
A 194-post collection

Challenge #03883-J231: Not Available in This Location

The difference between cultures aren't just the things they show off, but the things they assume everyone has, and are baffled that to discover that you don't. -- Anon Guest

[AN: Offensensitivity warning for swears in the video]

They had been in the service of a devilborn lord for two months, and things had settled down somewhat. There was a routine to the days, and Venn had ceased being so nervous about being so close to a Hellkin, no matter how small or young he might be.

This morning, the small blue demonic form was already risen and sitting at his reading desk, still in his nightshirt and dressing-gown. He was carefully laying out pieces of paper, each drawn from individual envelopes that had once been sealed with wax.

"Excellent Teutonian, excellent dance, excellent deportment, excellent history, excellent diplomacy. Excellent dressage... even penwork." He tallied up five more classes, turning to grin at Lessa. That grin showed a mouth full of sharp teeth, but it was hardly unnerving any more. "Do you believe I have been good enough?"

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Challenge #03879-J227: Ill Met by Stormlight

They met with a family at the inn. The children were coughing with colds, and the parents were tired, trying to get their children to nap. -- Anon Guest

Hellkin deal with the animosity they face in several ways. The most eloquent way of putting it was oft repeated between the elder and the younger ones.

"There's two ways to go when the world hates you for being alive. You either be worse than what they say you are, or try yourself

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Challenge #03878-J226: Battlefield Truce

"Grit your teeth and bear it."

The wounded individual screamed out in pain as heated alcohol, not hot enough to burn the flesh but very uncomfortable, poured over the wound.

"I won't let you die. I know you feel like you want to die right now, and I know we're enemies, but you're hurt, and you saved those innocent civilians. We soldiers fight, but sometimes, compassion is more important than this damn war." -- Anon Guest

There is no glory in war.

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Challenge #03871-J219: Learned the Wrong Lesson

A strange malady strikes a village, everyone under the age of 12 starts dancing every single night from midnight until 1 in the morning, unable to stop until they collapse. Even infants moving in the rhythm. They need help, soon! -- Anon Guest

They tell cautionary tales about a little hamlet in the middle of nowhere. The piper rid the place of rats and, when they refused to pay, rid the place of their children. The lesson should be, "pay those who

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Challenge #03866-J214: A Decent Start

"I admire you, you're never afraid of anything, you're so strong. I'm weak, a coward."

"Who said I'm not afraid?"

"But... you always manage to get through these things no matter how bad things get."

"Kid, here's the thing. I'm often afraid while I do this job. But the trick is to control your fear, take a deep breath, and keep going. It's ok to be afraid, just.. don't let it stop you. Fear can be your friend making you remember to

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Challenge #03855-J203: Dragon, Curse, Knight

I realize that I am a dragon and they are a human. But I will raise this infant like they were my own. I found them lost, filthy, starving, and alone. I'm not willing to risk them ending up that way again. -- Anon Guest

This is my child. I will guard hir and guide hir. I will protect hir and teach hir. Of course I committed to feeding hir and keeping hir clean. It is not easy, but it is my

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Challenge #03847-J195: Shadow Strategy

"You owe me."

"I knew it.... what's the price?"

"Never EVER let me hear you calling yourself weak ever again."

..."bu...but I...."

"You are NOT weak, it's time you realized that." -- Anon Guest

Lessons had been going on for a year. On schedule or off schedule, Master Kosh always seemed to have the time. Even when he was in the middle of making cheese.

Every failure seemed to grate against Ami's spirits. She desperately wanted to be better at everything,

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Challenge #03845-J193: Turn of Fate

They put a knockout in the tea they served to everyone, and left a note of apology by the sleeping forms. A tear slid down a tired face, weapons strapped on, this would be the last battle. Live or die, the danger would finally be over. But this time, their friends would be spared, they would face it alone. -- Anon Guest

Promise Hardbattle had made the tea ceremony a ritual before facing any enemy. He and his friends sharing one last

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Challenge #03840-J188: Foundling Families

A dying human with a kind heart had been given a Wishing Stone. Clutched in the elderly hand, they made their wish. All children, especially infants, in their world abandoned in middens, abandoned in the forests, or otherwise left to die in would vanish from the place that would otherwise be their deathbeds, and reappear in a place there they could be safe and grow up cared for. That final wish, cost them their final breath, but they died peacefully knowing many

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Challenge #03838-J186: Pax Nuptias or Pax Infernus

The two want to wed, their countries are at war, their love, forbidden. Then they get the idea of how to end the war. Pretend to suggest political marriages, pretend to be reluctant, trick their families to do what will end the war, and allow their love. -- Anon Guest

There'd been far fewer wars since Pax Infernus began. The nations fearful of the Demon Lord resorted to icy politeness and sports matches. Wars of words carried on between bitter enemies, florid

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Challenge #03835-J183: Through Dangers Untold...

Thirty floors, tons of traps and treasures, good thing this place is good for training beginners though. -- Anon Guest

Some have called it the worst dungeon in Alfarell. There's thousands of ways to get in. There's even more ways to get out, especially if you're not fussy about how clean you are when you reach the sunlight. Some say the labyrinths of Skymire's fallen city were never meant to be a dungeon. Some say that adventuring down there is a scam.

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Challenge #03830-J178: One Wish Away

What is this? It's a Wish-Mirror. It shows you the hard, cold, truth to what will happen if you make your wish. It does not sugar coat anything. If you can live with what you see, then I will grant you a wish. But remember, you saw the consequences for yourself, so it's not like you have not been forewarned. -- Anon Guest

If you have a wish, and want it guaranteed, there is only one way to get it. It is

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Challenge #03829-J177: A Bird Named Enza

All the magic users in a town are down with the sniffles. The stronger the magic, the worse they feel. Alas, even viruses can be magical. In this case, it's just another type of cold. People'll survive, it's just not comfortable. -- Anon Guest

The most common name for it was the Faekindred Flu since first it effected those whose ancestry hailed from Nanogh, the plane of magic. The local Hellkin and Hallobloods were also struck down, but prejudice rendered them less

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Challenge #03828-J176: Shared Profundity

I saved their life, risking my own. As I lay, my broken body bandaged, I was asked, what did I want in return? After a long thought I said I wanted the lifespan of an Elf, and to become a librarian. When they asked if they could choose any elf's lifespan, I said that was fine. Here it is, a millennium later, and I, a mere human, have been working in this library ever since. -- Anon Guest

[AN: In terms of

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Challenge #03827-J175: With Justice For All

They were hurting the children born with horns, praising the ones born with wings. Then I became the new Lord of the town. The instigators of such behavior learned quickly I would NOT tolerate such. And all children, born human or not, were to be treated equally. And all citizenry, no matter what their species, were also to be treated equally. THAT is the new law of the land. -- Anon Guest

They call this place Havenspring. According to legend, it's where

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