A: are you sure this building is up to spec?
B: trust me I had the best engineers working on this project everything this geometrical perfect to ±0.003 tolerance.
A: I may be a lowly contractor, but the wall is 92° from where I’m standing.
B: I-impossible I had it tripled checked before installation!
A: there’s a mountain goat licking for salt around 90 m above us -- Anon Guest
Architect Blaine looked up. Sure enough, the beast in question was perched on an apparently vertical expanse. Sniffing and licking the otherwise plain concrete. There were distant specks further up that also had to be goats.
"NO! We used the best satellite and laser technology! This was computer aided in every single step. This is impossible!"
"So," said Contractor Arde, "None of you took out a spirit level at any time?"
Blaine sneered down their nose at Arde. "This is a work about the pinnacle of technology. A monument to progress! No need for stone-age tools at all. Computers! Lasers! Artificial Intelligence! Every ninety degree angle measured with the most advanced technology that humanity could concoct. No physical tools beyond the construction machinery. It was meant to be perfect... Perfect."
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