From those printed source books that helped Afro American's to safely travel to those real or mental lists of 'I know someone who has'. They are priceless and often weird. -- Anon Guest
[AN: I'm pretty sure the polite term was African American... back in the 1990's]
Resources are more than the base materials used to create something... or many somethings. More often than not, resources are sources of information. Secrets to relative success. Passed along by word of mouth, by sigils scrawled where those who need them will see. Meaning known only to those who need them.
Here there is food. This way to safe shelter. These people not tolerated here.
Sometimes, there's books. Maps. Lists of places where certain people can stay in safety. Or, more often, maps marked with places certain people were safer to avoid. Passed from Unwelcome Person to another. Copied carefully by hand or by magic. Passed on away from the prying eyes of the law, with the implication being very clear - don't get caught with this.
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