Game Nite

A 75-post collection

So That Happened...

We had a short session last night because (a) One party member was away sick and (b) the plot arrived quicker, but...

Despite all that...

I was bloodied twice in one fight, surprise-attacked by a troll, and learned that my faux german accent was too much for our new DM so I'm toning it down next sesh.

It's not easy being squishy.

Thankfully, I have tactics of a sort. Tactics and ten darts. I'll have to engineer a system to make sure I keep accurate count of how many I have left on the next sesh. Using one of my 'junk' dice as a counter seems like a good idea at the moment. It means none of my sets get disrupted and I can stay honest.

I can even put it where the DM can see.

Next time I go shopping, I'm looking for more firkin darts. Ten suddenly seems like not enough.

Anyway. Back to the real world. I got ahead on my allotted words by Thursday and only had 300+ to write on Friday afternoon. Do you think any of those 300 words came easily? Did I have as much fun as I did on Thursday?

Nope! It was HELL.

But I did emerge from the fight victorious, and bearing a marvellously descriptive passage about chickens with an attitude. Onwards to the next 3K on Monday.

Today, my Beloved is off working on servers and suchlike, making sure they're prepared for Spring Carnival. Tomorrow, I 3D print a miniature of my Monk. Then I learn how to paint that bad boy.

But for today? Storytime.


I am so excited. I am going to play a slutty, slutty Tiefling who's basically Fantasy Nightcrawler. Because I rolled low for my constitution, I gotta clear with the DM about whether or not using a plotline to fix that could be a thing.

If not, it's still early enough to re-roll that and retcon some shit. We shall see.

I got way ahead on my word count, yesterday, which means my novel writing needs only 300-ish words before my 3K for

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Aftermath, Part 1

Fun was had, last night. Fun will be had during the wee small hours of tomorrow's AM. I will be WRECKED, but I'm going to enjoy it.

There are the remains of two cakes in the house. One is almost doomed, the other is only initially doomed. I've gained some significant weight, and I might diet all through the rest of this month and the next one... but not today.

Today, I have treats.

I also have a Tiefling Monk who's basically

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Early cleaning == maybe time to go out and get a replacement autohinge because dummins I broke the other one... but potentially not time to install it because Game Nite plus writerly nonsense plus... whatever.

I'm planning on breaking Keto this evening and Madness Burgers are on my menu!

...also potentially a shitton of forbidden fruit, so to speak. All the things that are bad for me but taste SO delicious. I may gain an entire kilo from the feast.

Worth it.


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It wasn't as late as it could have been, but it still ran me a teeny bit ragged. I hope not ragged to the point where I fall over with this damned ekka flu.

Chaos brought it home. Mayhem caught it. I'm... in close vicinity to both these darling little vectors of mine.... Getting run down is a guarantee for catching Lurgi.

I owe y'all a story, too. But if I need to take a week off from the novel so I

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Challenge #02422-F232: Crit Happens

Most gods throw dice, but Fate plays chess, and you don't find out 'til too late that he's been playing with two queens all along. ~Terry Pratchett

Also known as being a DM. (Dungeon Master) -- Anon Guest

Imagine a game so complicated that even the experts have to look up the rules. It is not just played with dice, but also cards, charts, tables, books, miniatures, and a hell of a lot of imagination. There is only one person at the

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Kitty time! And Game Nite!

We're but a few staples away from having the Kitty Kondo(tm) completed!

It's game night, so Beloved and the family have some extra hours in which to bond with the fine feline that has caused NINE WEEKS of anguish and effort from us.

I am going to ENJOY being a blob this weekend. Snuggled up with my new kitty and finding her a name.

Hell, I might even post pictures.

But for now, I watch for Chaos' bus... and then get

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Mo game, mo shenanigans

Game night is tonight. Tomorrow is bullet days for welding, building the metal bending brake, and finally doing those [EXPLETIVE] walkways. Once everything is together, it should be easy to finish.

Note the qualifier.

It SHOULD be easy to finish. But as a famous pantsless Australian politician once said, "Life was never meant to be easy."

I want to be a whirlwind of activity, but rando BS keeps getting in the way. At least THIS time, we might actually have all the

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GAME NIGHT! Woot Woot!

After a month of deprivation, we're back in the game :D I'm stoked. The ur-game of D&D is back on for sure.

Every player, consciously or no, plays "break the DM" because making your DM laugh is such fun. Likewise, making them say, "What the fuck?" or calling on their deities in any tone of voice.

I actually do want to make our DM a third-eye hat. I just have to find the mats and then twiddle about with them

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So stoked for tonight...

I got my Crit Happens shirt, I got a new dice bag, I got my tablet charged, I got my batteries... I got Mayhem home with the vomits at home because antibiotics kick your arse these days.

Last day of term, and I don't even know if Chaos is going today.

If the kids are at home, I'm still taking a journey out to be sure of victuals for the evening.

That's what passes for a PLN.

I'm gonna be riding the

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I am so stoked for today.

The whole gang is due to turn up and the game shall indeed be on and I intend to enjoy the hell out of it.

Other PLNs include all the flash fictions, as normal, but I've DONE my novel for this week, so I don't have to fret about that.

I might be able to squeeze in some self-education or work on any given project, today. That'd be cool.

We shall see what we see when

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We Play Dungeons and Dragons!

Mayhem finishes early, this afternoon. As does Beloved's work.

Beloved will be heading homewards early. Mayhem will be headed homewards early. Chaos... still has her regular hours.

I have to work pretty fast today if I want degaussing time tomorrow. Especially considering that tomorrow has even more potential social gaming time with friends of Beloved, this time in virtuality.

I am the nerdy gaming nerd. Bow to me.

Not much progress on the TangleBag(tm), though I am taking daily progress pix

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Game day!

It's the Friday I've been looking forward to for what feels like forever. I get to go in and do D&D with Mayhem and even though tonight is likely going to be all plot&plan, I am STOKED.

One way or another, I'm going to learn about Homebrewing and I might enlist KIABIL to help out there since he's done that sort of thing before and actually knows the ropes instead of talking out of his arse.

Long rant

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Game Nite!

Our regular DM is out for life reasons and will be back eventually, so tonight the gang and I are planning a horror one-shot IN SPACE. I get the feeling this is a playtest of a system under construction, but I don't care.

I rolled up a scientist and plan on having zero social skills for the in-character portion of the game. As well as baffling them with technobabble.

It's a one-shot. There's zero investment and maximum potential for fun.

I also

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Challenge #01737-D276: Welcome to My Dungeon

"Would you let me decide already. Are you my eldritch patron from beyond the stars or are you my DM?"

"Kinda both." -- RecklessPrudence

The people around the table erupted in laughter. Karel giggled a little bit herself. "Yeah, I'm playing all the fucking gods in this game, and the big bad terrifying threat, so... yeah. I better get some respect from you assholes."

"And mountain dew," added Ferni.

"Well, duh. Of course mountain dew. That's what runs my magnificent brain and

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