
A 142-post collection

Tuesday, Patreon and Sundry PLNs

I'm in the procrasti-nation this week. Just started working on the entry for the Foundry. I have NO idea where I'm going for the All Hallow's Read.

All going well, I get some quality time with Beloved tonight and tomorrow.

That's the highlight of the week, if I must be honest.

I have sore wrists this morning, so I shall be longer about my nonsense than usual.

Trying to finish up the Foundry entry before I get on with the rest of the nonsense. Let's go.

Tuesday, Tomorrow, Tomorrow, and Tomorrow

Tomorrow, my dear readers, we bid farewell to the Tesla. Not only is it from a problematic source, it's also a problem for our budget.

We can't afford to wait ten years for the lack of petrol to pay off.

So we will be down to my Zippy Little Car and however much the fuel bill is going to be henceforth.

Tomorrow, I will be travelling. Getting the Tesla cleaned and serviced and otherwise ready for resale. Hooray. So my usual offerings

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Tuesday, Date Night and Patreon Whoopsies

I have been trying to do the challenge for Stencyl to no avail. I shall screenshot my latest code attempts for the Patreon stuff.

There has to be a way to do this thing. And the other two things in the challenge list. I shall be looking up hints and tips at a later date.

Beloved and I are having some time together tonight, because social stuff happening on Thursday. I might not get on with my usual routine for some significant

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Tuesday, Patreon and Continuing On

I had myself a little micro-meltdown last night. Chiefly related to the fact that I can't do anything of merit when it rains because everything requires the internet.

I ended up sleeping twice last night. Finishing off chapter 322 in the middle of the night. Literally.

Thank Grop that my lappy lets me edit offline.

I've done my Patreon stuff, posted the Fediverse meme, and am plotting to take further steps towards learning how Stencyl works before sinking my teeth (haha) into

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Wednesday, Wordpress, Patreon, and a Date

I forgot what I should also have been doing yesterday. Concentrating on the daily tale and the meme.

Also it rained pretty hard and I could not internet easily. On the other hand, I did complete a couple more chapters for the eventual Patreon posts.

I should be picking up my Beloved really soon now. So I'm not investing a lot of time in the usual morning BS.

[One expedition later...]

I'm counter-reviewing all the ppl who reviewed me on the Foundry.

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Tuesday, Patreon and Owies

I had a cyclone migraine yesterday. Morning dose of the painkiller combo didn't quite work. Evening dose of same also did not quite work. This morning is very much the same. Took the painkillers, still feeling the hurts.


I just spent two hours (interrupted by fam) summarising my adventures in Baldur's Gate 3 as Kosh. I'm about to do the Patreon posts and memeing before I settle into today's tale. Interspersed with recording five chapters for Adorable.

I finished off

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Tuesday, Patreon and Budget Hole

I thought payday was today.

I was WRONG.

So now I'm four days' short on the cat food accounts. I have sought out advice on what to do about this, but I suspect the felines will be getting kibble only and giving death glares for that duration.

I plan on finishing a chapter I started this morning before posting everything I have to offer up on Patreon.

There shall be offerings at some point and at another, I shall draw another duck.

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Tuesday, Patreon, art PLNs

I just put out my Patreon stuff and, given the audio files I had on hand, I refuse to feel guilty about the lack of chapters in the WIP.

Some things are easier to do when crook than others. Like... taking advantage of a buffer zone.


I have other offerings to cast out into the digital waters, more chapters to read, and maybe even a chapter to write.

Since the cold is mostly over but the chunks in my bronchii, I'm

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Tuesday, Patreon, Recordings, and PLNs

I already posted the Patreon stuff in the wee small hours of the morning. It's all because I went to bed SUPER early last night and woke up somewhere between 10:30 and 11 PM that night.

I worked on a chapter, chatted with a friendo, and then it was just past midnight. Also, because I anticipated helping MeMum with a fuel run.

Which is not necessary after all. Hooray?

Which means I also have time to do other things... potentially.


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Tuesday, Payday, Shopping, and Supply Run

We shall have money today. Hooray. We need to pay for so much stuff. Boo. We've run out of a lot of things and stocking up is going to be a BITCH.

BUT it also has to be done. I can only hope that we can afford a little more than the minimums because running out of that before payday hurts me in the anxiety.

I'm keeping an eye on our bank account and hoping to all higher powers that the money

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Tuesday, New Developments and Patreon

Beloved is going back to the office today, and I was not given 24 or 48 hours notice about that. So much for my nebulous plns to keep her company.

There is another expert-go-round tomorrow so I shall be chauffeur, escort, and entertainment for the duration.

Today is blackout day. The day in which the power company is going to shut down a neighbourhood to remove a dead possum make some essential maintenance happen.

When that happens, I shall not have internets.

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Tuesday, Patreon and Laundry

I needed to do laundries for quite some time. So I made myself take a day to get that done.

With all good luck, it should be date day tomorrow. I plan on helping Beloved binge some chapters, have some indulgent meals, and otherwise share very careful snuggle times.

Then again, Beloved took another tumble because she mis-estimated her balance when she went to help pick up some dropped papers. Would have been all right if she hadn't landed on her owie

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Tuesday, Patreon and Caregiving

Beloved has had her stitches out. She's due to see some more experts about her arm and what it needs best at some unannounced future Thursday.

We find out what it is when we find out what it is.

We'd all prefer it to be sooner rather than later. There's things moving around inside her arm that should not be moving. It squicks Adorable out and hurts Beloved at the same time. I want it fixed yesterday, but we have to wait

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Tuesday, Patreon and Cyclone Headache

My head does not like me today. I was up at 1 in the morning because PAIN.

I need to make an appointment to get a prescription for the super painkillers since I'm out. Meanwhile, I make do with ibuprofen and paracetamol.

We got ourselves some crowded days ahead, so that time window is currently eluding me.

I have some things to share with Patreon, hooray. Some plns coming through, too. The rest of the fam is going to meet the QPP

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Tuesday, Patreon and Movie Night

I have been making minimal progress this week because distractions [aka Dwarf Fortress] and there's something that makes me wish to mess around with shit rather than create.

I think I need to sit somewhere and be bored for a while.

...I don't have ADHD, but I do a remarkable impersonation thereof.

The good news, such as it is, is that I shall be experimenting with a medication that might help my general attitude against the world. If it works, it works.

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