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A 11-post collection

Challenge #04461-L077: Where it's Safe

From those printed source books that helped Afro American's to safely travel to those real or mental lists of 'I know someone who has'. They are priceless and often weird. -- Anon Guest

[AN: I'm pretty sure the polite term was African American... back in the 1990's]

Resources are more than the base materials used to create something... or many somethings. More often than not, resources are sources of information. Secrets to relative success. Passed along by word of mouth, by sigils scrawled where those who need them will see. Meaning known only to those who need them.

Here there is food. This way to safe shelter. These people not tolerated here.

Sometimes, there's books. Maps. Lists of places where certain people can stay in safety. Or, more often, maps marked with places certain people were safer to avoid. Passed from Unwelcome Person to another. Copied carefully by hand or by magic. Passed on away from the prying eyes of the law, with the implication being very clear - don't get caught with this.

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Challenge #04428-L044: You Get What You Give

For those who constantly have bad dreams, this gentle hellkin sells charms you wear that turns even the worst dreams good. But, be warned, don't be unkind to this soothing soul. Or you'll have bad dreams for a month. Don't worry, they never make the curse permanent, they're too kind for that. -- Anon Guest

Respite worked as they walked, though some of it didn't look like work at all. The spindle-spinning did indeed look like work. So too did the herb-gathering

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Challenge #04425-L041: Guided to Gaining Good Spirits

When is a cat not an ordinary cat? And when is a cat a link to a life-saving miracle worker? When that cat is named Lilbit, is immortal, and owned by an immortal elf living in the elf's cottage. -- Anon Guest

[AN: Wraithvine wanders. The cottage is a portable magician's tower in a dimensional pocket that's more a place to stay when no other venues are available.]

The cat was gloriously fluffy, and very confident. Her tail was high as she

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Challenge #04255-K237: Unpaid Respect

Horns looking of crystal, jewel-bright green eyes, soft pastel blue skin, the hellkin lived within a cottage surrounded by a beautiful gardens of flowers, food, and herbs. A sign over the walkway read "Those in need, please be welcomed."

Many the wealthy tried to get this living gemstone to live with them. Many have learned, sometimes the hard way, that this beauty also had the determination of a dragon, and the gifts of a wizard. -- Anon Guest

People hear the word

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Challenge #04200-K182: Essential Skills for Found Family

The Hellkin traveler met an unwanted human child. Left in the woodlands to die. The child was very thin, blisters on bare feet from walking, thin, exhausted, young, and frightened. The Hellkin had a new child to raise, and some to give lessons to, the hard way. -- Anon Guest

Horizon never expected to become a parent, but life has its way of delivering little surprises. Ze'd been foraging for dinner and almost loosed hir arrow at a Human toddler.

Filthy. Starving.

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Challenge #04165-K147: Faerie Goodmother

"This spell will make you human."

I refuse.

"But as a Hellkin you're mistreated."

I don't care.

"I don't understand."

You never did. I am who I am.


Come, meet my TRUE family. -- Anon Guest

Once upon a time, a Hellkin did a Faerie a favour. He had no knowledge of the act, nor expected a reward. He had simply wandered unknowing into Nanogh, helped a living creature in need, and wandered back out again.

The Faekindred do not forget

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Challenge #04123-K105: Fel Fiancee

The letter was written as Wraithvine suggested, the princess visiting the new young, very nervous, king. It's good to make friends one's own age to talk to.

https://peakd.com/fiction/@internutter/challenge-03978-j326-fel-fortunes -- Fighting Fit

King Kosh was apparently a tight-fisted monarch. Not spending very much on appearances, pomp, nor circumstance. The Princess Optimism Caibanise Ayoka Whitekeep arrived on horseback, in travelling leathers, and had an Elven 'grass' blade at her hip for defence. Her staff were similarly equipped.

Only her

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Challenge #04080-K062: A Deal Borne From Deception

Magic used to make themselves look elven, the clothes, the hat, the smile. Traveling alone, they used their magic to aid others to the best of their ability, sometimes to their own detriment. They claimed to be Wraithvine, though they were not. But their only desire was to save lives, bring smiles, and ensure the innocent were well cared for. Then... they met the real Wraithvine themselves... -- Anon Guest

Another town. Another cluster of needs. Another group of excited children who'd

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Challenge #04054-K036: Ordinarily Fighting Words

"Hey you old Teuf!"

"Hey yourself, naked ape!"

The two, human and hellkin eyed each other a moment before giving each other big hugs with warm, cheerful smiles. -- Anon Guest

Some words can kill. In the remote and isolated valleys of Nohmyraa, the residents call any Hellkin 'teuf' shortly before a noose is tightened around their neck or, in the case of those hours old, a pillow is pressed to their face.

The polite say, "Harukh," or, "D'varuv." Those less inclined

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Challenge #03788-J135: Children Born in Fall...

What is the worst two times to travel? Late Fall and Early Spring. It was cold, the ground was soaked, sometimes half-frozen, there were icy puddles, it rained unexpectedly and the rain was icy cold, the wind was cold and often damp, it was miserable. Yet through this mess they still slogged, carrying their burdens. As the two young infants whimpered, Gikka and the young apprentice each also carrying an infant in their arms, it wouldn't be long now before they got

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Challenge #03635-I347: Offered Cup of Kindness

They were demon-born, filled with hate and rage. They gained an army of demon-borns, and conquered a land. All of them fueled with the same rage borne from years of mistreatment, betrayal, and cruelty. Can the gentle act of a small handful of humans, and others, soothe these darkened hearts back into the light before it's too late? -- The New Guy

When all you have ever known is hate, it is easy to feel it overtake you. In the grand city

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