Busy Busy

A 274-post collection

Thursday, Day 2, Org Day

Plague news: No new cases again! It's been a hot while since that's happened. There's seventeen total active cases with thirteen in hospital.

Not going to jinx it. Not saying anything more about numbers.

Today, I wrangle finances, get money, spend money, and perhaps organise things for greater convenience.

On the Honeydew list:

  1. Get a slasher in to knock down the weeds and tall grass in our yard
  2. [related] Purchase a MowerBot to keep the grass in check
  3. Rent a huge firkin skip
  4. [related] Get all the firkin rubbish out of the house

It's a process.

Personally, I want to get a copy of Toon Boom Harmony so I can remake and then move on with SESP. It may have to wait a bit. It's not as important as getting the house and yard civilised.

In the news:

  • Secret Service shares more 9/11 pics
  • Mandatory jabs for Victoria
  • Singapore under siege from Delta
  • Taliban up to more horseshit
  • China, after numerous attacks to Australia's economy, accuses Aus of bullying
  • There are 'vaxed' maps now
  • US attempt to shame Aus backfires
  • Cheap electric cars coming soon
  • Aussie iron prices tank while coal prices soar

And now... stories.

Friday, Day 0, Tangled

Plague news: Two new cases, one of each. Nineteen total active cases and fourteen are in hospital.

Today, my Beloved is getting part of her face burned off with lasers and then turning into a vampire for the interim. Direct exposure to sunlight is not recommended post-procedure.

My arm is back to my full range of movement and I am still not a wifi hotspot.

There's starters to feed, bikkie to make (and consume), 1K to write, mobs to add stats unto

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Sunday, Day 0, Day Out

Plague news: Four new cases, all imports. We have twenty-six total active cases, with twenty-one in hospital and nobody in the ICU.

Some idiot had the audacity to state that lockdowns "don't work" when the places that do have lockdowns and strict measures don't have the fucking plague. Yikes. Just do what New Zealand does and nobody needs to get hurt.

I've also come across testimonials from medical professionals working in the Covid wards and... it'll break your heart. Read the post

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Friday, Day 0, Busy Day

Plague news: Eleven new cases. Ten local, one import. One hundred and Fifty-five total active cases, forty-six in hospital and one in the ICU.

I have already made some pretty-pretty crumpets from the combined starter harvests. I'm learning how to make better ones next time. Huzzah.

The PLN today includes the usual nonsense: house unfuckening, the daily tale. Disposal of my fail!waffles [om nom nom]. Maybe building more of a dungeon and definitely finishing off January 2015 as tagged for my

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Friday, Day 1, Busy Time

Plague news: NO NEW CASES! Twenty-six total active cases, twenty-five in hospital, and one in the ICU.

I love seeing the numbers drop.

We're still masking in Sunny Queensland and still being paranoid. It seems to be working. Let's hope it continues.

Today, I have to:

  • feed my Starters
  • unfuck my environment
  • write 1K
  • continue building encounter spaces in TaleSpire for the campaign I'm plotting to run
  • continue tagging tales for my app

In the news:

  • Unvaccinated doctor blamed for infections in
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Friday, Day 0, Almost There

Plague News: Five new cases, three local, two imports. Fifty total active, forty-four in hospital, two in ICU.

I blame myself for thinking we had a handle on this.

Stream done, house unfuckening due, plans to write 1K, and further plans to build dungeons and maps in TaleSpire. I did record a tutorial of sorts, but now I have doubts about sharing it with the world -_-

In the news:

  • Protests erupt over safety rules in Victoria
  • Sydney headed for another
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Tuesday, Day 0, Shrinky Patreon

Plague news: One new case, an import. Forty-seven total cases, forty-five are in hospital.

I'm visiting my shrink today. Fun times. Which means the novel work is happening in transit. I'll probably get a lot done whilst waiting for the bus.

