Faerie Tales

A 48-post collection

Challenge #04416-L032: Undeserving Expectations

The massive house had a large group of Brauniin living within it. Those who stayed there, either as owners or guests, were always required to read the plaques that was by all entrances. "Do not act with greed or entitlement here. Be polite, and always thank the unseen for all that has been done for you. To do otherwise, is to invite misfortune." -- Anon Guest

Every place tells a story, if you know how to listen. It may be in the trails taken by every creature who made them. It may be in the wear of a particular seat, or the patina on a table. Or, in this case, the special features of a hostel house.

It's a peculiar house, to say the least of it. For a start, it's always clean and there's always something cooking at the hearth, but you can't find a soul who lives there.

To some, it appears as a little cottage. To others, a mansion in surprisingly good repair. To more than a few, it reveals its true self, an immense Ygdrassi tree shaped into a house of multiple apartments. And the reason why nobody sees who lives there is - it's full of Brauniin.

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Challenge #04351-K333: Help From Nowhere

She was alone in the ramshackle hut having a difficult birth, the last survivor of a caravan. Fortunately for her, the family of Brauniin heard her cries, and came to this woman in her hour of need. -- Anon Guest

The house barely had a roof left, more weeds and leaf litter than true thatch, nevertheless, it counted as a house. The Hidden Ones lingered there. A house wants its Faekindred. Brauniin or Nisse, some waited for the ruin to be a

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Challenge #04303-K285: Backburning Request

A: Y-you bastard! You played us like a damn fiddle!

B: oh please, Fiddles are intricate instruments that take years to master.

I played you like the kazoo you are. -- Anon Guest

[AN: I've seen variants of this exchange where the kazoo is described as "cheap" too]

I believed it was for the greater good. I thought the things I was doing were necessary evils. Minor harms in the great, grander scheme. I could only see small fragments of the bigger

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Challenge #04050-K032: The Downside

Dear faerie, I wish only these things. That all the food I cooked turns out tasty and fulfilling, and I always have enough to share with those in need. -- Anon Guest

Banquet had saved the Faerie from the spider by eating the latter. This would disturb many to know, but Hellkin were wont to eat whatever they could get. It was the only way to survive one more day and probably how all the nasty rumours started.

Ze had been reaching

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Challenge #04044-K026: Hoard, Lair, Hat

A small, intelligent, dragonling lands on Wraithvine's hat carrying its treasure, a single gold coin. It looks quite pleased with itself, Lilbit the cat, however, is indifferent to the new arrival. -- Anon Guest

Wraithvine thought it was an insect at first, hitting hir hat and resting there for a moment's ease. What alerted hir to the truth was the fact that Lilbit glanced up, and went back to sleep on Wraithvine's shoulders.

Lilbit was absolute death on anything insectoid. She would

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Challenge #04043-K025: Just One Story

"Unty Wraithvine, I don' feel so good, read me a story, please?" -- Anon Guest

The book was thick, and may have been weight training for the small child. It had been read many times and handled by many readers. Generations had added to some pages. Some scribbling illustrations in the margins, others colouring in the woodcuts. At least one baby had teethed on the hard cover. It was a relic of many generations.

Wraithvine handled it with the reverence it was

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Challenge #04033-K015: Kindness Grows

They leave gifts for the Faekindred kind known as Brauniin. Small desserts, bottles of fruit juice, honey cakes, etc. Why? Because these kind faerie were there for them, and stopped them from hurting themselves when they were at their deepest despair, and helped them recover. -- Anon Guest

[AN: Might be reference to this: https://peakd.com/fiction/@internutter/challenge-03957-j305-faerie-retribution ]

It began with a loaf of bread. A baker took pity on Trash and pressed a small loaf into the young Hellkin's

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Challenge #03970-J318: The Path Untrodden

I am not the future you, nor are you my past self anymore. More correctly, you are that forgotten starting point of mine, unfulfilled ideal of mine, the unchosen answer in many decisions. -- Anon Guest

If you could change anything about your past - would you? If given that chance, what would you change? The threads of time and fate can only tangle one way, it seems. But what if--?

The Faekindred of Nanogh play with time like most children play

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Challenge #03969-J317: Negotiations

My people sent me to meet the humans for the first time. They look much like us, though they don't have our wings. I'm nervous, I've heard many things. But it's been said those that gain their favor are well protected. Powers protect me, here we go. -- Anon Guest

[AN: humanoids with wings are bad alien design, so this is automatically within a fantasy realm. Perhaps some faeries who have "gone native" in Mundis Mortalidae - aka the mortal realm ]


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Challenge #03957-J305: Faerie Retribution

Several bullies have a spell put on them so that they're forced to feel what their victims felt when being bullied. Save for the adult who had nothing but hate in their heart, everyone else learns their lessons well. -- Anon Guest

Parents say it to their children all the time. The Faekindred will get you. A general warning to play by the rules, stay close, and otherwise behave oneself. A mishap immediately after an ill-willed action or statement is said to

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Challenge #03886-J234: A Joke Too Far

An adorable little fae-dragon is quite the trickster. Imagine how much fun it is to drop glowing little rainbow scales down the back of people's shirts and be able to flit away and giggle. -- Anon Guest

Nanogh, otherwise known as the Plane of Magic, is home to many strange creatures. Sometimes, it takes things literally. Like dragonflies. Or rather, Fly-Dragons. In the primary mortal plane, intelligent Dragonkind gets no smaller than Kobolds. The smallest of Dragonkind in the mortal plane is

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Challenge #03632-I344: You Think You're Smart

The prophecy, a young girl of humble means will rise up against tyranny. With no sword in hand, only the heart, the tyrant will end, balance restored, and peace once more to a war-torn land. -- Anon Guest

Tyrants generally mislike prophecies in which they get overthrown. It's a whole thing. One would think that, when faced with a prophecy about heroes with humble beginnings, a tyrant might actually eliminate any kind of humble setting by -say- affording their peasants some decent

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Challenge #03627-I339: Legally Bound

“I finally created the ultimate slave contract where the victim is enslaved by their own free will, they may be able to break it anytime but the repercussion will be emotionally immense.” “My lord, these are just adoption papers

oh here’s part 2 -- Anon Guests

[AN: I can only guess that these are from two different Nonnies, but the second link supplied leads only to the first bit. Alas, alack]

Lord Aszhatt glared at the seneschal. "But they must fear

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Challenge #03124-H215: Essential Enforcement

It's from this, but more from the prompts.

The lords of the realm now must face the wrath of their people. But rather than being killed, their people turn on them and drag them before the king in chains demanding the king teach these errant lords a lesson about mistreating the people they are supposed to care for.

https://peakd.com/fiction/@internutter/challenge-03076-h168-freedom-by-the-press -- DaniAndShali

"Well, this is an interesting development," said the King. The people had revolted against their revolting

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Challenge #03086-H178: What a Deal

If. The codicil to a lot of Life's bargains, often toxic, usually starting in learning years, where you often learn more than what's on the syllabus. -- Nonny the Mouse

Sadi hadn't known what they were getting into when they got into it. What they were used to getting into was Miss Tiven's Crap List. This time, Sadi had accidentally wandered into the Feywilds. It wasn't really Sadi's fault, they were just following instructions as best they could remember... so they thought.

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