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Yuletide Prep

A 20-post collection

Tuesday, Streamlined PLNs

Beloved took the thing from here while she was up to deliver Chaos and collect a few bits and bobs for stuff and things. So that's one thing off my checklist for today.

Said checklist in no particular order:

  • Foot maintenance routine
  • Wrist maintenance routine
  • Doc's visit to see to the toe situation
  • ...and possibly gain an addition to the foot maintenance routine
  • Collect MeMum and her stuff and things
  • Offerings unto the Temple of notes
  • Chillax

Further bulletins as events warrant. If events warrant.


My toe is "a little bit" infected, and so are my lungs, most likely. I now have a prescription for a short session of antibiotics that should clear things up. Fingers crossed. Since the chemists' don't open until after 8:30, my flight path has changed a smidgeon to include a stop at one of those.

Yoiks and away...

Saturday, Parkrun, Foot Injury, and Wrapping PLNs

I sat out parkrun this week because of my toe blister. The site is reddened and swollen today, so it's going to get another dose of Savlon when I get back home. If it gets worse, it's going to the Doctor after Crimbo.

Powers know I won't be able to see the Doc before Crimbo.

I have almost all I need for the final gift prep. I would like a thing to make the lable writing fancy, but if I have to

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Friday, More Baking and Further Prep

I'm doing the second batch, today. I also have to clean out the catio at some point.

I'm planning to make the bikkies first, then rest my poor feet while I do all the expected output things. Then, when the afternoon starts to cool, I shall venture outdoors and sort out the catio.


I am a busy, busy bean, today.

In other news, I managed to give myself a blister between my toes at some point on Wednesday. I have a

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Thursday, PLNs in Process

I finally had an affordable idea of what to give the folks I love this year. Yay. Small amount of shopping to do, a little ingredient hunting, but otherwise I'm confident about the yuletide celebrations. Huzzah.

I had to figure out which of my prompt stable was Hollidays-branded and then I came up with a bunch more. Thanks, Archive. Now I have way more in my stable than before.


  • Tech bros have made customer service GenAI bots. I now have fuel
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Saturday, Big Cleanup and Prep

Tomorrow, I take off to get MeMum so she can be up here for the big holiday. That means my offerings will be late. The day after tomorrow, the most you'll see out of me is a seasonal greeting.

And THEN.... sometime after I get MeMum back home on Boxing Day, two stories to make up for the lack.

Henceforth, the normal state of proceedings will return.

I still have chapters to read for Adorable. That will be happening between laundry loads

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Wednesday, Wordpress and Perishables

I'm getting the perishable stuff, cooking, and wrapping today. All for Crimbo Prep so I can get stuff out of the way. Nice and organised.

That's the PLN.

Mayhem's decided to buy some Crimbo treats instead of making a second pie. Handmade is labor-intensive, after all. It took him three days to do the first pie. Dude made the pastry and everything.

Other PLNs include writing another twofer, the meme, and maybe even recording some chapters for Adorable IF I have the

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Saturday, Crimbo Eve

So. We're picking up a friendo to go to the only Parkrun open in the Brisbane-ish area on Crimbo Eve, this morning. Which means a launch from our place at 5:30 AM

Parkrun and the aftermath usually takes until Noonish.
After which, we shall drop friendo off at their place, head back to our place so Beloved can get a move on with the last-minute details, and then I harry off to fetch MeMum since she prefers to stay over to

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Friday, the Crimbolening

It's the day before a MULTITUDE of shenanigans. So we have to finish unfucking the house, organising our nonsense.

Which means a lot of time offline.

I shall be cleaning the catio, making The Bikkie, tidying up garbage, washing stuff, drying stuff, and setting stuff in order.

I fully expect to be offline for a majority of the day. If any more of A Devil's Tale happens during these hours, it will be the result of a true miracle.

We're not decorating

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Thursday, Continued Unfuckening and Game Night?

It's so close to Crimbo and the crunch is on. I didn't get around to de-messing the table. Did get around to wrapping all the presents with an incidental Help Me Rennie as the kids got their Crimbo gifts prepared.

For the record, I taught Miss Chaos what I know about wrapping presents. Then I helped Mayhem make chocolate from scratch. Mostly with the mise en place but also with strategy and reminding him that cooking utensils get hot -_-


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Tuesday, Crimbo PLNs

We're having MeMum over, we're having a friendo come over because they're alone this season, it's going to be interesting.

I honestly don't know whether to share Everything, Everywhere, All at Once with Mum, Guillermo Del Toro's Pinocchio with everyone, or put on the Muppet's Christmas Carol and be done with it.

I will probably end up sharing all three at various points in the shenanigans.

Today's mission includes Patreon content, the usual streaming, and gathering Party Pies. Because despite literally everything

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Monday, Unfuckening and Shopping PLNs

I... might... have obliterated my Magic Saver Card through human error[I reset the PIN in the wrong thing]. It's Schroedinger's borked.

I have no doubt that it will be sorted out soon enough. Meanwhile, I'll pipe what money I have towards Beloved and do the shopping with her.

We still need to get cream for the pav, drinkies, and maybe a few other bits and bobs. Some of which requires having the kiddos in the car at the same time.


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Wednesday, Wordpress, Crimbolio Shopping

It's raining, it's pouring, and my face says it's going to get worse because Cyclone Headache.


We do have moneys but IDK if I'll be able to use any of it and my current assets are scant.

I'm also pondering the penning of a Wordpress entry about all the AI "art" that's popping up and how it's a novelty and not the end of creativity as we know it.

Yes, Taylor Swift is "writing" a movie with AI, and none of

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Friday, Day 0, Crimbus Eve

Plague news: THREE HUNDRED and sixty-nine new cases, and according to government site that can't do math, all of them are local transmissions plus one import. Grrr. Apparently, there's eight hundred and seven total active cases, ninety-four of those are in hospital, and one is in the ICU.

At some point later today, I shall record a special Crimbolio message for Twitch. That way, I can do all my social media messages while Twitch gets the video.

Today, I shall be cleaning

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Monday, Day Zero, Mistakes are being made

Not only is there an outbreak in Sydney, but there's a deadline for Queenslanders to get back into Queensland with no obvious decrees to self-isolate afterwards.

I'm giving it a maximum of three weeks before we get a "fucking whoops" out of this.

GDI public health is more important than one public holiday. FFS. If they ban road travel tomorrow, I'll roll with that. Because PUBLIC HEALTH ALSO INCLUDES ME.

We have eleven total cases, with two new ones from overseas. That's

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Saturday, Day Zero, Crimbolio Madness

Two cases from overseas, each detected in quarantine, but they do take the active case count up to ten. I dislike double figures in my active case count. One more week of school this year and it's not really worth giving up on the mask for that.

I feel Yulemas Mania approaching and this year... I want to make FUDGE.

I've fallen into a rabbit hole that started with an article about three-ingredient fudge. I've looked at the alternatives, found a recipe

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