
A 194-post collection

Challenge #03951-J299: What Do You Mean, Again?

A young god offers to make Wraithvine a god. They do not know that Wraithvine is already a 'living god' worshipped by an ever-growing number of individuals. They only know how kind the gentle elf is, yet how strong and firm, they are, and wanted to reward them for all that they have done. -- Anon Guest

Deification is weird. Gods are wont to spring forth from any number of causes. Some mortals meet extraordinary circumstances, like falling into the well of magic. Some mortals killed a fallen god and therefore inherited all the residual devotion from their warlocks-turned-clerics. Some are just so gosh-darn legendary that deification happens through public faith.

One became a minor god by building a small shrine to see which god arrived[1].

This one had risen out of a necessary need, with people praying for their mercy shortly after they gave them a name. Myazmar most often took form as an ill-smelling cloud, but was personified as a filthy person of uncertain gender. That was how ze appeared to Wraithvine when the Eternal Wizard arrived.

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Challenge #03950-J298: Truth is...

A demon lord, a dragon, and a wizard team up to fight against those that would harm the innocent. And, sadly, their main opponents tend to be those that claim their causes are "holy" and the innocent villages are the "guilty ones." Whatever happened to beings who claim to be of the light actually helping people? -- Anon Guest

[AN: There is only one Demon Lord, usually, and that's the one who lights the Blood Throne of Whitekeep. However, the Hellkin children

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Challenge #03947-J295: A Whisp of Hope

A young human came to the retired king now called Kosh once more. They came from another kingdom, a runaway dirty, almost skeletally thin, and exhausted. They beg for food, for water, for a place to hide, they didn't want to go back there ever again. -- Anon Guest

Kosh found hir curled up in the goat stalls, Somehow cuddled up to his biggest bastard of a Dire Goat. That old hellion was a decent enough judge of character or, judging by

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Challenge #03936-J284: Creative Creations

"Should the day come when even I'm not here anymore, please look after this database [DATA CORRUPTED]."

(who is this... Why is this message in my records...)

"Do you have something that's irreplaceable, [DATA CORRUPTED]?"

(irreplaceable... broken parts... can be simply replaced...)

"You'll definitely find it one day, [DATA CORRUPTED]."

(Such things... will only cause trouble...)

"When that time comes... You should leave this place behind" -- Anon Guest

Someone had made it, that was the only certainty. Someone clever. Someone rich.

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Challenge #03915-J263: Two Kind Hands

They HATED the damn teufs with a passion!

They were shocked when they awakened in a medic tent, bandaged heavily after thinking they had died during that rock-fall, surrounded by teuf medics who'd worked hard to save them and their entire band from dying of the injuries.

Note -- Yes I know that's a derogatory term used by those who hate hellkin. It's how the person views the individuals, sadly. -- Fighting Fit

They should be dead. The avalanche had crashed down

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Challenge #03909-J257: Found Family Speedrun

Five youngsters are found by a massive dragon when they wander into the dragon's cave searching for food. They are adopted by the dragon, for they no family save for each other, and people learn what happens when you deliberately abuse a dragon's family. -- Anon Guest

"But it smelled like baking," said a small voice, echoing in Hardscale's lair.

"It smelled like heat," corrected a second voice. "And farts. I told you it wasn't real cooking."

A third little voice sighed.

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Challenge #03905-J253: How to Not Die

There’s no such thing as an immortal body, but immortal spirits exist. Those who carry on the lessons and history of the past from one generation to the next can be considered immortal. Immortality isn’t out running death; it’s outlasting it. -- Anon Guest

[AN: Link leads to Overly Sarcastic Productions' take on the Epic of Gilgamesh. I can recommend]

What is death, the philosophers asked, when you get down to it? The true and absolute elimination of a

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Challenge #03899-J247: A Killer of Character

"Why are you here drinking and crying?"

"I had to take up a blade and kill."

"Why did you have to kill?"

My entire family was in danger."

"So why are you crying?"

"Because killing hurts." -- Anon Guest

"I looked into their eyes," said the killer. "I had tried every other method to stop them, but they refused to be swayed. So I had to stop them with a blade."

"You got to know them," said the barmaid. "Many who come

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Challenge #03894-J242: Visibly Strange

An elf ended up with a health problem that, after they recovered, made them unable to grow back their hair. It was intensely rare, but not completely unheard of. People remind their children not to stare, it's rude. And the kind elf doesn't deserve people to be rude. -- DaniAndShali

The common name was Nahripox, and it doesn't kill. People therefore believe that it is harmless. What it can do, especially to Elves, is scar. Some lose the whole or part of

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Challenge #03891-J239: Your Threats Are Empty

I'm a coward, and I am well aware of this fact. Many things terrify me. But, you have made a grave error. One thing I am not afraid of is death. -- Anon Guest

"Unlock it or die," said the brigand, knife at Mort's throat.

"Kill me. You won't be able to unlock it even when I'm dead," said Mort. The Hellkin courier seemed cooler than ice under the threat of death. "The only way to open it is when it arrives

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Challenge #03890-J238: Between a Rock and...

A human child hidden in a small cubby made of stone throws fireballs at the powerful wizard and hir friends. The child is calmed, the ones there are not the hunters. When they come out, everyone sees what they're protecting. Skinny, frightened, other children, some wearing chains, who've been on the run far too long. -- Anon Guest

It looked like a small crack between the stones of the pass, with just enough room nearby for a band of travellers to stop

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Challenge #03888-J236: Actionable Correction

"I noticed there was a lot of loud noises coming from your family's quarters."

"Oh, yeah. I yelled at the kids a bit."

"You shouldn't yell at your children."

"And my children shouldn't roughhouse in the kitchen while I'm using sharp things to prepare ingredients next to an open flame. We're all working on it."

"...ah. I see." -- Anon Guest

It's not merely yelling at children. It's how or when one chooses to raise one's voice. One who yells in fear

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Challenge #03887-J235: Kind Hands of Faith

In the center of the town, a huge Temple of Helping Hands. An Academy of Magic is within the town, and children are brought to the temple starting at the age of 5 for baptism and to learn the ways of the Helping Hands. And who is it this entire rare town worships? The living god known as Wraithvine. His words are their codes of life itself. -- Anon Guest

These are the commandments of Wraithvine the Wanderer, so that we may

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Challenge #03886-J234: A Joke Too Far

An adorable little fae-dragon is quite the trickster. Imagine how much fun it is to drop glowing little rainbow scales down the back of people's shirts and be able to flit away and giggle. -- Anon Guest

Nanogh, otherwise known as the Plane of Magic, is home to many strange creatures. Sometimes, it takes things literally. Like dragonflies. Or rather, Fly-Dragons. In the primary mortal plane, intelligent Dragonkind gets no smaller than Kobolds. The smallest of Dragonkind in the mortal plane is

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Challenge #03885-J233: Forewarned is...

The person had the power to predict the future. Sadly, it usually only worked when it was predicting disasters. Yet, each time they warned a village, or city, or kingdom of it, they were usually laughed at and told to go away. Only to be blamed when the disaster struck. Why won't people listen? It always broke their heart. -- Anon Guest

Cassandra Syndrome: The condition of exact prognostication, with the inherent curse of not being believed about it. -- The Multiversal

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