Plague Diary

A 1694-post collection

Thursday, Visiting PLNs

Beloved does not have experts today and Adorable has not laid her hands on The Princess Bride so I am taking a very special book on a very special journey.

HEALTH UPDATE: The "wobbling" is perfectly normal. Dangit. Also, Beloved has been given the "just because you can..." speech. We may have to sit on her.

I actually don't have to thread the renfair dress. It was hung up properly to boot. Either we threaded it properly earlier and forgot, or we have a Brownie in the house.

I should get a honey cake and leave it out close to midnight anyway. Just in case. Why honey cake? Because I don't have milk to put in a saucer.

[The kids will probably get it, but it's in the spirit of the thing. I won't ask who "found" it anyway]

ANYway. I am going to publish this and then pack up my nonsense and head off to Adorable's to hang out.

My offerings will happen while I'm over there.

Let's go have some fun.

Wednesday, Wordpress and EXPERTS

Beloved is seeing the arm experts today, and hopefully getting a judgement on how wobbly things are in there. I have my fingers crossed for a fix for that nonsense, but there's an equal chance they'll tell her everything is perfectly normal and expected.

I would very much LIKE a fix because the wobbling is painful for Beloved and disturbing to the rest of us.

This weekend also features a REN FAIRE! We've been looking forward to this thing for a month

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Tuesday, Patreon and Caregiving

Beloved has had her stitches out. She's due to see some more experts about her arm and what it needs best at some unannounced future Thursday.

We find out what it is when we find out what it is.

We'd all prefer it to be sooner rather than later. There's things moving around inside her arm that should not be moving. It squicks Adorable out and hurts Beloved at the same time. I want it fixed yesterday, but we have to wait

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Monday, Backup Reads and Distractions

Beloved is seeing the experts today. I also learned a great deal about her tumble and subsequent actions that have put her into legendary status in my mind.

The chronology looks like:

  1. Used the brake on a bad downhill slope
  2. Flipped and landed badly
  3. Attempted to walk it off
    3a. FOR 800 METERS!
  4. Realised that the scooter was a bit busted on the way
  5. Started really feeling it shortly after that
  6. Realised she was NOT as okay as she thought she was
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Sunday, Realisations and Potential PLNs

Tale Foundry's doing the THING(tm) and I have the prompt and a plot in mind. I also have PLNs to do the Bikkie since I forgot all about it on Friday. I may yet press Mayhem to do the catio if it isn't done already because bloody asthma.

If all goes well and permission granted, I shall repeat the dressing process and go entertain Beloved/Adorable to commiserate Beloved's Misery.

And maybe catch some snuggles.

My poor Beloved is feeling a

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Saturday, Nebulous PLNs

We decided to skip parkrun today. Beloved was not up to sitting still on a freezing day while the rest of the fam were off pounding the pavement. Not fun.

I also have NO idea what I'm doing tomorrow, so I've cancelled my stream plans. Again. My players don't mind and I have no audience so... no big loss.

I will catch up on the memes over in the Fediverse, then give y'all a twofer. Unless I'm called away some other nonsense.

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Friday, Freedom and Shenanigans

Beloved is OUT of the hospital, but she has yet to escape the swarms of experts there to be assured of her full recovery.

I mis-reported her arm as broken this whole time, it's "only" fractured. If there's "just" a crack in it, they don't need to put her in a cast.

IMNSHO there's no such thing as "only" fractured.

So. Full update on conditions:

  • Broken jaw
  • with added plate and braces
  • which means liquid/puree diet.
  • A shoulder that
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Thurdsay, Potential Visitation

I know where my Beloved is and in which hospital. As soon as I get permission to go see her, I am OFFSKI!

Which means that my usual offerings will be DELAYED.

Current total of her woes:

  • Broken arm
  • Broken jaw [now with added plate and braces]
  • Broken shoulder [soon to have a plate]

I just got permission to visit so I shall be gathering whomst wishes to see her. Either way, I shall prepare to read her several chapters if she

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Wednesday, Wordpress and Other PLNs

Beloved is in the wars, and due to be out of hospital tomorrow. So that's the new Date Night(tm) this week.

IDFK what I'm doing with myself today.

I'm probably taking Beloved to a controlled environment tomorrow evening, all the better to ease her recuperation.

So the final tally is:

  1. Broken arm
  2. Broken jaw
  3. Added plate in the jaw
  4. Braces to restraighten her teeth

While they were in there, they took out some teeth that were just about gone anyway.


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Tuesday, Great Upset

Beloved took a tumble off her scooter, last night. After much waiting and worrying, the semi-diagnosis is in:

One broken arm and three fractures in her jaw. We're still waiting for Experts(tm) to tell us whether or not she needs surgery for that.

It's going to be a long time in recuperation for my poor lovely, but she will survive this.

Now she, too, will feel the weather in her face. Not an experience I would recommend to be honest.


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Monday, Continuing Meh

My eyes are tired, and I'm pretty sure that's just what happens when I'm off the Ashwagandha.

The alternative I'm using has yet to kick in and re-establish the energy I'm supposed to have when I'm on it.

It's day four [I think? I'm bad at counting] and this stuff's supposed to take weeks. At least there's no danger signs so there's that.

Rest assured that I WILL quit it at the first sign of trouble. I just haven't had any of

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Sunday, Sundry Shenanigans

I had adventures in Meatspace this morning that prevented me from doing the TTRPG stuff and the stream. Again.

Any audience I had with the daily stuff is LONG gone, so it doesn't really matter.

Not that I ever had that much of an audience anyway. But I digress.

It was a lovely day out except for two things. My feet and my knees.

I did find a couple of things while out there. Some for MeMum and one I decided against

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Saturday, Parkrun and further PLNs

My bone spurs are pulling bullshit on me again. I need to acquire some little thing to help me out with that. In the meantime, I'm wearing the Torture Shoes whenever I'm not in bed.


FWIW I need a piece of broomstick dowel that's about 20cm long so I can stand on it and roll it around for like five minutes per foot. Then I go sit and roll around ice bottles under my feet until they start to melt.


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Friday, Unfuckening, Parcels, and Sundry Shenanigans

I have cleaned out the catio. I have created and consumed The Bikkie. And I have learned that it's much better to cook the thing in an oven than to fry it like the guy in the tutorial did.

Baking a BREAD PRODUCT is better than frying it. WHO COULD HAVE THOUGHT!

After I'm done with the offerings, I shall go pick up a parcel. Then perhaps add some groceries on the way back.

THEN I can mess around on Satisfactory or

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Thursday, Game Night and Game Day?

We're playing TTRPGs with the rainbow crew tonight. I may be playing Satisfactory with Adorable this afternoon. But I have to get a rattle on with my offerings.

Not helped by my mentoring one of my Beginners about plot elements and making a story tastier for the audience.

Currently providing insights into writing psychopaths is dividing my attention.

I should try to focus on the offerings. More time to play means more time to hang out [even virtually] with Adorable.

Let's get

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