Plague Diary

A 1687-post collection

Tuesday, Moving Patreon Day

I am deliberately not posting on Patreon today. Because henceforth, Tuesday is one of the days that will be shared with Beloved.

I shall try shifting it to Wednesday, that being the one day that I will have minimum time for myself. So today and tomorrow will be minimum side-project days.

I tried and failed to follow the instructions for installing the Linux version of Stencyl. Once I get that going, I'm going to attempt making Pseuducku for realsies.

I have resources. I have to make a few other assets, but I think I can at least make a start on the four-square version of the game.

The nine-square variant and the numeral replacement stages might have to wait a while. But I need better instructions first.

Apparently, the instructions for installing Stencyl were written in 2016. Dang close to eight years and many software updates ago.

I have gluck in one ear and associated hearing difficulty. I tried hosing out the ear canal

Onwards to the offerings.

Monday, Asthma Issues

Every time I catch a Lurgi, I end up with an asthma attack. As I write this, I'm going through another dose on the nebuliser. The bug I have has slowed me right down with some INTENSE lethargy.

I took a half-hour nap between stretchies this morning. I don't know how much of that is Lurgi and how much is Covid: Electric Boogaloo.

I'm not putting a number on it because nobody's tracing anything any more. And I am sincerely pissed off

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Sunday, Recovery???

I've cancelled my streams today because Lurgi. And recovery time is exactly what this little bean needed.

I was awake sometime around 6 when I got an email from MeMum declaring it to be Monday. I had been intermittently napping and waking all day, so this momentarily made me believe that I'd slept through an entire day.

Fun moment.

Quick calendar check and an email exchange later, we both know what day it is. Yay.

I'm still determined to take things easy.

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Saturday, Lurgi and Luncheon

The thing that is going around has finally roosted on me. Chills, lethargy, one bout of gastro, and the good old ever-reliable head swamp.

Beloved and Adorable are also effected with The Bug so there's no parkrun for us. We need at least another week before we can try. So much for our plans for South Bank/West End followed by a Markets Stroll(tm).

For those of you wondering about Markets Stroll(tm)... you go to the farmer's/crafters/weekend market

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Friday, Bread, Unfuckening, and Fiddling About

Me and my chronic difficulty with instructions are trying to install Stencyl and Minecraft in Linux. My Beloved is rescheduling so that shared time between myself and Adorable is a bit more fair.

To that end, my Patreon posts will likely be happening on Monday or the weekend. I'll see which is more amenable.

I'll pop an announcement up on my Patreon this morning.

I have one loaf in the incubator, and the other is stowed in the little fridge. I'm finishing

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Thursday, Baking Prep, and Good News

I have found some knee sleeves. They were in Rebel Allsports (not sponsored) and promise to not roast my patellas when they're in situ.

My knees are warm, but not uncomfortably warm, and I needed my knee bracers today. Because today's a day for bread.

I have Wilson in the incubator, the flour weighed out, and the chia soaking in the water. In less than four hours, I autolyse and commence the rest of the nonsense. Knead-hour-knead until I get to the

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Wednesday, Unfuckening Complications

My attempts to move my Steam games to Linux have come to the temporary halt of Thing Not Working Like It Should.

I'm going to need someone with more prowess at these things to watch me do exactly the same thing I've done like five hundred times before. The Fickle Finger of Tech Failure is completely vulnerable to the Expert Observer effect.

I shall finish this blog and then sally forth for some minor supplies and bits and bobs. I plan on

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Tuesday, Attempts Shall Be Made

I had some irregular sleep, yesterday, so I haven't got moving before eight. After I make my usual offerings, I shall be attempting to get a video up on Patreon without using YouTube.

I suspect that YouTube will be a vile necessity.

I'm planning to do bread this week. Thursday and Friday seem like good days to do that. And at some point, I need to toddle out and go get household supplies.

I've signed up for the 5K Bridge to Brisbane,

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Monday, Backup Reads and Stream

I'm having some issues with setting up my nonsense over on the Linux partition, so I continue using Windows for streams, and therefore the backup reads.

Hopefully, I'll unriddle things enough to use Linux full time. But that occurrance is some significant unfucking down the line.

I have to rebuild some of my tab hoards in both areas. Which is what I'm doing this morning, before the backup reads kick into gear.

EDIT: I got distracted, did the backup group, AND the

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Sunday, Data Transfer Woes

It's raining. My left heel is in Fuck You Mode(tm) and I am trying every single method I can to move my tab hoard to the new Linux layout.

I have to rebuild the tab hoard I used to have on my laptop, but that's small beans.

I'm currently using my lappy for the instructions and going through the latest in a long line of alternatives to do the thing. I want to make sure ALL my widows and ALL their

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Saturday, Parkrun, Leyland's Tour, and Ouchy Feet

My left foot hates me. Specifically in the heel where my bone spur is. It's been acting up and I have no time to help them heal during certain days.

Our journeys today included a couple of side trips. One to pick up some new hardware, and the other to get better shoes. Both for Adorable.

And that's why I'm writing this at half-past 2PM.

I am a very tired bean and not inclined to do any more work to sorting out

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Friday, Attempted Moving PLNs

Everything's in order. Everything's lined up and about ready to go. I just need to clear up space so I can make a partition and set up for the big switch. I've made a list of all the programs I use regularly, and I'm about to start sorting ALL my tabs [and pruning them] so I can plausibly swap operations to the new setup.

And I have managed to tick off Beloved about how I follow instructions and -yeah- I am a

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Thursday, SIDEWAYS!

I was actually awake at 6AM, but I had Other Things to Do (tm). So after I washed and dressed and managed a majority of my stretchies, I was offski to the depths of The City [dramatic music sting].

All to see an expert about my hormone nonsense so I can achieve some personal presentation goals. Better to do this stuff under supervision instead of messing around with it on my own.

Since I was in the "neighbourhood", I also decided to

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Wednesday, Leyland's Tour, Shrink, and STUFF

I need meds, I need to acquire foods and maybe a few other things. I need to check out all the White Goods PPL in my zone to help MeMum narrow down brands of washing machines she needs.

So I'll also be asking to see their dumbest washing machines with a priority on a separate spin cycle. And real buttons.

It's promising to be an expensive week, this week. My flight path today includes Costco and Petbarn and that's how you know

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Tuesday, Leyland's Tour and Patreon

Mum needs help and hand-holding. IIRC, there's furniture involved and there may or may not be a technical issue somewhere.

The SSD thing is solved at last. Beloved got back to me about my concerns and I am no longer a wet, pathetic beast.

Anyway. I went to bed early yesterday so I could do all the other nonsense this morning. I have learned that I do indeed need to do my stretchies. I also know that, despite my sleep, the B-complex

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