
A 37-post collection

Challenge #03587-I298: The Wreck of the Hopes&Dreams

I am an AI, this body looks humanoid because its the most convenient. My senses are far, far, more powerful than a being that is flesh and blood. It's why I'm so good at my job. Now, please, I can tell by your expression and vitals that you are quite ill, stop trying to hide it and let me help you, before it's too late? -- Anon Guest

"You have no rights to invade my medical privacy," ranted Passenger Els as she fought to escape triage. "I'm fine. I can walk it off."

Medikbot W4R-D wished, not for the first time, that ze could sigh. The best ze could manage was a sound something like a depressed party squeaker. "You have an abundance of natural adrenaline in your system," ze announced. "This creates a temporary analgesic effect. That adrenaline will be wearing off in less than a minute, and you will become aware of severe pain. My current estimate is that you will walk seven steps before you collapse."

"Screw you, I'm fine!" She battled free and made it eight steps out of pure spite. Forcing herself to go one further before she succumbed to her injuries and gravity alike.

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Challenge #03455-I167: Look Upon My Works and Despair

A Deregger, not quite at "gunpoint" but close enough, has to make a deal to allow the Alliance to come in to help clean the mess up on their world before it becomes a grave-world. They're allowed to STAY in power, sorta, but with heavy supervision and lessons on ACTUALLY governing properly. -- Lessons

Picture if you will, a gilded, Faberge bunker. Its owner has heard of Roccoco and thought the style far too bland. If it isn't made of the precious

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Challenge #03451-I163: Return to Sender

A Deregger invents a weapon that is as small as a micrometeor, however, as soon as the Hungry Caterpillar system snaps it up, it explodes. While one or two are not, on their own, all that dangerous, he figures hundreds of such tiny explosions will do quite a bit of damage inside those things. -- Anon Guest

Clever people have tried to sabotage the Hungry Caterpillar before. Chiefly, asteroid wranglers who considered supremacy in the deadly art of stopping space rocks before

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Challenge #03220-H311: Pieces of a New Life

"You've been up for nearly 72 hours, again! Are you finally going to tell me what's going on?"

"Sorry, I'll get some sleep soon, I promise."

"Isn't your insomnia medicine helping?"

"I've not been taking it."

"Why not?"

Hesitation... a deep breath... slowly they turn around and present a beautifully carved statue of stone with small gemstones inlaid and the etchings reading "To my first true friend."

"Because I wanted to celebrate the anniversary of the day you took me from that

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Challenge #03128-H219: It's Not Just a Cold

A Deregger escapee has an unusual quirk that makes them, of all things, immune to the immunoflu. Unfortunately, that means they're apt to contract the illnesses the immunoflu is meant to prevent, and catches a cold. -- Anon Guest

They told Pel he was lucky to survive. Once they discovered his truly peculiar genetic abnormality, those tellings doubled. The immunoflu was one of Humanity's Greatest Hits[1], since humanity could not contain or cure the common cold, they tamed it. Using the

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Challenge #03077-H169: Constant Vigilance

A Companion notices that the ship's human's livesuit is picking up on wild, unusual fluctuations in hormones related to emotions and high stress. On questioning, the human informs them that, due to a somewhat negligent upbringing and poor socialization as a child and adolescent, they suffer from underdeveloped emotional maturity... that will never fully develop. That ship has sailed, and they were NOT on board.

The explanation is delivered in a calm, somewhat bored tone, with a bland facial expression. The livesuit

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Challenge #03041-H118: Tactile Therapy

The ship's human is a former deregger still recovering from the horrors they endured. They often awakened in the middle of the night shaking and afraid. The companion liaison decided to do something about it and got the human a gift. A weighted blanket, and a soft, cuddly, comfort item that they, even though they were an adult, could cling to when they started to get lost in their own head. This fierce protector that helped the ship, and was an incredibly

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