A 382-post collection

Tuesday, Day at Home

So here's an update on my daily shenanigans and what passes for my schedule.

Mayhem's permanently signed up to the evening shift so, on Crunch Days, he could plausibly be working between midday and eight at night. Because Mayhem wants to be there an hour in advance, I'm driving at ten.

I have a lot of the morning to get my writing into gear, do my stretchies, and otherwise maintain my meat suit.

And that means I have my afternoons to attempt other projects. Theoretically. I've yet to have that happen.

I have today to mess around with things, attempt things, and otherwise get on with getting on.

...single-handedly, because Jolie has decided to use my left hand as a pillow.

Monday, Tentative PLNs

I needed all of Sunday to recover from parkrun, but I managed my morning regime before it was time to do the runaround for Mayhem.

I might spare myself some aggravation and go do the shopping before I settle myself into making today's offerings. It needs must to be done and then I have less to fret about on Tuesday. Because Tuesday has become more crowded than expected! Huzzah.

The Sullage people, as I mentioned, are having a look at the system

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Monday, Extra Day Off Because Lurgi

Mayhem has once again found a Lurgi that loves him. Alas, this news came after the writer's group was done with the share session. Whoops.

Tomorrow, I'm offski to the other side of Brisbane to unriddle MeMum's tech issues. At last. With a freshly-tuned car to do it all with. Yay.

Today, I'm going to attempt to add sounds to my Pseuducku project. Daring.

The good news is that my feet are starting to hate me less and walking is a lot

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Friday, Back on the Routine (ish)

The new regime of foot care involves squishing my arches and heels around on a gel pack. I already have one, but it's still in the process of getting squishy[It was rock-hard in the freezer drawer]. So I kind of rested my feet on that thing and repositioned as appropriate. I also have sports tape on my left foot, but not my right.

The lingering results of sonic heels and laser therapy are an intermittent 'ping' of pain in the spur

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Tuesday, Car Service

It's going to cost me a new pair of sandshoes. For reference, decent sandshoes that will actually help failfeet like mine cost upwards of half a grand.

This is on the low end of that "upwards" but it's still a sock in the gut.

I began today with a massive cyclone headache at 2AM and it's not looking that great for the rest of the day. Painkillers taken, but not yet kicking in. I have to wait until I have my bread

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Saturday, Parkrun and Bifdy Bash

For those unaware, 'bifdy' is a uniquely Aussie corruption of the word 'birthday'. I'm moderately certain that most people know that 'bash' is slang for 'party' but... if you didn't? Today You Learned.

I like spreading knowledge.


Chaos and I are doing parkrun with Beloved and Adorable in the morning, possibly brunching together. Then I go home, roust the kiddos into jooshing up for the evening, as well as grooming myself to be fancy for the night.

Outback Steakhouse birthday feast

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Friday, Happy Birthday to Me!

As a gentle reminder, you can now obtain your free copy of The World Will Not Miss... from every ebook retailer that doesn't upmark my ideal price of $0.00

Because I insist this story is free. For everybody. For the rest of time.

I'd understand a markup to "cost" if it was in the dead tree version, but... it isn't. It's all electrons. Those bits can be flipped for amazingly cheap.

I am indulging in carbage and planning on enjoying myself

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Thursday, PLNs of Inaction

Today, Powers Help Me, I am going to make a button. It will not be functional, but it will be added to the layout of the 4x4 grid for later programming, bells, and/or whistles.

I am also going to make a phone call. I honestly don't know which is more harrowing.

Then I'll take the rest of the day off to mess around in Satisfactory. I'll have earned it by then.

In the meantime, my daily offerings shall be flowing forth

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Tuesday, Foot Doc and Spruiking Myself

It's the first of October and, all being well, The World Will Not Miss... should be out on a lot of e-retailers. Which means I should begin bragging about it on all my socials.

Should, as I frequently say, is not is.

Today, I'm offski to the specialist to see to my janky heels and the bone spurs within. After that, I'll get the shopping done before retreating to the sanctuary of home. With a treato or two.

I think I've absorbed

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Sunday, Day of Rest

I'm taking it easy today, and I think I've earned the breather.

I'm putting minimal effort into A Devil's Tale today, and doing my mandatory dailies. And then I am slagging off until bedtime.

Given all the furforal I've been doing all week, and the furforal I'm going through next week... I deserve a little time for self-indulgent pursuits.

Next week, I resume the grand endless runaround.

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Tuesday, Severe Change of PLNs

Mum's Tech Support Day is going to have to happen next week because this week, the electricity people are blacking out her entire suburb. Yay.

Which means I have time for:

  • Patreon posts
  • Audio recordings
  • At least one Pseuducku mockup
  • And of course the daily nonsense.

I still have to write anything anywhere and I think I'll be going easy on myself and enjoying the slack time. Not stressing. Going with the mood. Maybe not entirely phoning it in, but not going

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Sunday, Footsore and Pained

The best thing I can say is that I had fun and I'm paying for it.

My left foot just GD hates me today. I do not want to walk. I just made it to my compy and, after a little jiggery-pokery because keyboard malfunction.

I plugged it into a different USB port and now all is well.


I have my cane with me for just-in-case, but I am hoping to rely on the kids to get my hands on my

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Friday, Back-arseward BS

I can at least say that an attempt was made. The attempt: Hanging out in a cafe near Mayhem's work for a bit, so that I didn't spend so much fuel on the back and forth. Alas, the local gremlins heard us plotting and decided to fuck things up for us.

I had a breakfast - defending it from a local pewit (long story) and managed to doodle some good buttons while I waited. Those pictures may be up on or after

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Thursday, A Need for Pick-Me-Ups

I have had some issues with Appointment Inertia1 when Mayhem's working. So I don't get to sit down for my offerings until the afternoon.

Tomorrow, I'm camping up at Mayhem's workplace so I theoretically have more time to do things. Meanwhile, I am soothing my current emotional issues with carbage.

It's Pride this weekend and because Adorable is volunteering at Parkrun, we're not doing the march. We are, however, turning up for the fair.

I shall be putting up my buttons-so-far

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Tuesday, Errands Done and Further PLNs

I dropped Beloved off just in time for the train. I finished tormenting my feet, then hauled my butt all over everywhere to get a few necessities. Including more meds for my asthma. Huzzah.

I even have a lot of good feedback about Pseuducku.

Now I have to find and devote some time to drawing the missing buttons and, perhaps, working on some interactivity. One baby step at a time.

I am going to put my offerings out there, including the Patreon

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