
A 184-post collection

Challenge #04113-K095: Truce With Benefits

They were the leader of an enormous pack of kobolds. All of them had found a gold vein. All of their burrows were very well defended. The humans seemed to treat them politely enough to their faces, because they had gold, but also talked hatefully behind their backs due to being kobolds. Then, when potentially deadly dangers arose, the humans realize it's not the gold that's the true value of having a kobold's friendship. -- Anon Guest

Kobolds, Gobelliin, and occasionally Gnomes are often viewed as pests. They get everywhere, or they keep turning up. They have a knack for being in placed where other beings are unlikely to go. They exist, more or less, in the cracks where civilisation often doesn't look.

Haddercleft had excellent territory for goats, but shit for anything else. They eked out an existence from people passing through their mountains, and was generally another little place where heroes came from. Until someone put their foot in the wrong place and discovered the Kobold burrow.

Some might say they made the mistake of giving the cluster of Kobolds some of their cheese. Or... they would have at the time. Kindness to the Unwelcome is generally repaid by the kind of undying loyalty that becomes socially inconvenient.

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Challenge #04105-K087: Family Fireside

Young Vindication, now almost a grown adult speaks to his friends of when he first met his older brothers. His mother who sat with them, adding in bits and pieces as they all sit around a fire enjoying a peaceful family camping trip. -- Anon Guest

With a family name like Merrimine, there's a reputation. The young Viceroy had grown up steeped in it. He had to keep it, alas, since the name also came with

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Challenge #04103-K085: Returning to Kindness

A family whose parentals were once foster children of Fosterhaus visit to offer their assistance. They get to introduce their own children to Wraithvine and hir friends as well, who was there helping with some repairs after a storm had rolled through. -- Anon Guest

[AN: Possible reference to ]

Isolated villages in the middle of nowhere are places to come from. Adventurers come from tiny flyspecks on the map with names like Bendihollow, North Haverbrook, and,

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Challenge #04102-K084: Truth Hurts

"My dear, I'm sorry, but while I care for you, I cannot, and will not, lie to you and say that I want to be with you in THAT manner. Your summons hurt. Please, stop calling me. I'm willing to be friends, but nothing more." -- Anon Guest

"Aren't you the demon of pain and anguish?" Cosima protested, tears already ruining her mascara. "You're the living embodiment of everything I love."

"Sweetheart," sighed Bolvoth. "You love

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Challenge #04081-K063: Willowfine, Poppy, and a Sharp Knife

They called the traveling Hellkin, "teuf'al", and the kobald a col'by. They were not trying to be rude, but, sadly, illness had made speech slushy. So while it sounded like insult slurs, it was, in fact, an unfortunate speech impediment. They hoped people would understand. -- Anon Guest

[AN: Changed a couple of words in the prompt to make it align better with my fantasy world]

In a world where certain people are unwelcome, it's natural that they find a way to

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Challenge #04076-K058: Hero in Waiting

A: He was born in the wrong era.

B: What do you mean?

A: He improves his skills everyday, but with nowhere to apply it it will all amount to nothing in this era of peace.

B: Isn’t that a good thing? No one should experience war.

A: That’s true. Born in tranquility, raised with love, yet he feels unfulfilled. He will die with loved ones and untapped potential. -- Anon Guest

Some people think there is nothing sadder than

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Challenge #04069-K051: Justice in Plain Sight

The Honor Guard now has bases around the world, after so many centuries. And yet, their principals have never wavered. Corruption is absolutely NOT tolerated in their ranks and cut out swiftly, by any means necessary. And always their goal is the same. To follow the example of their founder, Wraithvine, and help keep a balance to this world. -- Fighting Fit

The Lutemen may pluck the strings to shape the world, but the Honour Guard

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Challenge #04067-K049: Named Helper

As immortal as the "Living God" known as Wraithvine, he had lost his name due to his selfishness. Learning to be kind and giving, he gained a new name after a long time of lessons, and now taught as he was taught, the lessons of warmth, and using his magic to comfort and aid those in need. And, of course, was always grateful in the times his mentor visited to check up on him. -- Anon

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Challenge #04064-K046: Health and Safety Inspection

This blacksmith's shop is renowned not only for its skilled craftsmen, but also for how well their forges are fired. It doesn't hurt that two of the master smiths are humans in dragon form, and the third who owns the shop is a dragon who doesn't like shifting, but has no problem sharing their flame. -- Anon Guest

[AN: I think OP meant "Dragons in Human form" so I shall be running with that idea]

They call the place Featherforge, because these

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Challenge #04062-K044: One for the Halls of Heroes

He had, reluctantly, killed many all to save a child's life. He saved many more in both penance for his crimes, and the desire to undo the darkness he caused. The gods weighed him in judgement, and, memories intact, he was allowed rebirth. Allowed to know a new path, where he could continue to help others before they, too, could fall into darker lives. -- Anon Guest

In the Realm of Twilight Shadows, the kingdom of

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Challenge #04055-K037: Family Re-Union

Orgoloth had been traveling for almost two years with hir adopted child, Titinwee. Searching for any news of a dragon who'd lost their egg. Finally news comes, and the reunion is, at first tense, but with a lot of gratitude on both half of draconic family, and Orgoloth. -- Anon Guest

Merchants, by and large, are all about growth and change. In the case of one merchant, that growth and change is heralded by their adopted

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Challenge #04042-K024: What's on Offer

As the crowd gathered, one very wealthy - looking one ran forward, grabbed the hellkin swiftly and slapped him on the back of the head. "Dammmit Skip, I told you not to go out without me, you're supposed to carry my medicines!"

A whisper in the ear soon followed of... "follow me, my friend, I'll get you safely out of here, just play along."

Then to the crowd the wealthy one shouted coldly. "Don't worry, you won't see my servant without escort

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Challenge #04041-K023: The View From the Bottom

The king was cruel and bitter, his heir, was gaining a hard heart. The heir got lost, was badly hurt, and and yet tried to boss around the person who found them. But soon learned the life of that "peasant". When the heir returned, they realized, under their reign, kindness and warmth needed to rule, or they'd never survive. -- Anon Guest

It hurt to be alive. The prince Tarabaya couldn't move without more pain. After the fall from the upper highway.

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Challenge #04038-K020: Met Along the Way

A small band of human merchants come to the village. The village has never seen humans before, and were afraid, due to all the horrible things said that humans do to people like the ones here. These humans were not what they expected, in fact, they were really very kind. -- Anon Guest

To call it a village might have been something of an exaggeration. Most of the buildings were temporary structures to keep the wind away from the cooking fires or

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Challenge #04033-K015: Kindness Grows

They leave gifts for the Faekindred kind known as Brauniin. Small desserts, bottles of fruit juice, honey cakes, etc. Why? Because these kind faerie were there for them, and stopped them from hurting themselves when they were at their deepest despair, and helped them recover. -- Anon Guest

[AN: Might be reference to this: ]

It began with a loaf of bread. A baker took pity on Trash and pressed a small loaf into the young Hellkin's

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