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Challenge #04164-K146: A Very Simple Lesson

B'Nari medic learns the secret of how some sea creatures eternally renew their genetic telomeres without any harm to themselves. And begin to splice this coding into new bodies which now stop aging after becoming adults because the telomeres never degrade. -- The New Guy

[AN: Pretty sure the B'Nari would be looking into that before they hared off with their gengineering colony]

Immortality can be either a blessing or a curse. It all depends on how the immortal views it. It also depends on how much influence the immortal has, and in which direction. Just as one can change the world with two kind hands... all it takes to ruin one is a singular cruel heart.

B'Nar was founded on the idea of creating the perfect workers for their purpose. Several gengineering corporations went down deep time to operate in competition with each other. The results may be dubious, but the experiment is nominally successful. Some stumbles were made along the way.

Nobody talks about the fifth world, these days, but the records are there for the curious. Pour encourager les autres.

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Challenge #04163-K145: Wicked Gleaming Glee

An entire room of wanted CEO's. A bounty hunter who revealed herself to be Pax Humanis. Fortunately for them? They were all wanted alive. Well, most of them.

https://peakd.com/fiction/@internutter/challenge-04036-k018-stay-sharp#@bkf/re-internutter-s7hn7w -- DaniAndShali

It was amazing to watch. Not a single one of the executives present realised that Bear was outnumbered. They were all focussed on her knife and the gleam of sharpness of her blade. It would only take five of them to take her down

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Challenge #04162-K144: Help to All in Need

The human had helped nurse the very, very sick dragon back to health. The dragon'd had trouble laying her eggs and it'd taken a toll on her. They stayed to help the dragon, as did their family, and when the eggs hatched, the human and hir family helped the dragon raise their brood, so that all children, human and dragon, knew the love and warmth of a big family. -- Anon Guest

If you believe that all life is precious, truly and

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Challenge #04161-K143: Checking In

Bibrid, Gikka, and Lilbit meet Wraithvine's new associate, Zygorguk. Lilbit is actually the one that is least hesitant about the first meeting. Cats can just tell.

https://peakd.com/fiction/@internutter/challenge-04028-k010-orphaned-plotline-adoption -- Anon Guest

[AN: Continuity wise, Zygorguk pre-dates Gikka and Lilbit... But I can make it work]

On the side of a mountain is an old, gnarled tree. It's so tall that clouds catch in its upper branches. Advanced students weave them into treats for the novices. The hollows are

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Challenge #04160-K142: Delivery Completed

A: you salvaged a high priority package? In this desolate place? There’s barely any colony in 500 lights years. Surely you must be mistaken.

B: A, this is a human thing don’t worry about it.

A: I will, because this “high priority package” destination is tangentially 1200 LY of our original drop off point!

B: Look we’ll restock when we get there and you’ll listen to what I say, captain’s order.

Later in the ship A slip

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Challenge #04159-K141: Bet'cha Can't

Human, why are you painting tiny pictures of animals along the tops of the walls near the ceiling?

...because my partner said they didn't think I could. -- Anon Guest

Companion Thark initially thought they were stickers. The Humans did have their peculiar little ways when they thought a space was too bland for their liking. The most popular redecoration tool was the humble adhesive image. It was only when ze attempted to peel one off the cornice that ze realised hir

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Challenge #04158-K140: In the Nick of Time

They were surrounded by attackers. Before Wraithvine, hir pet Lilbit, Bibrid, and Gikka could do much more, a warrior leapt down from the cliffside to fight, willing to die, to protect the wizard and hir friends. -- Anon Guest

Wraithvine remembered thinking, I guess this is how I find out, and readying one last spell to put Lilbit somewhere far away from the strife. Bibrid was technically deathless. He would continue to exist afterwards. It might hurt, but he would continue to

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Challenge #04157-K139: Gifts of Justice

I'm not afraid of getting hurt, but I admit, I'm also well aware I'm not strong. Nevertheless, I refuse to stand here and do nothing. -- DaniAndShali

Bravery is not the lack of fear. It is being afraid and acting anyway. It is facing down injustice knowing that it could hurt to stand up for the downtrodden.

She was an outcast, eking out an existence on the sketchier side of the village. He was meant to be fetching medicine for his auntie.

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Challenge #04156-K138: Scarab, Elevated

You claim that I have everything and you have nothing. No, my friend, that is far from the truth.

You have close friends, you have loved ones you can truly trust, you have people who you know for a fact would be there for you no matter what.

All I have is money, and people constantly seeking it. My dearest dream is to just have one true friend who wants to be at my side as yours are. You can take all

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Challenge #04155-K137: A Double-edged Blade

Some believe that swords have souls and lives of their own, and thus deserve their own names. Those who love their blades will be acknowledged by them in turn. But those who see their swords as friends or even lovers should be warned that this relationship is built on death and bloodshed. The passions of those who dance with their blade amid crimson showers must surely be cooled someday by fickle steel. -- Anon Guest

There are legends about that kind of

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Challenge #04154-K136: Made to Care

I was built by the B'Nari to be extremely versatile. I care for those who are no longer able to care for themselves, or, due to birth or accident, have never been able to do so. It can be difficult, sometimes, I admit. But seeing my human smile as I help them through their day, and make their life so much easier, is very rewarding. -- Anon Guest

Life is not limited to the organic. Just ask the AI Alliance if you

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Challenge #04153-K135: To Breathe Clouds of Joy

Wraithvine, Bibrid, and Lilbit enter a town that is cursed, or blessed, however one may view it, to have an hour each day where everyone, from oldest to youngest, suddenly feels great joy and laughs. Once that moment fades, it leaves a lingering feel of contentment and whatever injuries or illnesses the citizenry has, has healed just that much faster. Though severe illnesses or injuries still take a while, it doesn't hurt as much. -- Anon Guest

The bells rang before a

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Challenge #04152-K134: Postgraduate Course

They "graduated" from being "taught" by a Pax Humanis member, to being in a cell on a prison station run by the Alliance and going through therapy. They still screamed in their sleep and woke up gasping, while clinging to their pillow and wanting the lights left on.

https://peakd.com/fiction/@internutter/challenge-03932-j280-a-drop-in-the-bucket -- Anon Guest

How far is too far? How ethical is it to torture someone who once spent people like people spent tissue paper, before the Shattering. How

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Challenge #04151-K133: Flying Free

An old, struggling, barge manages to dock with an Alliance station. The barge was widely reported as stolen from a deregger system. Who ends up tumbling out of it? Dozens and dozens of young individuals, especially kids. Who do they credit for being able to do this? The video they saw on the info nets.

https://peakd.com/fiction/@internutter/challenge-03995-j343-how-to-leave-without-notice -- Anon Guest

When something's stolen from Deregger space, it's generally code for "destroyed for the insurance money". If it doesn't

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Challenge #04150-K132: Blame the Bully

A kind individual helps a younger individual learn that the bullying and mistreatment they've suffered is NOT their fault, they didn't do anything wrong. The ones who were in the wrong were their bullies. -- Anon Guest

"Devilborn! Devil-bred! Go and cry and wet your bed!"

There were worse things the children of the town could be doing to him than their daily chant. They could throw anything, including punches and hard objects. Or soft objects.

If he was fast enough. Wily

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