Plague Diary

A 1685-post collection

Monday, Backup Reads and Considering Bread

I am almost out of my artisinal bread. I also have an appointment tomorrow. It takes absolute hours to do bread. But I am also about due to run out of bread.

I think I can wrangle stage one - mixing and proofing - today? I might have to spend two days baking later on.

Time, as always, will tell.

I'll figure it all out in the end. If I start the starter incubating close to now it won't be ready for the rest of the process until after stream.

Yeah. I think I can still get halfway.

And later on, I also do stream. From Linuxland(tm). I don't have KittyCam in Linux. I can't make two cameras work at the same time. We think it's a cam brand issue with Linux-branded OBS.

We'll figure things out eventually.

Meanwhile... the other offerings.

Sunday, Mother's Day and Stream

I've been having fun with the VTTRPG's over the weekend. Call of C'thulu last night - our DM keeps turning us away from our goals, and me running Dungeon of the Mad Mage.

I added the threat of the eldritch influence to the Horn my players are fighting over. Hopefully, I can influence the story we're building to lean into my plot intentions.


I gave my Beloved an emotional overload, this Friday gone. Rainbow chat didn't help. The genderfucky group were

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Saturday, Parkrun, Sore Feet, and Very Tired

I messed up parkrun by getting my wires crossed and finishing before I did the full 5K. Unfamiliar course, already sore and tired. Not inclined to remedy my mistake.

So now I have a Fake Personal Best(tm).

My bad.

We went thereafter to the West End Markets, and I'm glad to see that West End is still a melting pot despite the efforts of Yuppies and Gentrification. Lots of cultural exchange going on.

I am very footsore and very weary. So

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Friday, Catio and Beloved Time

So far today, I have: finished a chapter (#419), done my stretchies, tortured my feet, had my coffee and pills, and cleaned out the catio.

Beloved was still lounging naked in bed, last I looked. Her day starts in a handful of minutes.

Today, I am going to shrink the assets I have for Pseuducku. I'll try 256 pixels square so they can still be 'readable' as the art I've already accomplished.

If that doesn't work, I'll try double that.

Results will

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Thursday, A Little Catch-up, and Listlessness

I'm already on low-batt status and I haven't started my daily shenanigans. I have some corrections to make for the background of my game boards. I mistook construction pieces for whole elements and that was my mistake to correct.

I'll be doing that after I make my offerings today.

I've taken my preventer in case this is an oxygen problem - and no it isn't. I'm still feeling like I'm operating under 1.5G's and that's the trial du jour.

And at

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Wednesday, Rant Entry, Shopping, and Great Sleep

It's ten o'clock and I have yet to put pants on. It's a great morning because I actually got a sound firkin night's sleep. Yay. I didn't wake up until after sunrise.

I feel great.

The financial complications regarding the council-related email are sorted, I got Baldur's Gate 3 running in LinuxLand for an entire hour's worth of game time.

Today, after I finish my stretchies, foot torture, and cat feeding [Most important!]... I shall have to go shopping because Wednesday is

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Tuesday, OW...

Day two of my firkin cyclone headache and I am on hold with the council. About a bill notice I got on email.

Apparently, I'm liveblogging this because I have now found out this biz is genuine and I have to call the recovery agency to verify the payment plan that I'm already using independently.

Isn't red tape FUN?

I've told the recovery people I'm already doing payments on the rates to the best of my ability. So now they're checking with

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Monday, Backup Reads and Cyclone Headache

I can feel the weather in my face, this morning. I have taken painkillers for it, but they're not being effective today. I might not be doing the stream because looking into a bright light is not my favourite idea right now.

Fingers crossed, they actually work before stream time. I don't like having to cancel for all my assortment of reasons.

My head hurts. I just want to sleep it off.

I have Beloved's company tomorrow, and it looks like I

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Sunday, Stream Shenanigans and Sleep Issues

I finally have enough sleep, yay. I also have a little bit of reflux so some vinegar is in my diet plans until it goes away. Which means I need to find some cheap fish for the interim.

It might just be a cheap week. I hope.

I'm still working out when I'm doing things. I'm going to try posting my Patreon stuff next Sunday. Part so I can gather a bunch of stuff for the post, and part so I can

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Saturday, Parkrun, Bug chasing, and Hair

There's been some alarm from my readers over the prospect of my moving [though I can't fathom why. I find a way to work around every impediment in my path] so let me ease some concerns with this:

It's all at least a year in the future IF things go well for us.

By that time, the kids could have lives of their own. By that time, I could have an author career. I could have a multi-bajillion-dollar deal with some megacorporation

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Friday, Changes Inherent?

The QPP might be cohabiting at some point in a not-too-distant future. I know I said they'd have to carry me out of here feet first, but there's ways around that. The hurdle of cold-hard-folding is going to be solved RSN so the next problems of: (a) finding a place big enough for all of us, (b) that suits all of us1, (3) has room for a Catio, (d) and is close to public transit.

My brief survey of the options

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Thursday, All Going Well?

All going well, I shall move more entries from my Wordpress blog to the new self-hosted arena. All going well, I meet up with my Beloved this afternoon. All going well, I have her to snuggle until Monday morning.

All going well... I will not suffer from any lingering Lurgi effects.

All going well, we resume our PLNs to go parkrun on the southside of Brisbane, followed by a market crawl.

All going well, I can get my offerings and some of

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Wednesday, Busy Bean

I gotta get Mayhem to APM by 11. I gotta do some shopping. I gotta get my offerings out. I gotta do some side projects. I gotta finish calibrating OBS so I can stream from Linux-land.

I should eventually figure out how to make Stencyl work here as well. Meanwhile, I can at least work on some assets.

And I wuzgunna post my Patreon stuff today as well.

At least most of my nonsense can be wrangled. OTOH, I am managing this

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Tuesday, Moving Patreon Day

I am deliberately not posting on Patreon today. Because henceforth, Tuesday is one of the days that will be shared with Beloved.

I shall try shifting it to Wednesday, that being the one day that I will have minimum time for myself. So today and tomorrow will be minimum side-project days.

I tried and failed to follow the instructions for installing the Linux version of Stencyl. Once I get that going, I'm going to attempt making Pseuducku for realsies.

I have resources.

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Monday, Asthma Issues

Every time I catch a Lurgi, I end up with an asthma attack. As I write this, I'm going through another dose on the nebuliser. The bug I have has slowed me right down with some INTENSE lethargy.

I took a half-hour nap between stretchies this morning. I don't know how much of that is Lurgi and how much is Covid: Electric Boogaloo.

I'm not putting a number on it because nobody's tracing anything any more. And I am sincerely pissed off

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