
A 184-post collection

Challenge #03835-J183: Through Dangers Untold...

Thirty floors, tons of traps and treasures, good thing this place is good for training beginners though. -- Anon Guest

Some have called it the worst dungeon in Alfarell. There's thousands of ways to get in. There's even more ways to get out, especially if you're not fussy about how clean you are when you reach the sunlight. Some say the labyrinths of Skymire's fallen city were never meant to be a dungeon. Some say that adventuring down there is a scam. Some say that there's a truly worthy treasure waiting for whomsoever can find its secret depository. Some say there's a cursed princess, trapped god, or supernatural entity that will grant one life-changing boon to the one who extracts them.

Some people will say anything.

Most junior adventuring parties begin there, they're hired to retrieve a MacGuffin from the labyrinth, and write off further adventures in the ancient ruins as not worth their bother. Some argue - unsuccessfully - that all those traps, puzzles, and confounding passageways have to be guarding something valuable.

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Challenge #03830-J178: One Wish Away

What is this? It's a Wish-Mirror. It shows you the hard, cold, truth to what will happen if you make your wish. It does not sugar coat anything. If you can live with what you see, then I will grant you a wish. But remember, you saw the consequences for yourself, so it's not like you have not been forewarned. -- Anon Guest

If you have a wish, and want it guaranteed, there is only one way to get it. It is

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Challenge #03829-J177: A Bird Named Enza

All the magic users in a town are down with the sniffles. The stronger the magic, the worse they feel. Alas, even viruses can be magical. In this case, it's just another type of cold. People'll survive, it's just not comfortable. -- Anon Guest

The most common name for it was the Faekindred Flu since first it effected those whose ancestry hailed from Nanogh, the plane of magic. The local Hellkin and Hallobloods were also struck down, but prejudice rendered them less

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Challenge #03828-J176: Shared Profundity

I saved their life, risking my own. As I lay, my broken body bandaged, I was asked, what did I want in return? After a long thought I said I wanted the lifespan of an Elf, and to become a librarian. When they asked if they could choose any elf's lifespan, I said that was fine. Here it is, a millennium later, and I, a mere human, have been working in this library ever since. -- Anon Guest

[AN: In terms of

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Challenge #03827-J175: With Justice For All

They were hurting the children born with horns, praising the ones born with wings. Then I became the new Lord of the town. The instigators of such behavior learned quickly I would NOT tolerate such. And all children, born human or not, were to be treated equally. And all citizenry, no matter what their species, were also to be treated equally. THAT is the new law of the land. -- Anon Guest

They call this place Havenspring. According to legend, it's where

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Challenge #03825-J173: Educational Reforms

The pressure to do evil is immense, if there comes a day when I must “Discipline” you, please believe me that my only thought is of… protecting you. -- Anon Guest

Some traditions in education have to die. Some have to be actively murdered. Forcing left-handed people to only use their right hands, for instance. Or... being very strict with the Unwelcome Peoples.

"It's necessary," insisted Scholar Administator Brogitarius Zenonis, straight into the face of one of the Unwelcome. The fact that

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Challenge #03820-J168: The Fine Tradition of Hautboll

An Academy for Tieflings aka Hellkin, and an Academy for Humans come together once a year for a friendly inter-academy competition. This has been a very old tradition in this nation. It's sad that outsiders keep trying to push their bigoted ways and wreck the tradition. When will they learn that THIS nation doesn't discriminate like that? -- Anon Guest

[AN: Hellkin are of course a totally original creation not at all based on anything that WOTC might have accidentally released on

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Challenge #03818-J166: The First Thing

They had immense power, they had been gifted, though they would say cursed, with immortality. But what to do with it? Money wasn't exactly an interest, and they hated the idea of settling down and owning land, that would drive them nuts after a while. Who was that famous person again, that living god? Oh that's right, go to the temple of helping hands! Maybe they can give advice! -- The New Guy

Most immortals never come by it on purpose. Even

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Challenge #03815-J163: Alike in Villainy

One side was demons, the other, humans. What was the difference, other than looks? Nothing at all. Both sides knew it, but it took a blind child to slap sense into both, and get them to work together. The village is prosperous now that they work as equals. -- Anon Guest

They say, "Out of the mouths of babes comes the truth." Obviously whoever 'they' are, they have never known children. They only spout the truth when it's socially inconvenient. A more

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Challenge #03814-J162: All Due Caution

To stay in this city, all strong magic users had to wear an amulet that suppressed their magic as far as it could go without being life-threatening to the magic user. Why? To protect the magic user from the unstable energy of this place, which was still healing from a massive series of storms that had only recently, that is within one human lifetime, had been quelled. -- Anon Guest

They said it was the last strike of the Xenophobia Wars that

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Challenge #03806-J154: One More Chance

He had been human. He knew he had died. Why was he awake? Why was he moving? His body ached. And who were these people treating him like a small child? -- Anon Guest

This should not be happening. Of that, they were sure. There had been a risky skii trip to get -in retrospect- a silly little treat.

They couldn't remember what that was any more.

They could remember... A vast hatred in their spirit towards some people. People who had

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Challenge #03801-J148: For My Love

A human makes an alcohol substitute that has the property that, no matter who drinks it, the person starts to laugh. That's all it does. Tastes good, but it's called giggle juice for a reason. -- Anon Guest

Dagoburt Gluv had a great love. As an innkeeper, he saw a lot of people, and knew a lot of things by pure osmosis. He also knew, and wished to keep Samara Oatbeard as both friend and wife.

Samara came by once a week

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Challenge #03800-J147: Wanted Dearly Elsewhere

They went from village to village gathering children no one wanted. No matter what the species were. Where they went after? To a special village just for them, where they grew up knowing nothing but love and kindness. -- Anon Guest

Everyone knows that Dragons have hoards. What's not as well known is the fact that some hoards are... non-standard.

Tambaga the Gleaming gathered hir hoards in the night, when people were prone to getting rid of them. Some were left in

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Challenge #03799-J146: It Ain't Broke

The dragon's scales would drop and turn to gold, and the village used it to make their coins. The one thing the dragon demanded was the village not get greedy about it.

The elders teach their children "Betray not the dragon that guards our homes, and allows us to live free. For if your heart grows cold and cruel, the dragon will forsake thee." -- Anon Guest

Welcome to Gilded Hills, here there be Dragon. Not a multitude. One is plenty.


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Challenge #03793-J140: Power Versus Freedom

"The gods gave you the power to be able to topple whole empires and this is what you do with it??"

"Yes, I told you before. I just wanted a quiet life on the farm. I'm finally free, and, at last, I am happy." -- Anon Guest

Mythologising people is always a mistake. People keep finding proof of the reality. It's even worse when that mythologised person was still alive.

The Thrice-Sworn King had stopped short of becoming an emperor. He had

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