
A 35-post collection

Challenge #03452-I164: Apply Therapeutic Felines

A human was sitting in the park softly weeping, they'd had a very bad day. But it's hard to stay sad when kitties and Skitties crawl in one's lap and start purring. -- Anon Guest

The straw often gets the blame for the breaking of the camel's back. Metaphorically speaking. It is not the straw, but rather its addition to weights already in excess of what the camel can handle. One last drop of rain does not cause the dam to burst. It's all the rest of the water threatening its integrity.

So too, when the vendor was out of soft-serve, Human Bor had had enough of their day.

It wasn't even noon, yet.

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Challenge #03406-I118: Cracks Before a Breakthrough

The man who once "owned" his wife with an iron fist now finds himself in jail for violating no-contact. He HAD been warned, and now, much to the frustration of the therapists trying to work with him, is resisting the idea of change. -- DaniAndShali

"It's not fair, it's not fair, it's not fair!" Maazdon Brandon was throwing his umpteenth tantrum of the day. It was nothing new. He'd been doing the same thing

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Challenge #03323-I035: Replacement Parts

It'd been a very hard week. All I want is to sit down and forget this week, to be honest. You're a therapist, you know what it's like? All I really want is a cup of coffee and something to read. Hey doc., when will my eyes be fixed? -- Anon Guest

[AN: Hey OP? OP? Ow... That's one hell of a kick in the pants. Well done]

"Three more days," said the soothing voice of Therapist Ka'renn. Ze was always so

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Challenge #03295-I007: Kintsugi's First Step

Not long after this poor, broken, shell of a man met Unty Vrax, there was an accident. Vrax was trapped under debris, pinned, badly bruised, and in serious danger. The human, adrenaline shooting through them, despite more debris falling on them damaging their prosthetics, dragged the debris off and got Vrax to safety. Despite getting hurt, Vrax was safe. And for them, that was the day, they truly started to heal. -- Anon Guest

This was

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Challenge #03259-H350: Rememberance

The sad remains of the old ship was found, and only ONE other life pod of survivors. This one had a few teens, and two surviving adults. None of the other pods managed to jettison before the ship shuddered and blew apart. The bodies of all the dead were gathered, families kept together as much as possible if they were able to find out who belonged to which family, and the funeral was solemn. The other life pod's survivors were brought to

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Challenge #03235-H326: Pack Bonding Exercises

H: Taking advantage, after long resisting the idea, of their friend's offer, they quietly go into their companion's quarters and crawl in the giant, pillow-filled, nest next to them.

A: Startled, but speaking softly with a tired tone "Hey! What's going on?"

H: "I can't sleep, I had another bad dream, can I stay here tonight?"

A: Gently spoken they smile. "Sure, no problem, I said you could before, didn't I?"

H: "Yeah you did, but I didn't want to bother you.

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Challenge #03201-H292: Therapeutic Tales

The Havenworlders who were saved when the scaffold fell decided to visit the Human that saved them. The medics realized having the Human sit alone in silence, while it did help the body heal, was damaging to a human's mind and caused them to become agitated. So the medics invited the visitors to come, to chat, and explained that it helped a human recover. The workers who had put up the scaffolding incorrectly, which lead to the accident, also visited, to apologize.

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Challenge #03189-H280: Visual Aid

Sometimes, despite the CRC's best efforts, you have to be cruel to be kind. In this case, a person has been abusing themself and all therapies and medications are not helping much. So, instead, a non-sentient construct is made of the person so the person is forced to see, and hear, the pain inflicted as if to another person, and realize what it is they are doing, and find out WHY this is happening. -- Anon Guest

Humans are very strange. This

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Challenge #03054-H131: Irrational Therapy

They are a therapist helping those who have severe phobias. How do they do this? They help the person through careful exposure therapy. If the person is afraid of something that is actually quite dangerous, they simply help the person learn to control the fear so they can think clearly if confronted by it. For those that are terrified of that which is actually quite harmless, tiny exposure times, coupled with therapy and mild relaxants, seem to help. -- Fighting Fit


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Challenge #03041-H118: Tactile Therapy

The ship's human is a former deregger still recovering from the horrors they endured. They often awakened in the middle of the night shaking and afraid. The companion liaison decided to do something about it and got the human a gift. A weighted blanket, and a soft, cuddly, comfort item that they, even though they were an adult, could cling to when they started to get lost in their own head. This fierce protector that helped the ship, and was an incredibly

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Challenge #02989-H066: One Somber Free Time in the Soft Corner

A: I thought this was your dedicated study time?

B: brain is too full of sad to fit any more information right now... -- Anon Guest

It was easy to tell when Human Jori was having a bad day. They were magnetically attracted to the Soft Corner, and burrowed in. Not to sleep, but to be comfortable and, if truly stressed, entertain themselves with simple things meant for children.

Jori was deep in the beanbags, burrowed under the weighted blanket, and

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Challenge #02844-G287: Therapy For Monsters

I've been wondering how the Galactic Alliance treats pedophiles who want help with, well, not being pedophiles anymore... -- Anon Guest

[AN: Eliminating pedophilia in its entirety begins with not normalising the sexualisation of younger bodies, infantilising sex play(and partners), the eradication of most, if not all, adult characteristics in adult partners, and so on. Once it's not culturally normalised, the entire predilection may also vanish. So let's take this as a statistical anomaly in the future of my dreams]


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Challenge #02678-G121: The Terrors of Deathworlds

A researcher had been extremely curious and wanted to know why humans were, well, the way they were. They poured over notes, histories, field reports, everything they could get their hands on. The humans that volunteered for experiments were always told "You can call it quits at any time." And, after a while, the humans always let him know when they'd had enough. To which he'd thank them, pay them and let them know his immense gratitude for their hard work, and

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Challenge #02618-G061: Adjusting the Recovery Plan

Their legs were broken, their lower back was damaged, and they were bruised all to hell. Still, havenworlders were safe, so while uncomfortable, they were not too upset about the situation. A scaffold some workers has been on had given way and they'd shoved the havenworlders out of the way quickly just as it collapsed pinning them beneath. Security had to come rescue them as the havenworlders were too small to get them out. Still, being stuck in the chair, in casts

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Challenge #02597-G040: Comforting Companionship

It's well known, when their owners are unwell, pets will lay with them and stay by their side until they're better. It's a great comfort for the owner to have that gentle presence and, even though their pet doesn't know it, it helps them get better more quickly. The young lizard had been very sick, though it was not a disease that anyone around them could contract. Brought to the station by their parents to try a new treatment to make them

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