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Stream Shenanigans

A 46-post collection

Monday, Pseuducku Progress and Stream

I have a stream going in a handful of minutes, and I have a new entry in the Pseuducku Progress Log. Huzzah. I am now moving on to general layout questions. I might have to ask them individually.

...that's a pain in the anatomy for another day.

Today, I shall be streaming a flash fiction! Yay!

Tonight, I shall have a date night with Beloved! Also Yay!

For the rest of today, I shall attempt to de-stress from the meltdown I had

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Sunday, Post Stream and Sleep

It's Mayhem's birthday today, so I wished him some happy returns. The lad returns to work on the morrow and I am roaming about for medical intervention that day too. Yay.

So no stream tomorrow.

I shall not expect myself to "win" this week. I'll do what I can, but I know I'm going to miss a day or two.

That's just how things are going to go this time around.

It's RiverFire this Saturday, so no game stream next weekend. Be

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Sunday, Stream and Games

Ran a game in the wee small hours of this morning. Due to be running in a game sometime after darkness has crawled over the land.

I've had a really good long rest, I somehow acquired a cyclone headache. I took my painkillers, and I'm still waiting for them to kick in.

So the offerings shall occur, and I hope to heck that I do them quick enough to have fun in between now and then.

Onwards to the nonsense.

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Monday, Patreon and Stream and...

I need to track down one doctor and make an appointment with them. I have to create an appointment with my regular doctor for my asthma meds. I need to run my stream, post my Patreon stuff, push forward my offerings...

I'm a very busy bean. I might even delay the Patreon stuff to tomorrow, since I can't have a day with Beloved because driving.


Mayhem needs to talk to people about brain issues, but one of his brain issues is

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Sunday, Stream Shenanigans and Bread

I have my first loaf proofing in the incubator. I managed to run a session where all four hours were combat. Well. Combat and setting up for combat. There were a lot of mobs to juggle.

So after some tea and a nap, I'm back up and ready to rave onwards. Huzzah.

After the daily offerings and bread, there's another game tonight. Assuming all goes well. Then it's back to what passes for normal and fitting my work in between other things.

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Sunday, Stream Shenanigans and Browser Tricks

TIL that the trouble with GoogDocs and Firefox is not one that is mine and mine alone. Other folks are having similar issues.

Meanwhile, I can plausibly move all my GoogDocs to Zoho Writer, which does more or less the same things but without being as nasty as Google is at doing anything useful.

My problem now is finding the time and energy to transfer the files. I can theoretically upload them from my GoogDrive, but that is an experiment for another

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Monday, Backup Reads and No Stream

Still trying to unfuck what the hell is going on with OBS and how to fix it. So far, my internet searching skills are failing me.

I feel terrible about everything going wrong. It's out of my control and I can't do a dang thing about it... BUT I also feel dumb because it's out of my control and I can't do a dang thing about it.

Further, I still need mental health time because burnout is a bitch and the firkin

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Sunday, Streaming Issues

Video drivers make my games work! Yay! Video drivers may also be preventing OBS from working. Boo.

Which means that, in order to stream, I need to unfuck whatever's going on with my systems. Which means there may not be a stream tomorrow.

I'm doing my best with what I've got, and what I've got is old solutions to old versions. None of which are effective so far.

I have some offerings to make and chapters to record. Not a lot for

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Sunday, Stream Shenanigans and Technical Difficulties

I could not make TaleSpire go because New Linux Compatibility Issues(tm). I'm working on solution, but the frustration is flying high.

There's things I'm trying, things I can try, and the potential for time to settle all trouble. In the meantime, I'm working on substitute maps to use in OwlBear... but those take time.

Fortunately, DungeonDraft works.

It sucks that technical issues have interrupted the game, but I'm coping my best.

And that's the best I can do.

I did NOT

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Monday, Bricked PC and Stream News

I currently can't run a stream today. My PC is bricked thanks to my own incompetence at doing a thing. I now must wait for Beloved to return and un-brick it because levels of technical difficulty.

I shall finish with the backup reads that are ongoing, and then get on with the important things. Feeding the cats. Creating my offerings. Trying to figure out what the flying flip I'm doing with myself for the remainder of today.

I may or may not

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Sunday, Stream Shenanigans and Budget Cycles

The cats are going to need food. And kitty litter. The household is going to need a few things by this Tuesday. I have the money for that, so all is allegedly fine.

I also have the money to get my new glasses.

All I need is the time and the energy to get all those ducks in a row. Not happening today. Not happening tomorrow.

I might be able to get to that on Tuesday. Fingers crossed.

Today, we already had

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Monday, Backup Reads and Stream

I'm having some issues with setting up my nonsense over on the Linux partition, so I continue using Windows for streams, and therefore the backup reads.

Hopefully, I'll unriddle things enough to use Linux full time. But that occurrance is some significant unfucking down the line.

I have to rebuild some of my tab hoards in both areas. Which is what I'm doing this morning, before the backup reads kick into gear.

EDIT: I got distracted, did the backup group, AND the

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Monday, Reads and Stream

The group's reading their stories to each other, I cut my stretchies short so I could make it. Winter is making me sleep longer and Sundays do me no favours either.

Last night's difficulty sleeping was caused by me messing around and finding out in Garage Band via my iPad Pro. I got something and putting it all together is one of my goals of the day.

I got music. I got video. I just put the title and byline on my

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Sunday, Tale Foundry and a VICTORY!

Because I need napnaps, I count Sunday as my "light day". All I count for a win is writing a part of A Devil's Tale for this day.

If I do anything else today, that is also a win.

I think I should work on a map for a PLN'd game sesh with the rainbow crowd. Or two. Depends on my personal impetus at the time.

Chapter Count: Just wrote the first words in chapter 359 of A Devil's Tale. Which means

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