Catching Up

A 19-post collection

Thursday, Catching Up and Shoulder

I didn't do my Wordpress, yesterday. I was out having fun. So I write it today. Huzzah.

If I have the energy, I shall take a garbage bag and whirlwind all of the tissues out of my room. If not, no loss.

I have to remember to be kind with me.

Beloved and I spent a lovely spa day. It came with profiterole mice. Imagine a profiterole with white icing on top. One part has been deliberately drizzled to represent a muzzle. Artistic icing to create nose, eyes, and a tail also exists. There are slivered almonds for ears.

The result is twice as derpy as expected and deliciously adorable.

My shoulder needs to be warm to get better, I have discovered. Allowing it to cool makes the knot come back, but not quite as worse as it has once been. I'm tired of the yoyo so my heat pack is going to be my best friend. As well as any insulation I can get my hands on, worn toga style.

Fun times.

I shall be building more dungeon buildings today. Chillaxing and keeping my shoulder warm.


Story, Wordpress, and dungeon(s) ho.

Thursday, Day 0, Catching Up

Plague news: One new case, a local transmission. Eighteen total active cases, ten are in hospital. Australia's at 77% first vax, and 53% fully vaxxed. Queensland's at 46% fully vaxxed. Pull the lead out...

I am doing all the things I have neglected this week because I have been hepped up about DM'ing all week so far. So... finances, buying a few last books, commenting on and voting for at least two other stories in the Foundry... and setting up potential encounters

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Challenge #00791-B060: One Fine Afternoon Constitutional

Image prompt!
The story of two birds, Numidids optional.

[AN: Image shows two long-necked birds(possibly egrets) facing each other on opposite sides of what looks to be a canal. One bird is white, the other is grey. I also have no idea why the image won’t get quoted any more. Another stuff-up from staff?]

This is Earth. It now prides itself on the strange, the bizarre, and the unusual. Its citizens, for a modest fee, will gleefully exhibit some

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Challenge #00788-90 - B057-59: The Human Answer

“What the Heck are they doing?”
“They’re having Fun.”
This is a line from a Very old Movie called The Boatnicks„ See what you can do with it, not necessarily to do with boats, could be anything us humans think of as fun.
2. .  Jam, treacle, puffed rice. Who would have thought it could be used as a weapon.
3. “Once you open a can of worms, it takes two cans to get them back.” have fun.
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