A 382-post collection

Thursday: Bread Prep

I have half an hour before it's time to autolyse my dough. I need to wash some bowls in preparation for tomorrow, when the actual baking happens.

In the meantime, I have a story ready to roll out. Just a few key details like... detailing my PLNs for the day.

I've sought advice on Reddit. I'm seeking advice for my Stencyl issues in a little bit of time.

And at some point, Beloved is coming up for shared time over a small handful of days.

There's a mob selling more solar panels with a low-cost financial scheme to pay it off. I don't know if it's a good idea or a scam, but I still got convinced to let the people talk to us about that thing.

I leave it to Beloved's finely-tuned scam senses.

Further news as events warrant.

Wednesday: Complicated PLNs

The problem: I need to go shopping and start into bread.

I have a four-hour window during the starter rise to do that. Sourdough is time sensitive. The rest of my nonsense is not.

So my itinerary is thus:

  • finish getting dressed [I'm still in the midst of my stretchies]
  • feed cats [THE most important part of my day - ask the cats]
  • torture feet
  • weigh and prep bread stuff
  • Feed the starter, but put the starter harvest in the fridge while
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Tuesday, Announcement Incoming!

I am biting the bullet and committing to making Pseuducku exist. So... between my daily offerings, working on my WIP, and some essential relaxation activities - I will be learning and doing.

Learning: How to make a game on Stencyl.

Doing: Making a game based on the lessons I've absorbed so far.

Hacking one's own brain is an essential skill, and I've figured out I don't keep information about new skills very well.

The good news is that I've figured out how

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Monday, Possibly Patreon and PLNs

Today's agenda includes, in no specific order:

  • Posting to Patreon
  • The daily offerings
  • Working on Pseuducku
  • Attempting to make a place to show off the progress for Pseuducku

I've decided it's going to be a web app and the forum's going to have an arena for update notices, player feedback, Q&A's and so forth. Thus to create interest and to allow ppl like MeMum to test the versions.

Newest versions first. For ease of location. Pretty sure nobody wants to

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Saturday, No Parkrun, No Stream PLNs

The post-jab ickies have allowed a minor gastro bug to move in. Huzzah. Not.

So no parkrun for me. No parkrun for the QPP either, since Beloved still has the same tummy bug. Yay. Not.

Aaaannnnd OBS' horseshit is still a mystery to all of us so the game PLNs for early-early tomorrow are off. Woot. Not.

It's been win, win, win over here in Casa Del Nutter. [/sarcasm]

I let myself enjoy a conciliatory Inflatable Pie, and I will be right

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Thursday, Pressure Release

Beloved had a few ideas for my rant blog, this morning. Such as going off about things I like and why you should like them too. Honestly, it's probably a better vibe than yesterday's grousing about the Rona.

Plus I can promote various randos I appreciate on the interwebs. Share the love, et cetera.

Whilst wrangling my offerings, I am working on fixing the issues with OBS. There's an update going on as I type.

There was an idea to interview folks,

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Saturday, Parkrun and a FIX!

Beloved got my games going. The temporary inconvenience is that one of my text editors has decided to not start. Further, TaleSpire is working again and I would pay a text editor for that to be functional.

I also figured out why the board wasn't loading. I was literally looking in the wrong place. One of my players helped with that so now I don't have to make alternate maps. Huzzah.

In a moment or three, I shall be posting my daily

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Friday, Bread!

I have a loaf proofing while the oven preheats. I have things set up to bake, including a timer to make sure all goes relatively well.

I have offerings to make and tweaks to engage in with respect to my leisure time on the new OS.

Last time that was fixed, I lost half my tabs.

In a few short minutes, I go collect my Beloved. All is well and we shall share time once more. Offerings will happen at their own

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Thursday, Decision

I've decided I need more than one week away from my side-projects. My mental health needs more recovery time and the stress is showing in the form of absent-mindedness.

Getting my groove back is necessary. I've been needing a lot more sleep, I've been running on rails when I drive instead of going to the intended destination. It's concerning.

So I shall continue taking it easy and trying to enjoy myself. A little bit tricky when the games don't always work in

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Monday, Public Holiday, Also Resting

I will still be making my daily offerings. That's not stopping. I'm taking time off from my side projects.

Speaking of, I just passed the second Sunday that I forgot to post my Patreon stuff. I'll do that today.

At some point in the near future, Beloved shall join my company and we get some precious snuggle-time together.

I hope to have the wherewithall to stream a story today. And the time, come to think of it. I have no idea when

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Thursday, Catching Up

I didn't get as far as my weekly rant, yesterday. At least I got the regular offerings out. So alongside catching up with that, I have a fellow author to mentor, some bloggage to shift, and maybe one of my other side projects if I can summon the energy.

I have a huge case of the dunwannas, today. I don't want push that boulder up the hill today. I don't want to do any work.

I want to curl up somewhere comfy

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Sunday, Unfucking My OS

I am now operating exclusively in Linux. This took a complete new installation and drive wipe to do. I now have to wipe the other drive because nothing works over there.

Very little works over here and I don't know why.

I'm hoping that the wipe on the other drive sets things up properly and de-kinks the bugs.

Bugs like... having to hold down ALT and FN in order to type some proper quote marks and apostrophes.

I solved that last time

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Saturday, Parkrun and Stream PLNs

My right leg hated me, today, so I wasn't as fast as I could have been. I made it anyway.

I now have a system running entirely on Linux, but setting up is still an issue that needs resolution.

I´ll be running tomorrow's stream from the old Linux setup until I have this one properly set up for all my shenanigans.

Once I have that all lined up, I can wipe the drive with the original setup on it and then

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Thursday, Bread Prep and PLNs

I will likely be up until past 10PM today. Most of that is because juggling dough and proofing my chia sourdough.

I'll be seeing how well the new scales go tomorrow.

I know from testing that one of them displays a weight up to two grams above the other. But at least they're consistent. I can manage once I figure out where the finessing lies.

It's honestly better than having a different weight every time I put the same thing on the

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