Plague Diary

A 1702-post collection

Friday, Appointments Made!

I finally tracked down all the doctors and have appointments to go place and do thing. Yay.

I'm going to get my heel seen to at about the same time that I'll be due to publish my All Hallow's Read story. Or at least commence on that nonsense.

I'm also seeing another medico about special meds at about the same time that I find out whether or not Agent #3 likes my nonsense. Synchronicity be weird around here.

I really need to look up the agent pile, as my shrink recommended another mob. Check out their submission guidelines and making certain I have enough to pitch to Mob #2. After a brief peek, I might have a wait on my hands or a lot to do. They're closed to new blood for now. Scary.

BUT I also have three more agents to pitch to before Mob #2 so I have a lot of time to tweak things there.

I have offerings to make, a catio to clean, and maybe a few hours of relaxation to snag.

Let's get on with that.

Thursday, Spinning Wheels

I have to track down quacks, and today's a good day for it. Fingers crossed I don't get lost in the shuffle this time.

I'll be doing that between videos I have in the background for attempted focus assistance.

I actually managed to draw Kosh in his sleepwear, and then accidentally posted it twice. First post spent five-ever uploading and I thought it was borked because I couldn't find it anywhere. So I posted it again and cancelled the first one. Or

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Wednesday, Writer's Rant and Shenanigans

Mayhem's entered negotiation to have two days off a week, in which to decompress, fill out his Learners, and otherwise have a life.

The sooner he's transportationally free, the better things will be.

For all of us. I'll have some freedom back, I'll have what passes for my social life back. I'll be able to run long-range errands again.

But that's a little bit away from now. Whatever days we get, I'll rearange my life accordingly. I'd like to have Tuesdays and

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Tuesday, Everything is Sideways

It's afternoon and I have barely started my nonsense for the day. Things that interrupted today's process are:

  1. A late night leading to a late start
  2. Driving Mayhem to work
  3. The cats
  4. Dinner creation

So now I'm doing what I can to get to completing my offerings before other stuff has to happen.

If I can focus long enough to do that.

Also, I may be getting a call from some maybe-scammers at some point. I need every luck I can get.

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Monday. No stream today because death cough

I'm not dying, I'm just doing a very good impersonation of the last act of Camille or Carmen Buranda. I'm currently taking a dose on Max and I need to go shopping because the cats need more food.

Fun times ahead.

I thought I had more cat food than I do, so it's an emergency run for assorted things. So there's a significant chance I won't be back before stream time. Which is why no stream today.

I may do stream tomorrow.

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Sunday, Stream and Games

Ran a game in the wee small hours of this morning. Due to be running in a game sometime after darkness has crawled over the land.

I've had a really good long rest, I somehow acquired a cyclone headache. I took my painkillers, and I'm still waiting for them to kick in.

So the offerings shall occur, and I hope to heck that I do them quick enough to have fun in between now and then.

Onwards to the nonsense.

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Saturday, No Parkrun and Continuing Embuggerances

I don't know how to get the pi-hole software onto the hardware, my heel hates me, and I'm creeping ever closer to maybe needing a fifth dang GoogDoc.

Time will tell about that.

Stencyl won't let me progress until there's an update, so now I'm keeping tabs on the updates page to see when they enact their jiggery-pokery. Huzzah.

I've finished a fnart piece for an artist on Tumblr, and I only hope my efforts don't insult them. So far... radio silence.

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Friday, Raspberry Pi and Jiggery-Pokery

I did not, in fact, wreck the thing forever. The machine is assembled, the OS is installed, so now I'm pondering the software. Which is going on the world's smallest data chip. Currently in its carry-case until I find or figure out how to install the software on the thing.

My current issue - where does data chip go? I cannot figure out the receptacle for it to reside.

It'll be unriddled in time, I'm sure.

Soon, mu-ha, we shall have... AD-FREE

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Thursday, House of Pestillence

Mayhem has a lingering Lurgi, this time. He might be starting to believe in the power of sanitising communal keyboards and may begin to believe in sanitising his hands before touching food or his face.

Time will tell.

Pseuducku news: It's not me, it's the app. My trouble with sound files is a bug in Stencyl that needs fixing, not anything I was fucking up. Yay?

So alongside doing yesterday's rant that I forgot, I shall now make room for a side

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Tuesday, Quack Trip and Pi Maybe

I'm seeing my GP today. There to get a scrip for breathing meds, and talk about getting my left heel surgically adjusted so I can maybe walk without fucking pain.

That's happening close to ten in the morning.

Mayhem's also caught another Office Lurgi. So instead of juggling driving time, I am now spinning my wheels waiting for the minute to take off.

I might actually have the time to set up the PiHole today. Huzzah. I'm also going to take the

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Tuesday, Shopping and PAIN

My left heel hates me and I might need an op. The bank in charge of our loans needs to talk to us about giving them more money than we can afford. I can't track down the doctor reponsible for my prescription for my special meds and my life is going... sideways.

This is temporary. We will find a way to handle it all.

I just need to brave up and tell my other partners that I think I might need to

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Monday, Patreon and Stream and...

I need to track down one doctor and make an appointment with them. I have to create an appointment with my regular doctor for my asthma meds. I need to run my stream, post my Patreon stuff, push forward my offerings...

I'm a very busy bean. I might even delay the Patreon stuff to tomorrow, since I can't have a day with Beloved because driving.


Mayhem needs to talk to people about brain issues, but one of his brain issues is

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Sunday, Stream Shenanigans and Bread

I have my first loaf proofing in the incubator. I managed to run a session where all four hours were combat. Well. Combat and setting up for combat. There were a lot of mobs to juggle.

So after some tea and a nap, I'm back up and ready to rave onwards. Huzzah.

After the daily offerings and bread, there's another game tonight. Assuming all goes well. Then it's back to what passes for normal and fitting my work in between other things.

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Saturday, Parkrun and Stream PLNs

Did Southbank parkrun properly this time, and I swear that thing is uphill in all directions. Ow.

Brisbane Geography for the win?

My feet hurt and my legs hate me and I'm having ice cream as compensation. Story very soon.

I have my starter in the incubator and, given that I fed them on Thursday, haven't bothered with the Bikkie step. I'm checking on it on the hour and hoping this helps me streamline dough.

Wish me luck on that one.


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Friday, House of Pestillence

Mayhem didn't listen to my good advice on shaking his lurgi. He's taking that good advice today. By Monday, he'll be back at work.

I'm going to try Stencyl again. Unriddling the sound issue is a complicated problem that includes converting files to other formats and stripping their metadata. I tried finding or making copies of the extant sound files, but... that's something I must mess about with.

I will find a way.

Maybe not today, maybe not next week, but I

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