Patreon shenanigans will be happening RSN too. Yeeps.

In the news:

  • Australia is now an example of what not to do
  • Slam the Celebs for daring to be human
  • Muppet wants to know which officer killed one of the insurgents active
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Friday, Day Zero, Overstretched

Plague news: One import, three local transmissions. Thirty-nine active cases, thirty-five in hospital. No lists of where any hot spot might be.

They really need to release people from quarantine AFTER they get the test results back. This is like the fifth time someone tested clean until the last day, when they were tested and released, and came back positive.

I have a lot on my plate today. Including the house unfuckening, starter feeding, instant creating and 1K Friday... I also have

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Saturday, Day 0, Scavenger Hunt - kind'a sort'a

Three new cases, all imports. We have twenty-nine active cases, fifteen of those are in hospital. That's fourteen with the potential to wreak havok and I have a run-around to do today. Huzzah.

The run-around? Well, I got roped into helping out with the Positive Behaviour Learning program's fun day and I have the job of tracking down and pricing sources for all the great ideas we had. Whee.

I'm doing a lot of googling so I'm not looking at the news.

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Friday, Day 0, Finances and Nonsense

Four new cases, all imports. There's a total of twenty-eight active cases, sixteen of them in hospital. Which leaves twelve in a hotel hoping for the best.

Cheevs so far today:

  • Moved the starters to new homes
  • Made the Bikkie
  • Used some leftover Mystery Condiment1 in the process
  • Forgot to add delouser spray to Chaos [whoops!]
  • Fed the cats (very important)
  • Remembered my meds (also important)
  • Wrangled payday

I've still got to unfuck the house, write my Instant, commit 1000 words

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Saturday, Day 0, Excursion

Four new cases, all imports. Today is day nineteen without local transmission. There's eighteen active cases, and fourteen in hospital. Four are therefore "free" in a hotel until their quarantine ends.

In "Bad Air Day" news, constant doses on my nebuliser (Max) have finally shifted some encrusted mucous from the bronchi. On the plus side, I can breathe more. On the minus side, gross.

On the super minus side, this dipshit has to go out into the wilderness to fetch kitty fodder

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Saturday, Day 0, Tech Support

FIVE new cases. Fuck! The "good" news is that they're all imports and all sequestered in quarantine. Day Twelve without local transmission. The better news is that there's thirty-six active cases - a significant drop - and thirty in hospital. The death count is up to seven, so someone else has died thanks to this plague.


I've made my breads [Yay time management!] so now I'm free to get ready for the day ahead of time. Thanks 2AM wake-up time. Internal

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Monday, Day 1, Yakkety Sax Go!

No cases, foreign or domestic. Huzzah. Fifty-seven active cases, all of them in hospital. It's stats like this that make me want to leave my mask at home again. Not a chance before the twenty days are up.

Today I have:

  1. Household unfuckening
  2. Potential parcel arrival
  3. Mayhem announced an appointment while I was sleeping and that might be happening in the middle of everything else
  4. Also Tale Foundry is doing the reserve readings and I want to be there for that


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Wednesday, Day 1, Shenanigans Ahoy

I have three hours to do whatever and trying to work means that I'm not falling into the YouTube wikiwalk trap that can delay me for all of that. Today, there are NO NEW CASES in Queensland! Not even any imports. It's a major deal after so long. There's still seventy cases, all of them are in hospital and one's still lingering in the ICU. I wish them well.

Today, at ten, I get my shoes and socks on, chase Miss Chaos

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Sunday, Day 0, It's Loose

There's another case of local transmission this morning. Six new cases. Seventy-one total. Sixty-two in hospital. Two in the ICU. That's seven with the potential to cause even more trouble.

I'm not looking at the news this morning because Toasty's streaming already and there are untold PLNs of Beloved happening later on after sunrise. So now I'm trying to get as much done before I find out what else is going on.

I may be required to drive after minimal sleep -_

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