Plague Diary

A 1690-post collection

Tuesday, Patreon, Pill Hunt, and Bread

I've got the oven preheating for the second time, because I only had time to cook one bread, yesterday. So now I'm a few hours away from actually putting that thing in the oven.

...I think I might need to wash my lame. It doesn't seem to be working like it should. That's going to be interesting because getting sourdough goop off anything requires a decent soak.

After the bread's done and cooling, I pln on taking off to North Lakes to track down the new supply of Ashwagandha. I only have one day's dose left and procrastination on that count is not doing any more favours.

Ashwagandha is hard to find. Especially the stuff that's solid and not some gel cap filled with what resembles oregano.

I also have some stuff to drop to my Patrons on Patreon. I have some arts to share. I'm not satisfied with the results yet. Needs some tweaking. Some parts are blending in with others and I don't like it.

I do have to apologise to MeMum because I mis-estimated my time windows for yesterday. My very bad for having the temporal awareness of a concussed whelk.

The first loaf is looking very well (and is tasty) and is currently wrapped in paper bags until either late tonight or early tomorrow morning. I left it on the rack since last night

Onwards I go.

Monday, Shopping and bread

The Archive [aka Moth in the Archive] has a tummy bug, so there's no backup reads today. Which means that I'm free to take care of the groceries.

I'll start on the bread after I get back and put away the haul.

And, time depending, I might have to cancel the stream today.

Time will tell.

I've already been distracted by someone trying to shill their art skills for my twitch channel so... it's not looking that great.

I have my knees

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Sunday, Chocolate Egg Day

Beloved 'gave' me some Hot Cross Bun Fudge [aka: I bought it on her OK and she took credit] and she has some sugar-free sweets to help ease her recovery process. Adorable has some dairy-free chocolate so she doesn't get a tummy ache from cow juice.

I have a few little things to get to MeMum and it's looking like that might get done around Tuesday. Antihero - the nice bean running the writer's group - is feeling crook. Therefore the morning

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Saturday, Parkrun and Health Updates

I did well on the parkrun, but my feet hate me and my knees aren't happy, either. We shared lunch, I finished another chapter [401 and counting] and got to see my poor suffering Beloved.

When I heard that they were putting pins in her arm to keep it all together during the healing process, I imagined at most a couple per bone piece, all anchored in the plate that keeps everything in line.

What she got was half an Ikea's worth

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Friday, Fish Day, and Moving Forward

It's Good Friday, so we traditionally eat fish.

I'm pulling my head in this week since I overspent last week, and thereafter only getting what we need when we need it.

At some point this afternoon, I shall take a leisurely trip to acquire fish and chips. But today... Mayhem wants to go shopping, I have a catio to clean, and five chapters to record for Adorable.

So my day's already packed.

I'm going to finish this blog and then take Mayhem

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Thursday, Today's the Day!

I got the operation date wrong. Beloved is now under anesthesia. I have now finished the 400th chapter of A Devil's Tale [and I think I've written a happy ending but that's up to Beloved].

And I am NOW going to write a nice letter for the first potential agent on my list.

That's just been done.

My heart is hammering.

I have four to six weeks to wait before pitching again, and I'm using the same spreadsheet to track pitching.


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Wednesday, Blog Entry and Anxiety

Beloved is likely under anaesthesia as I write these very words. Experienced surgeons are doing a job they have done thousands of times, belike. Today, I fill out the last thing on my pre-pitch checklist.

Which means that tomorrow, I start writing emails. And pitching.

...tomorrow, I'm likely to have finished chapter four HUNDRED of that brief little thing I started in 2022.

I think today's Weird Writer Wednesday is going to be all about my ideal progress towards fame and fortune.

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Tuesday, Patreon and a Lapse

I forgot to do the album sorting yesterday. I almost forgot to do it today. I also have to feed Wilson [my wholemeal Starter] so that's an opportunity to play some vinyl and decide on its keepability.

I keep finding albums I have no memory of purchasing. Or taking from anyone. The theory of spontaneous album generation is probably debunked by my admittedly spotty memory.

Or someone snuck some albums into my boxes.

My immediate PLN is to feed Wilson and bake

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Monday, Backup Reads and Anxiety

The writer's group is going over their tales for the week gone past. Two days hence, Beloved enters the hospital for a very "Space Orc" operation.

Reveal icky things here

* Cut open her arm
* Cut off the jagged edges to make them flat
* Insert a piece of a corpse's _leg bone_ so it's all the right length
* Bolt it all together
* Sew her back up

She'll be sore and sorry for herself by next parkrun. And very likely on some really good

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Sunday, Rollerskating PLNs

We had some immense fun playing Candy Heist with the players thoroughly subverting my expectations of the play.

As they frequently do.

I'm spending as much time as possible with my Beloved today. Writing my offerings on the old reliable security blanket/laptop.

Tonight, I go to a place I've never been to before to go do a thing I've never done before. Little bit of anxiety over that, to be honest.

So let's get on with getting on with that.

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Saturday, Parkrun and Associated Shenanigans

Beloved and I walked together while Adorable tried to break a thirty-minute run. Miss Chaos ended up dawdling along as per usual.

That done, I took the whole crew around for Brunch, then we went to some specialist shops so that Adorable could get her Mate [pronounced "mah-tay"] fix.

I tried it. Unfortunately, to my tongue, it just tastes like liquid choko. A taste that was never my favourite.

It was quite the lengthy trip. Involving driving through the city. Which is

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Friday, Shopping day, Phone calls, and Beloved Pickup

I have MONEY! Yay. It's immediately going to go on some foods and a couple of treats.

...and staying alive is getting expensive, these days.

Even my normal pinchpenny tactics aren't making the grade. Hell, it's got to the point where filling up on petrol spells a rough financial week.

I can still cope, and I can still save, but it feels like I'm just scraping by. This might be also influenced by being pushed to pitching by Beloved. It might only

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Thursday, Leyland's Tour and Pitch Adventure

Procrastination and Anxiety are holding the wheel, today. I am being social with Better Authors(tm), I am prepping the abbreviated pitch kits just for one pitching arena. I am also driving Mayhem to and from APM in less than half an hour.

In wet weather. On roads full of freaking maniacs.


I think that wrapping my loaves in plastic might be the wrong idea. So I've put them in paper bags and seeing if that helps my loaves stay proper

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Wednesday, No Longer Wordpress

The poll results are in:

[Shown here: Screenshot of a tumblr poll showing that the audience favours "Weird Writer Wednesday" as a tag for my weekly rants]

It's going to be Weird Writer Wednesday henceforth. Hooray.

I already have something to rant about. Fingers crossed, the video evidence can be a part of it.

I'm also recording five more chapters, sorting more vinyl, and moving five more archived blog entries out of Wordpress, today.

I'm making bread, and my offerings, AND making

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Tuesday, Getting Brave and Preparation

Today, as well as working on bread, I am going to work on a writeblr intro for Tumblr and then drop a few nice messages into Niel Gaiman and Diane Duane's Tumblr inboxes.

I actually have to focus on my autism and my queer cred since that's how I use my niche. I carve it out, I own it, and then I fill it with flashing neon lights so that other peeps can find me.

I also should get in contact with

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