Wraithvine's Wanderings

A 108-post collection

Challenge #04289-K271: The Wanderer's Guide

An immortal elf meets the much better known immortal elf. Wariness, tenseness, then laughter and talks of old times at a table with drinks and introductions of friends. -- Anon Guest

The problem with being immortal and ageless is having to move to a new country every five to eight hundred years. Well. It is if you're an Elf. Humans have it worse, having to shift residences every decade or so. Some just surrender and live a life on the road.

Dragons just don't care. The ones who achieve immortality are praised, and might be pestered for their secrets.

It could be worse. One could be immortal without the agelessness. Those sorts oft get mistaken for Liches before they finally wither to nothing. That's not a fate anyone could want, but I digress.

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Challenge #04282-K264: Trust Issues

They wandered the land, traveling mostly at night. When they found those enslaved, or were runaway slaves, they only asked one question. "Will you trust me enough to take you somewhere safe?" They took those willing to follow to a village that shattered the shackles, broke off the collars, and taught those once enslaved how to live free. The first lesson? "Think for yourself, and never let anyone force you to do that which you do not wish to." -- Anon Guest

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Challenge #04279-K261: Revenge on the Rocks

Why did you do that?

"Kill me if you must wizard, but they deserved it after what they've done to me, to my siblings."

I won't kill you, but you need a place to channel that rage appropriately.

"And where would that be?"

I will show you a better path. -- Anon Guest

Some fates are worse than death. Some crimes deserve death. I survived the first. Committed by the one who did the other one. There's a god of justice, but

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Challenge #04248-K230: Good For What Ails You

An adult and an adopted child. The adult a hellkin, the child, half-giant. The child was sick, very much needing medicine they refused to take. Seeing Lilbit, they ask, politely, to pet the cat. And told only if they allow the adults to give them medicine, and rest a lot. -- Anon Guest

Family is whatever it takes to become one. Many frequently take foundlings into their fold. There's many an Adventurer who asks, "Is nobody going to adopt this urchin/orphan/

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Challenge #04235-K217: Clever Uses

Even the best of the best can sometimes lose. This magic fight was simple. No major spells, just minor pranks. Wraithvine hadn't counted on this silly jokester to have two wands, but was amused when ze slipped onto their keester. Well, ze doesn't always win, and this was fun! -- Anon Guest

No matter how good you are, no matter how wide your reputation, there's always someone who believes they're better. There's always someone willing to prove it. Whether or not they

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Challenge #04230-K212: Testing on Offer

My name is Vizmo, what is your answer my Mage friend? For your sweet little friend here? You have a home that travels do you not? She could be safe there when your travels become dangerous. My offer still stands.

https://peakd.com/fiction/@internutter/challenge-04046-k028-a-portentous-offer -- Anon Guest

"We will renegotiate once a century," decided Wraithvine. "If we are going to see what happens. And she will have normal kittens, should she ever have kittens. I am responsible for enough changes

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Challenge #04203-K185: A Welcome Place

A family unable to bear children, but had a large house and farm, asked Wraithvine and hir friends to help find children to adopt, for they lived far enough from most places that finding unwanted children was actually difficult. -- Anon Guest

It's a familiar beginning to a nursery tale: Once upon a time were a loving couple who could not have children...

In most stories, it's the origin point of something or someone wondrous. They inevitably leave the humble farm and

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Challenge #04187-K169: A Destination of Inspiration

May we see the fairgrounds, say, a couple years out after Wraithvine and friends visited to safety-test?

https://peakd.com/fiction/@internutter/challenge-03749-j096-safety-inspection -- Anon Guest

Fairs like this tend to travel. Staying in one place tends to make them boring for the locals, and travel is never casual when the journey takes days at best. It was a slow carnival, so the places it visited had up to a week of anticipation before they could attend.

Wraithvine had tested all of

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Challenge #04174-K156: An Object Lesson

A drunk, razzing the elf, tries to steal hir wizard's hat. Only for the hand to be burned by an angry miniature dragon trying to protect its "lair".

https://peakd.com/fiction/@internutter/challenge-04044-k026-hoard-lair-hat -- Anon Guest

"I tried to warn you," said Wraithvine, who hadn't even put down hir tankard. "A wizard's hat is always protected. You're lucky the booze in your breath didn't light. That's a horrible way to go."

The drunkard was very suddenly sober, nursing a scorch on

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Challenge #04172-K154: A Very Important Side Quest

A city is having its Founder's Day. The day when a party of adventurers, humans, hellkin, and a few other races, came together to found their own town. And now, it was a large, beautiful city. A person, seeing Wraithvine and friends, comes up to them and, politely but earnestly, asks them to be their dance partner in the dance competition to be held that evening. -- Anon Guest

Much can be achieved without hate as a hurdle. Proof of such is

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Challenge #04166-K148: Unfair Competition

A discord-made prompted from Tergon

A wizard whose long, thin staff has a silvery, ephemeral thread wound around it. In the pockets of his robe are moths, butterflies, glowbugs, collected from across the land. He tells all who will listen that he is the greatest caster alive.

He is in fact a terrible wizard, he's just really into fishing. -- DaniAndShali

[AN: My Discord link is in the menu section of my hub site if you're interested in joining the shenanigans]


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Challenge #04137-K119: The Founding of the Welcome Inn

The pickpocket no longer went by "Scram" but had chosen a new name for themselves. Thanks to the kindness of a wizard and their kobold companion, they'd opened an eatery that was very cheap, but with wonderous food, thanks to the farm, and the nearby river teeming with fish, they used to supply it rather than buying supplies elsewhere. In honor of the two, those who were poor and desperate were given food for free, shelter, and a chance to learn farming,

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Challenge #04118-K100: Skills? Share!

Many years later, Wraithvine travels back to where they gifted hair to a person who was desperately poor and had taken to thievery. They found the person had used the funds to feed themselves, get a home, and open a free trades-school so that all those who were like them could learn a solid trade, and get to their feet.

Sorry, keep forgetting to put in the link.

https://peakd.com/fiction/@internutter/challenge-03613-i325-a-kindly-cut -- Anon Guest

Knowledge of what is precious

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Challenge #04112-K094: Data for the Experiments

They enter a swampy area where biting bugs are a real nuisance. The bridges keep people out of the waters, so people can stay dry, at least, but ergh, all the BUGS!! But this is a good test for the enchanted repellants, they were asked to test them after all.

https://peakd.com/fiction/@internutter/challenge-03984-j332-early-access -- Anon Guest

It was fascinating to watch, and Wraithvine watched it intensely. Biting bugs and midges approached hir and hir party, and veered away once

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Challenge #04109-K091: A Long Time Waiting

A being cursed, or blessed depending on whom you ask, with immortality. They want to join their family in the next world and, despite multiple tries cannot. They spend days and nights in sorrow. Then they meet Wraithvine and friends. -- Anon Guest

One thing they never mention about undying immortality, it's that recovering from otherwise fatal injuries really, really hurts. And if there's nobody to help you, you end up healing wrong, and it hurts worse.

Asking a healer to help

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