
A 96-post collection

Tuesday! (Day Three)

I have Patreon stuff to post and the good news for the higher tiers is that I finally have a chapter of KOSBOB finished. Fresh outta the oven like yesterday because that's when I wrote a number that was higher than the last number.

Today, I write the first words in the next chapter.

In other news:

  • Victoria's quarantine hotels were filthy, which goes a long way into explaining why so many people wanted to skip out of quarantine
  • 200 people in Sydney decided to throw a firkin beach party
  • The security and training for the initial set of quarantine hotels was inadequate, inappropriate, and downright dangerous. Damn
  • They now have a procession of symptoms for the plague. Fever, cough, muscle pain, then nausea and diahhroea. Yay
  • New Zealand speculation now includes international flights
  • Thanks to social distancing protocols have reduced the impact of the flu. Shocker
  • Swooping season starts early, goes for longer because global climate change
  • 5 and 10 cent coins may soon vanish (because plague?)
  • ASIO 50c piece has SECRET CODE ZOMG!

Also, Sneezin' and Wheezin' Season is kicking my arse :P

It's almost bus o'clock. I shall attempt story but outlook not great. Also doing Patreon nonse instead.

Story soon enough.

Two Days!

Remember Tuesday's shenanigans that included an extended journey all around my neck of the woods? I've got the same shenanigans but no shopping trip.

I'm also re-logging into everything because I've switched from using Chrome to using Firefox. This in the hopes of taking some of the strain off of my poor dying compy.

A good nights' rest has helped my compy back on its feet for now. That's the good news. The bad news is that I still have to keep

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I have finally published 2019's Year of Instants. Huzzah.

You can buy it here for the low, low price of absolutely nothing. W00t!

I notice my "sales" of all my free stuff have already spiked. Thanks all'a y'all.

So today, I'm going off about the government's committee nonsense in regards to Autism and what Autistes like me (a) are like, (b) actually need, (c) definitely want to exist in this world.

Like, for serious, I could go on for DAYS about autism

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Chugging along

I just finished a stream where I recorded five stories and wrote a piece of music. I'm doing well. Tomorrow, I publish another episode of Inter-Mission for my potentially-two listeners.

It starts with one. It grows from there. Sooner or later, someone is going to do animations featuring their favourite bits.

Tuesday, I shall be editing a new episode of Inter-Mission, and since I'll probably be rat-faced by Thursday, I might not stream at all. It's pretty close to Xmas by then.

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And now the end is near...

I've almost finished painting the Kobold, kiddies. That means I'm nearly done with mini painting. At least until such time as I get my Bugbear printed and I paint that one. Or until such time as the other players in my current game want representation. OR until such time as I end up teaching my mini knowledge to a bunch of interested peeps who've somehow roped me into this noise.

...I know how these things go and so do you. Nothing is

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My mini is finished and just awaiting some proper varnish. Because I want some matte effects to stay matte and some shiny bits to stay shiny post varnish. Heck, he might not need varnish at all. I dunno. Either way, he's looking good. I should take pictures.

I've drybrushed the Kobold's bow and arrow, and I'll be doing some details on the feathers and arrow-tip... and possibly the one buckle I could identify on his leathers. Once all that's done, I'll hit

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Getting there by bits

I've been drybrushing my dude and I put in his eye. A procedure which required retouching his guyliner for each colour applied.

I want to re-enforce my dude's eyebrows with a little dotpainting, and also add a few highlights on all that lovely blue skin. He's almost finished. I'm also working on a Kobold for shits and giggles. Little dude is looking SUPER dark right now. He needs highlights.

I have nothing to rant about this week, so my followers on Wordpress

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I've got this... I think...

So now I have a pattern of operations for mini-painting, which definitely includes making sure the kitties are fed before I sit down to do any detail.

All that's left at this stage is a HELL of a lot of dotpainting and touch-ups on any spill-over. Since I've been really careful this time, that's not a lot of touch-ups.

Now I really have to investigate washes at the Warhammer Shoppe in Chermside. Wheee...

But not until tomorrow, when the last coats of

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Crisis... not over yet

Pippi has had a reaction to her stitches/surgery because she's a gadabout little acrobat with a bad dose of the Zoomies(tm). So they're leaving the stitches in until Saturday, and she's staying locked in the laundry during the nights when there's nobody to supervise her.

Getting stressed about things just encourages her to be more Zoomy, so I purposely chilled and did a bit of painting.

Things I have learned:

  • DIY washes don't really work on faces
  • Drybrushing with plain
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A Lot of Unriddling

So. I tried and failed to make a new map in Roll20. I'm currently seeking help on that one.

I'm trying to at least build some interlinked text in WorldAnvil, with varying degrees of success. Last night, I had a folder with subfolders viewable to anyone. Today... I just have that first page and have to work a little harder to link everything. I'll muddle around with it until I hit Frustration.

I'm making small progress, anyway.

I might even trash some

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Approaching Normal

I have both sets of braining meds! Interestingly, the ones that had to wait for stock beat out the ones that had to cross the Pacific Oceans to get to me.

The cat flap is repaired with a qualifier attached in the flavour of "for now".

We are going to need a new one. But it's at a state of being in which it can do it's job. For now.

My car has been surrendered to the mechanics and I will find

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So. I ordered my Ashwagandha, but... the place I ordered it from is out of stock.

I have to wait a WEEK to brain properly again. At minimum.

On the plus side, a parcel from the states arrived and I'm busily attempting to figure out all of the assorted nonsense within. The cat toys have been distributed to my little fluffy friends. Everything else is a matter of my int rolls at the time.

Not looking good on that count for next

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Nibbling to Death

I got another quarter of Inter-Mission done and managed to record five more stories for the next one. Yay.

All because I went to sleep long about 5PM and was out of it until 3AM.

Little kitties were wont to make pest of themselves, too. I stood firm and didn't feed them until it was five. I had to lock them out of the room because they were wont to trample my keyboards and get in my way and all that nonsense.

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So close!

I have one post waiting for bolts. One more post waiting to be situated that needs some judicious grinding to get it to fit. Alas, Mayhem was silly enough to wear bare feet on the building site yesterday, so we need him to remember his firkin boots, this time around.

It's so close to the next step. Even with muddy ground.

I just want this DONE, dangit.

Speaking of getting things done, I've been able to get 1K words into Kingdom of

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