
A 9-post collection

Challenge #04187-K169: A Destination of Inspiration

May we see the fairgrounds, say, a couple years out after Wraithvine and friends visited to safety-test?

https://peakd.com/fiction/@internutter/challenge-03749-j096-safety-inspection -- Anon Guest

Fairs like this tend to travel. Staying in one place tends to make them boring for the locals, and travel is never casual when the journey takes days at best. It was a slow carnival, so the places it visited had up to a week of anticipation before they could attend.

Wraithvine had tested all of it some years ago. Now ze had the chance to enjoy it.

The steam-powered automatons were not merely in good repair, but also in good voice. They could even play more modern songs, once a technician fed the punched cards into the system. The food was -of course- fair food. Indulgent and bad if it ever became a staple. Luxurious, of course. Full of cream or sugar or spices, and often wrapped in some kind of batter. Most of it was offered on a stick.

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Challenge #04172-K154: A Very Important Side Quest

A city is having its Founder's Day. The day when a party of adventurers, humans, hellkin, and a few other races, came together to found their own town. And now, it was a large, beautiful city. A person, seeing Wraithvine and friends, comes up to them and, politely but earnestly, asks them to be their dance partner in the dance competition to be held that evening. -- Anon Guest

Much can be achieved without hate as a hurdle. Proof of such is

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Challenge #03339-I051: Ancient Human Traditions

I found one of your stories a few days ago, I've never heard of your work before and I have to admit, I'm hooked. Thank you, your work makes me smile when I am having a bad afternoon. I saw you want some prompts. So I have one.

Humans hold a New Year's party aboard ship with their friends. And it's a lot quieter than their friends feared it would be. -- Anon Guest

[AN: I am glad I make your day,

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Challenge #03238-H329: United Celebration

The humans have a large, long, parade to celebrate Earth Day. What is Earth Day? It's a day where they remember their homeworld, the beauty of it, how important it is as the starting point of their civilization, and their renewal of a promise to try to avoid the mistakes of the past, lest they ever again risk their future. -- Anon Guest

The assembled colonial polities of Terra, universally known as the United Fellowship of Terran Planets, synced their disparate calendars

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Challenge #03216-H309: Any Excuse to Party

Some townsfolk lie to Wraithvine and hir friends saying there's a meeting in the big town hall. Managing to get Wraithvine and the rest into the dark hall, suddenly the torches flare and everyone jumps out and shouts "Surprise! Happy Birthday!" With gifts, food, and decorations!

No one actually knew what the real birthday was, but it was decided, because the being was so kind, to throw a birthday party anyway! -- Anon Guest

Wraithvine knew something was up in a cold

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Mayhem's Merry Birth!

On this day, long about four in the afternoon, Mayhem was extracted via surgery. He is now adult. Officially. He is now entitled to do the adult things.


So of course he can't make up his firkin mind about what he's doing today, so the default is farting around on his compy. Kids these days.

Still, his default allows me to go do the thing you are looking forward to - writing my weird little daily tales and maybe even getting

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temperpaints: grindylowefic: studioafh: Oh my God. A publisher replied. They love the first chapters I sent them. They want to publish my...




Oh my God.

A publisher replied.

They love the first chapters I sent them.

They want to publish my novel.

My novel.

Oh my God.

Wow seriously???? That’s awesome!!! Congratulations! 

I fuckin’ TOLD you!! Mega congratulations!!

YES! Grats to you, studioafh. You have already gone further than I ever dared.

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