
A 68-post collection

Saturday, Parkrun, New Rig, and SHENANIGANS GALORE

My morning has been complicated by the Global Blue Screen of Doom.

  • Because Windoze had a failure of a security upgrade, lots of Windoze-based systems no worky no more
  • Which includes the local 7-11
  • Where I went to get petrol before the commute to parkrun
  • Advised to go to a different servo, but I went to a different-different servo where I also picked up snacks for Beloved and Miss Chaos
  • And it also took me a solid minute to figure out the pumps at the other servo
  • So we were a little bit late to parkrun
  • Which greatly upset Miss Chaos

She gets very dramatic about being late for things.

On the other hand, we still had a good parkrun and a healthy(ish) brunch and I am now in the extended process of porting things to the new compy. Which is currently on Beloved's desk and using half her hardware.

I am awaiting further instructions. If said instructions take too firkin long, y'all may be getting today's story tomorrow.

Meanwhile, I shall be filling in the time with low-brainpower occupations. Stuff that doesn't matter if it's saved or if it isn't.

Like YouTube and Cookie Clicker.

If I resume streaming, it will likely be next week. That should give me enough time to iron out the hiccoughs. Underline 'should'.

Wish me luck and I hope to have something out there soon.

Wednesday, Blog Rant and Business

I have another rant due today. One of my many offerings for today. Having finished five chapters, I shall be reading them for Adorable.

Coffee doesn't seem to be working. Neither does a sound night's sleep. I've had both and the sleepiness continueth. Drat.

I'm going to put myself on Max in the hopes that this is a low oxygen thing. Fingers crossed.

Thanks to consultation, the ad I've made for my All Hallows Read offering won't be seen by the public

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Monday, Twofer For You

The foundry is doing backup reads as I speak. I shall be getting on with the twofer after that is done, and also trying to concoct a tale for the foundry. So I shall be writing a lot.

I need to concoct a Keto Kibble 2.0 because I have been doing it wrong the entire time. Bleh.

Yesterday went well enough. The most anxious person about the QPP was MeMum, who had some points about a few things.

Society as it

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Saturday, Parkrun and PLN'd Shenanigans

It's been a long day. As you might guess by the lateness of this post. Not just parkrun, but also getting our hair did and getting food and going shopping and doing a bunch of other stuff while we were there.

Needless to say, I am a very tired bean and I have yet to create or post my offerings for today.

As for tomorrow? There may not be any entries at all.

Tomorrow, the QPP is heading out to introduce ourselves

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Friday, Shenanigans Ahoy

It's another sleepover tonight, so we can go together to a closer parkrun tomorrow, so we can get our hair did later in the day... so we can be all done up relatively fancy at the Meet The Fam thing on Sunday.


It's another thing I'm nervous about, so I heartily expect to be exhausted on the following Monday.

I didn't even know I was stressed on Wednesday night until I fell over and slept through most of yesterday. It'll be

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Saturday, Brunch Shenanigans

I'm going out for brunch with Beloved and my DM. Which are two different people. I've never had a brunch before so this promises to be interesting.

I've also got Miss Chaos trying No Frills Clarityne in the hopes that this fixes the dang cough. Fingers crossed.

She may have similar issues with Sneezin and Wheezin Season that I do. Dangit.

BUT I also have to be ready for everything tut suite so we can be offski ASAP. Fun.

I am also

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Thursday, I Need Air!

Sneezin' and Wheezin' Season is kicking my butt. STILL. I need long rugby socks to keep my fetlocks from freezing. STILL. Miss Chaos still has a cough. STILL.

Good news, I see the doc this friday. Just in time. I have almost run out of my meds.

I also know how to show proof of my jabs. Huzzah.

So today is a day of rest. I shall work on one chamber minimum in TaleSpire and not expect very much out of myself

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Sunday, Game Night Shenanigans

Achievement unlocked: Buried hatchets. Cleared the air with involved parties and renewed backup systems in place. Huzzah.

Tonight, my players fight a dragon. Yay.

This morning, I had a good old-fashioned anxiety attack and used it to get some writing in [eventually]. Namely, getting the Tale Foundry prompt entry written early.

I make sleeplessness work for me.

Might as well, right?

I have no further plans than resting my wrists [I borked them a little whilst doing the prompt story] and scheduling

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Saturday, Feast Shenanigans

Beloved has PLANS for today. Plans that include waffles and nonsense with sugar. Which is the best kind of nonsense.

Lighter Bag Quest is probably on the schedule.

My wrists are rested enough to write, but it's probably not on my schedule. If anything gets done, I will count it as a win.

Carrying my shit with me is becoming a Problem. Bum bags cause bruising on my hips. Shoulder bags do my shoulders in. Backpacks inevitably cause hassles. And the good

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Thursday, Further Shenanigans

Date Day happens today because that's when The Bad Guys is showing at a cinema somewhere. The work of funny animal heist animation that is also known as Lupin the Furred because anime fans spotted some cinematic parallels in a picosecond.

I shall attempt to populate that level I've been working on until such time as I am needed elsewhere. After that, it's all smoke as far as I recall.

I now have pink roots under my purple streak, by the way.

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Friday, Day 0, Shenanigans

Still not looking at the news or the stats. I might be feeling better through wilful ignorance, but I am not there yet. Not at the top of my game.

Beloved got me a proper weighted blanket and for the first time in forever I did not wake up in the middle of the night with heat issues. I woke up in the middle of the night because the air was no longer circulating. I may have to get a small fan

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Thursday, Day 0, Shenanigans!

Plague Diary: Two new cases, both imports. There's forty-one total active cases, thirty-four of those are in hospital. Australia's at 93% first vax, and 88.5% fully vaxxed. Queensland's still tied for last with WA at 87.7% first vax, 79.6% fully vaxed. TAZMANIA has hit >95% first vax. Good onyer Tazzie!

I have to round up Pippi for vaccine later on today. Fortunately, Pip is easy to catch. Easier than Jolie, anyway.

I aim to get one chamber a day

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Saturday, Day 0, Shenanigans

Plague news: Five new cases, all imports. Twenty-eight total active cases, fourteen are in hospital, with one in the ICU. Australia's at 86% first vax, 71.7% fully vaxxed. Queensland's at 74% first vax, and 59% fully vaxxed.

The country is opening up whether we're ready or not. This is sure to end badly but nobody cares any more. Everyone is a million percent DONE with this plague and anti-plague measures and it's just... whatever. Let's get business rolling again.

The catio

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Sunday, Day 0, It's Loose

There's another case of local transmission this morning. Six new cases. Seventy-one total. Sixty-two in hospital. Two in the ICU. That's seven with the potential to cause even more trouble.

I'm not looking at the news this morning because Toasty's streaming already and there are untold PLNs of Beloved happening later on after sunrise. So now I'm trying to get as much done before I find out what else is going on.

I may be required to drive after minimal sleep -_

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Friday, Day 0, Shenanigans Commence

There's three new cases, sixty-five active, sixty-two in hospital and one in ICU. Two apparently free to chill in a hotel somewhere. At least according to my math. I have all sorts of assorted shenanigan going on and one big difference between now and every other Friday before.

Today is Payday!

::curlytoot noise::

That's right, folks. I'm giving myself money I've already earned at a rate sufficient to fly under Mr Taxman's radar. Don't worry, I also already earned it at a

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