Plague Diary

A 1694-post collection

Friday, PLNs to be Busy

Cake for breakfast is one of the better perks of a birthday week. The cake is running out and should be out of temptation range very soon to now.

I'm not weighing myself until after the cake is gone. That just makes sense.

I'm going to do all the other things I normally do and repeat trying to make myself doing all the things I despise doing.

AKA: Summarising my dang books.

I'm going to save Rael for a rewrite. I got lots of other stuff to work on. Prepping for sale.

I have also commenced a second BG3 fanfic. The brain worms are real. Pray for me. And especially pray that I actually finish the fuckers.

Speaking of finishing... I must therefore start.

Thursday, Maybe Game Night and CAKE!

I had cake for breakfast. If there's any left by then, I shall likely have cake with/for lunch and dinner as well.

It's a nice cake.

The PLN today is more offerings, a night with VTTRPG and the rainbow crew. And snuggles and reads with Beloved.

I now have two fanfics in progress because firkin brain worms have me. My Patrons get to see those first.

Who knows? I might find time to finish up my project for All Hallows' Read.

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Wednesday, Patreon, Birthday, and Shopping

I has moneys! I have to restock the house! I have a Bifdy party for my good self including the whole fam.

I am taking the kids to Outback and meeting Beloved and Adorable there for indulgent meal plus cake.

This afternoon, I take Mayhem shopping for groceries. So this morning, I focus on the offerings. Yay.

Good news with Stencyl, I got the enemy ships to move. Bad news, they're moving down the screen instead of left or right.

I'll have

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Tuesday, Patreon and Birthmas Week

Tomorrow is Party Day! WOOOO! Tonight my love and I shall share a special evening.

It's in my personal best interests to get my regular work done as soon as possible. And here I am delaying and derailing myself by watching other people with Baldur's Gate 3 having their fun with the thing.

I have Patreon stuff to post, episodes to record, a story to write for now, a story to write for later [All Hallow's Read], a meme to participate in,

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Monday, Tech Support and Leyland's Tour

I am taking my meds and then I am off to the other side of Brisbane to help MeMum out with assorted stuff. Also, since it's two days pre-birthmas, I'm likely getting a prezzie too.

So my usual offerings will be either erratic or delayed.

Especially since I think I'm picking up Beloved this afternoon.


It's going to be a busy time and I have not given a single thought towards what I'm doing for All Hallows Read this year.


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Sunday, Stream Stuff and Nonsense

I got woken up at 2AM because my PHONE was on Daylight Savings and the rest of the house was not.


There may or may not be a game tonight which makes tomorrow - a long weekend day - even more interesting than expected.

I'm helping MeMum with tech troubles, and any other shenanigans we can manage when half of anything is shut.

I'm working on side projects as the Foundry has lag goblins. Story stream real soon now.

Remaining nonsense

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Saturday, Parkrun, and Further PLNs

I made good time this week because I purposely pulled ahead of Miss Chaos towards the end of the 5K. She continued to plod along at her own pace.

I got eleven weeks until my fiftieth parkrun. That promises to be some fun because I have a firkin soundtrack for that. Yay.

Stay tuned for news about that incidence of Mischief Gremlin Hijinks.

My PLNs for today include retiring relatively early for my streaming nonsense early-early tomorrow morning.

I'll still record

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Friday, Mor PLNs

It's only a few more days until payday, and my budget will be sneaking ahead by a smidge.

A smidge that I shall squirrel away for emergencies/something cool.

It's also heading towards my birthday, so I really should look up what's in my pockets for All Hallow's Read.

I do have stuff for that.

What I don't have is a decent image to use in lieu of a cover.

I'm going to try another thing for Stencyl during my shenanigans today.

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Thursday, Fare Thee Well Tesla

Come midday today, the Tesla is no longer ours.

  • Because we can't afford to keep it
  • Because it has been trying (and failing!) to kill us since we got it
  • Because the owner and CEO of the company is a transphobic sack of dogshit shambling around in a human suit
  • Because giving that aforementioned stain on the underwear of the human race any more money is not comfortable
  • And also life without it will be easier than life with it.

Because the

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Wednesday, Proceeding Apace

The Tesla has been cleaned out. It's been detailed. Tomorrow, I take it over for inspection and that shall be the last we see of it.

I shall be taking the train mostly home and either walking or taking an Uber the last bit of the way back home.

Expect tomorrow's offering at a nonstandard time.

At midday tomorrow, we shall be a one-car family.

Now I shall proceed with my offerings and disorganised side-projects as per normal.

I will be making

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Tuesday, Tomorrow, Tomorrow, and Tomorrow

Tomorrow, my dear readers, we bid farewell to the Tesla. Not only is it from a problematic source, it's also a problem for our budget.

We can't afford to wait ten years for the lack of petrol to pay off.

So we will be down to my Zippy Little Car and however much the fuel bill is going to be henceforth.

Tomorrow, I will be travelling. Getting the Tesla cleaned and serviced and otherwise ready for resale. Hooray. So my usual offerings

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Monday, Tale Foundry Reads

Tale Foundry is about to start doing the backup reads and I have no idea how to submit this last week's story.

As it turns out, the Foundry is winging it this week and evolving new systems henceforth. Fun times.

I am definitely going to try my ideas on Stencyl today. See how or if it works. I shall certainly try.

Then I go for the next challenge. Whee.

Slow and steady. Learn things. Tweak. Try, try, try again.

Seems to be

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Sunday, Streamy Shenanigans and Further PLNs

The game broke up early thanks to Player Participation Failure. People had places to be and couldn't participate in the shenanigans in progress.

We'll be oscillating between TaleSpire and Owlbear for a bit, so that's going to be interesting. I'll be keeping both open for that gameplay. I'll have to remember how to share TaleSpire maps again.


We will be experiencing technical difficulties. We just have to adapt.

Today, I do my story stream. Afterwards happens entirely dependent on my ability

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Saturday, Brisbane Pride

I only just got home from a fun day out with all the rainbow-coded people who could make it to Brisbane for Pride day. It was a very colourful day out. Very fun.

And I am certainly going to pay for it tomorrow.

BUT there will still be stream stuff even if I have to make it through the D&D sesh on cough lollies.

For now, though, I am going to rush through my offerings and hopefully make it through

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Friday, Pride Prep PLNs

In a few minutes, I will get on with cleaning the catio and doing the Starter business. I have just been out collecting my Beloved and a postal order from the wilderness. Not in that order.

I have also begun today's recordings and the triumphant fanfare is because I have passed recording two hundred chapters. One hundred and twenty-something to go. Huzzah.

I am not certain I will have any time to try anything else in Stencyl, but I can plausibly attempt

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