
A 23-post collection

Challenge #04432-L048: In Living Memory

The old soldier sat on a piece of wreckage that was, once, a weapon. The large machine long have gone silent for years. Sitting with the galactic at their side they said simply, "To answer your questions, we humans don't fear war. What we fear, is what we become when we fight in one." -- Anon Guest

"I was a teenager when these were in action," said the old soldier. Ze sat overlooking the circular valleys below Muzzlend Cafe. It was quite the vista. Circular lakes dotted the verdant forests. Some had tiny, circular islands in them. Room enough for one curious feature to rest on it, but little else. Sailboats were tiny white specks from this vantage point. "Now it seems impossible that there was a war here."

The city of Greatcannon was far behind, parts of it made of the weapon that gave it its name, the rest was added to it in one way or another. The first city to return to the world that the war had ruined. There were thousands of cities, now. All in varied locations on the remodeled continents. A thriving world, where the surviving remnants of the moons had achieved stable orbits, and there was talk of assembling them into a 'proper' moon. Many of the people here were calling this planet their homeworld.

Nothing that lived here had evolved here. Except, perhaps, some obscure microbiota. Historian Theng said, "But there was a war here. Why did you do it? Why did they use such a weapon?"

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Challenge #03383-I095: All For the Want of a Chair

The war has already begun. It's just the continuation of past battles. The gods goad us on with their seven treasures. Rewards for the worthy, the doorway to divinity. Yet buried in the depths of this world lies smouldering remains, a warning to those who dare trespass. “That throne in the sky is not reserved for you.” But mortal arrogation never stops. None will escape the flames. -- Anon Guest

They called it the flying throne. It never actually went anywhere, and

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Challenge #03173-H264: Error of their Ways

A Deregger empire decides to attack the Alliance and the CRC using every weapon they have at their disposal. They were determined to force the Alliance to start seeing things their way for once. They learn the hard way why that's a BAD idea. -- Lessons

War has changed. For one thing, it's a lot rarer. The field of defense has expanded itself to the point where offense is rendered next to moot. Nevertheless, there are those who insist on ignoring that

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Challenge #03145-H236: Si Vis Pacem

si vis pacem, para bellum -- Anon Guest

[AN: According to my translator webpage, this means: If you want peace, prepare for war. I believe Sir Pterry (GNU) had much to say about that though the Patrician.]

Humans have said for centuries, for millennia, If you want peace, prepare for war. Given the number of concurrent wars happening anywhere on the planet during those same millennia, one can safely posit that they got this horribly wrong.

They also believed that space travel

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Challenge #03126-H217: War By Other Means

Two warring factions on a planet that had often been ravaged. The people were begging for help. The humans came and taught them a way to continue to fight in their war without bloodshed. Now, the battlefields were silent, all of the soldiers as grim as death, were in a large building where none were allowed to speak, other than neutral judges. The battles were as fierce and as aggressive as any war could be, pawns being captured, knights rushing to save

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Challenge #03123-H214: De-Escalation in Progress

On a planet where children just trying to survive are being mowed down, where soldiers were flown in to murder them, and their families lived hiding in tunnels to survive, those that knew of this could no longer sit idly by. Several large ships came, other humans, heavily armed. They were not going to try to take over the planet or overthrow the government, they were there to remove the bombs and rescue the kids, and the families, out in the wastes.

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Challenge #03079-H171: Ave Ceasar...

A: Those who share my purpose becomes allies, those that do not become casualty.

B: There’s nothing about this war that is that cut and dry.

A: Because you still have hope, that this war will end with your honour intact

B: I do

A: stand in the ashes of a trillion dead souls and ask the ghosts if honour matter. The silence Is your answer. -- Anon Guest

War. They say it never changes, but it does. It gets increasingly

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Challenge #03075-H167: Fighting to Survive

'Hoverboard' on YouTube, actually large drone with person riding. What if the drone was used to carry essential items in times of need and trouble. -- Anon Guest

[AN: I've seen videos of these things. They are cool, but also loud as HECK. More annoying than the average dirt bike and three times as dangerous. And yes, Drones carried goods before they carried people]

Tal could trust the ones that made noise. Ze had learned to hide in the granite tubes until

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Challenge #03043-H120: It's Pronounced Ee-Mew

A tour group of several havenworlders, other galactics, and a few deathworlders were visiting an Emu farm and getting to pet the birds which were quite happily pecking pellets from open hands, visiting the young chicks, and seeing the hatchery. Then the humans grin, as a galactic mentions how gentle these birds are, and the humans tell of the Emu War, where these birds actually defeated the humans who want to war with them.

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emu_War --

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Challenge #02821-G264: Caste of the Shadows

“Before I make my request I will let you know the you may get angry.” I barely said anything but the tension of the room skyrocketed. The duchess straight face slowly firmed up “go on”. Steeling my resolve “I cannot really sugarcoat it, so I will be blunt.” My gaze drifted noticing the axe next to the chair where the duchess was sitting. “Basically, I want to experiment on your daughter-“ the axe that was by her chair was now lodged in

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Challenge #02744-G187: Did the Countenance Divine...?

WWII arrived and the British Women's Institute did the usual jam and knitted sock, but guest Speakers came in and they saw a different path to take . Many Women who went on to careers in Degrees said. "I heard about it at the women's Institute. Jerusalem was there theme hym "And did those feet..." -- Nonny Mouse

[AN: I went through this site trying to find what the heck you were talking about and found no such references. I can't spend all

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Challenge #02516-F326: Once a Sword

Better to be a warrior in a garden than a gardener in a war.

Humans, while striving for peace, prepared for war. -- Anon Guest

Let's go in the garden, you'll find something waiting... -- Terran children's song.

This is a gardening planet. Call it Agraria. It has been specifically engineered for farming food crops for Terrans by Terrans. The people who choose to live there are called Vegans and they are, by and large, peaceful. They do not eat animal sourced

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Challenge #02442-F252: Free Will

When humans went to war in the past, they created weapons that can kill their enemies quickly and painlessly. As such they banned weapons and ammunition like hollow point bullets, flamethrowers, and any weapons that don’t kill humans as quickly as possible. -- Anon Guest

They say war never changes. They lie. What actually never changes is the depths to which combatants will sink to in order to gain a victory -any kind of victory- over the other side. Germ warfare

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Challenge #02347-F157: The Human Solution

Earth defense force/starship troopers based.

The galactic alliance, about the same time humans came in the alliance (but long enough for the alliance to realize humans' nature), is at war with a unintelligent but somehow space traveling insect race and are slowly losing. The alliance asks the humans for help to defeat them, asking for ships, attack vehicles, weapons, and soldiers. The humans misunderstand what they meant and take it as "Our equipment can only hold them, we need you humans

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Challenge #02136-E307: Sententiam Dei

War was always here. Before man was, war waited for him. The ultimate trade awaiting its ultimate practitioner.- gesh xenobiologist -- Anon Guest

[AN: Since the Gesh are someone else's IP, I can't slot them into my Universe, but I know nothing of this world, so...]

Call me Combat. Since the first RNA chains struggled to combine in the first primordial ooze, I have been. I have not been engaged in activity, I just... existed. Divinities do not say, I think,

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