of "I have an idea."

The good news is: it might be dying very soon.

I'm still determined to move my rants out of Wordpress and into somewhere else, but the move

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Tuesday, Patreon and Power Problems

Yesterday contained at least three blackouts and a LOT of internet losses.

There's more rain this morning so I am more than a little on edge about loss of anything I'm working on without notice.

I also need to go shopping for Sammich Fillins, so that's added to my daily quest list.

At least I have functioning coffee now. Huzzah.

The new pay schedule is set, though there remains some minor jiggery-pokery regarding a few things here and there. We'll get all

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