Amalgam Universe

A 2196-post collection

Challenge #04115-K097: Breaking Point

Their significant other had struck them once too often. Aboard the station, the slap was more than audible. Sunshine and Jay saw the person so struck suddenly get a blank look, and leap upon their abuser with their hands around their neck. Too many years of beatings will do that to a body. -- Anon Guest

[AN: Spousal abuse is not a thing in Alliance territories because children are taught from day dot that hitting other people is not okay]

Welcome to the Edge Territories, things are a lot wilder than the expected norms, here. There are a lot less of the normal rules. And not enough of the expected education. And when it came time for catching up... things could get rough.

Mr Sunshine and Jay were on their way back to their CRC contact when it happened.

The couple were in a heated conversation, and one raised their hand to slap the other. It happened so fast, but Jay fell into a defensive stance, ready to strike as necessary. Mr Sunshine activated his eyecam, making sure he had a good view of the incident.

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Challenge #04114-K096: Earned Gratitude

H - I have.... WAY too much Time.

G - "You've worked hard you've earned that pay."

H - I didn't do that much.

G - "You signed the agreement including how much we were going to pay you."

H - Are you certain about this?

G - "Of course, your work has been absolutely invaluable to us."

H - It still... feels like I'm cheating... ripping you off.

G - "I assure you, you're not." -- The New Guy

I honestly

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Challenge #04111-K093: Consider This...

Could we have the trio meet up again and work together? -- Fighting Fit

The ones who hold their employees in stables with no beds. I've got them on my list. The ones who play psychotic games with any servant's heads. I've got them on my list, they never will be missed.

What continues to surprise me is the lists I receive.

It's disturbing for multiple reasons. One: the CRC knows about me. Two: They know

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Challenge #04110-K092: The Important Points

I run a school to teach new pilots how to fly their ships, how to work with the Gravy Drives and their caretakers, and all the ins, outs, and laws of owning and flying a ship here in the Alliance. I get to travel a lot so I really love my job, it's never boring! -- Anon Guest

The controls and simulator teach pilots the essentials. All the variants of controls available and how to interact with them properly. That can only

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Challenge #04101-K083: Take Their Place

A Knomira not only berates Tol for giving up his position to live as he does in the Alliance, but physically slaps him. They scream about what an idiot he is being and demands he return to his polity and family, and TAKE BACK his folio. The Alliance are, according to the knomira, "ruining things".

He dares them to live his life for one month, and see for themselves. -- Anon Guest

There was never any

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Challenge #04100-K082: Weapon of Choice

I won't talk no matter what you do, human!

"You sure about that?"

I'm tough as nails, mind, body, and soul, do your worst!


The human takes out their violin, and their lesson book, and begins to practice. The violin screeches, plunks, and makes ungodly noises, the person IS just a novice after all...

Alright, alright enough!

"You'll talk?"

Yes! And you need more lessons! -- Anon Guest

Interrogator Lyle smirked as he bowed the investigators into the room. They would

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Challenge #04098-K080: Kids on a Field Trip

The pirate captain ordered the ship to head straight for the prey ship in their sights.

The pirate crew reported a sign painted on the hull: Human Toddlers on Board.

The pirate captain ordered the ship to turn around and go after something... safer. -- DaniAndShali

It was a reconditioned space yacht, not an uncommon sight in the Alliance shipping lanes. Deregger liquidations lead to a lot of spacious vehicles that were re-purposed from luxury to utility. Someone had painted this one

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Challenge #04097-K079: Help in All Forms

Several humans, in their early teens, had been Master Twii's students. Having graduated from Twii's classes as they entered their late 20's, now went to a Gyiik temple. Their goal? To learn to cook as well as the Gyiiks and the portions they cooked. These humans wanted to start an all-around service where not only did they physically protect others, but also made sure no one ever went hungry. -- Anon Guest

There's one advantage that Gyiik's have as Heavyworlders[1] inside

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Challenge #04095-K077: Dead or Alive...

"What's with the bag?"

"It's my target."

"You were told to bring them in alive."

"They are alive."

"But... the bag...?"

"They said the only way I'd get them out of their office is in a body bag so...."

"Ok, fair enough, cell's over there, I'll unzip 'em after." -- Anon Guest

In all the inalienable truths of the universe, one of the better ones is they can't learn when they're dead.

It therefore follows that when the Galactic Alliance wishes to

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Challenge #04094-K076: Act Like a Child...

You know, I always find it so shocking how some people can make such a massive upset over something so small. The way they're screaming you'd think I just told them their world was about to end. All I did was tell them that they cannot come aboard my ship because I've already a full complement of passengers. I refuse to to be unkind by making someone sit uncomfortably simply because this individual is throwing a temper-tantrum. -- DaniAndShali

Pilot Paz stared

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Challenge #04093-K075: Three Little Words

The man has recovered and is traveling with his two Pax Humanis friends. It's surprising how many jobs one can get with these two lovelies at one's side. Sure the jobs are dangerous, but yanno, this is kinda fun. -- Anon Guest

Ren eventually named them the Dangerous Beef Trio. He'd worked on his physique before the meet cute incident; primarily to look good and scare off the wrong kind of people. Now he worked on

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Challenge #04092-K074: Comfort and Succour

They awakened in an ICU drawer after a major accident required surgical intervention. However, they suffered claustrophobia. Their panicked, albeit weak, cries immediately alerted the medics. -- Anon Guest

[AN: Setting this in the early days of the ICU drawers, because systems are in place to detect distress before full consciousness is established]

For every problem, there is not a solution until it very much becomes a problem. Some solutions contain problems that can't be detected until somebody starts having one. Starting

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Challenge #04091-K073: Problems in the Testing Phase

Companion Ty, and eventually the entire crew, become very attached to the human's massive canines. The animals don't mind letting the light havenworlders ride them, they're very gentle, and the fur's warm and fantastic for laying against when troubled or exhausted. -- Anon Guest

They really were big softies. Emphasis on the 'big' part. With the help of some weeks' worth of training and a significant amount of bacon bits, the Havenworlder crew could ride Bear

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Challenge #04090-K072: Festival of Change

Gyiiks open massive kitchen / temples on the Thranityr homeworld. They are delighted in being able to produce, along with their human counterparts, feasts for all the castes of this species. And teach them how to create such feasts themselves. -- Anon Guest

[AN: It'd have to be A Thranityr homeworld. They have several by now.]

They didn't exactly come in peace. They came in generosity, which is marginally better. Every Gyiik ship was both kitchen and larder, which honestly saved a great

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Challenge #04088-K070: How the Sausage Gets Made

A non pax humanis world filled with game to be hunted. Deer, rabbits, squirrels many varieties of birds, large boars, buffalo, etc. The hunting was absolutely necessary as there was few predators for such prey. This world freely taught those who wanted to hunt how to do so humanely, and how to clean and process the meat. Not all who want to hunt are vicious killers. -- Anon Guest

Speculation abounded about the world. It was full of herbivores. The only thing

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