Unlikely Heroes

A 164-post collection

Challenge #04413-L029: We'll Meet Again

The news of Gikka's passing due to old age filters its way to Wraithvine. The immortal dragon healer, in hir guise as a gnome, placed a gentle hand on Wraithvine's. "Never gone as long as she is remembered, and I'm not leaving your side any time soon, my friend. For I live as long as you." -- Anon Guest

Wraithvine hated goodbyes. Ze had had far too many of them in hir time if service. Outliving enemies and allies alike could easily make immortality a depressing slide into darkness. It could rot the soul if one wasn't very careful.

Bibrid had almost fallen into that pit. Then he met an Elven Wizard and a Kobold thief, and learned to love the world all over again.

Who could have thought, at the beginning of the world, that an Elf and a Dragon could walk side by side as friends? Not Bibrid. Not any of the Dragons who started the first of the Xenophobia Wars.Thousands upon thousands of years had passed between those early days and now. Thousands more may yet pass before either of them met their eternal rest.

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Challenge #04365-K347: Defying the Inevitable

They bring the child, a 5 yr old who was also a chosen hero, though she was scared, to the edge of the place where she once called home. But getting in was the problem, there was an evil wizard who kept this place trapped and out of time. And it was time to let everyone into the more peaceful era.

https://peakd.com/fiction/@internutter/challenge-04307-k289-ancient-nightmares -- Anon Guest

Four heroes stood on misty mountain's rise. Five if you counted the

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Challenge #04307-K289: Ancient Nightmares

The child was terrified as storms raged outside the old building they were taking shelter in, the wind rattling the tightly locked windows. Wraithvine got the fire going while others did their best to help the frightened child calm. Including a gentle, cuddly, feline.



https://peakd.com/fiction/@internutter/challenge-04240-k222-midwinterfeast-blessings -- Anon Guest

Rain raged against the old farmhouse's roof. The wind screamed in the trees outside, threatening to extinguish

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Challenge #04292-K274: Lending a Hand

The cave-in was pretty severe. The worst part was, magic was risky in this region. Lilbit had managed to squeeze out through cracks. Surprisingly, tail in the air all smug, Cat returned, with the sound of anxious diggers to be heard outside the cave. -- Anon Guest

Wudzgaad are the oddities of Faekindred. They can walk between worlds with but a thought. They never ask for names because they don't see the need for them. They go about their business and remain

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Challenge #04273-K255: The Unlikeliest Match

My father's was a faerie who used magic to grow to the size of a human. My mother is the sweet Hellkin who inspired him to do so. -- Anon Guest

[AN: Considering that Hellkin's origins centred around being biological weapons against Faekindred... this is going to be interesting]

Ma and Da aren't what you call a traditional love story. It's not like genetic mortal enemies get together and make a kid. There's like a thousand tawdry romances about a mortal falling

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Challenge #04270-K252: Subtle and Fast Fury

Wraithvine is a very patient being. That patience has been learned over many, many, centuries. But when ze is truly angry, watch out. This brat was NOT listening, kept trying to kick Lilbit, grabbing Bribird and bad-mouthing Gikka. A good chastisement was in order, and a stern lesson to parents who was letting the child become so spoiled. -- Anon Guest

Heaven help the people who think they can get away with anything short of murder. It might have to, in this

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Challenge #04269-K251: A Singular Sanctuary

They travelled with Wraithvine for a while, learning to cope with so many years. Though they were very few and far between, they learned there were others like themselves. So they founded the Immortal Village. Where people with same, or similar, condition could live in peace, help others from, and find solace together. Important part, was Waithvine helped found it.

https://peakd.com/fiction/@internutter/challenge-04109-k091-a-long-time-waiting -- Anon Guest

Tales are told of a distant mountain valley that holds the secrets of

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Challenge #04266-K248: Mistaken Identity

The small child nearly crashed into Gikka and stepped on the disguised Bibrid to hide among Wraithvine's robes. When gently asked the fear, the child admitted to playing in the house despite their mother's warnings, and breaking a window.

"Mommie's gonna be SO mad!"

"Oh child, you know, if you tell her you're sorry, and admit what you did, I bet she won't be mad long." -- The New Guy

It was raining, but not heavily enough to drive people indoors or

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Challenge #04263-K245: Small, Frail, and Scared

An adorable set of small puppies went after King Kormwind's tail, Wraithvine's clothes, Gikka's tail, and were trying to chase and play with Birbrid and Lilbit. The caretaker apologized as they were trying to care for, and find homes for, this sweet pack of little strays. -- Anon Guest

[AN: Two of these people are in different times and continents. AUGH! Quick thinking: Doesn't have to be King Kormwind IX, doesn't have to be the Gikka already established]

King Kormwind Arachis Felbourne

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Challenge #04242-K224: Hero of Justice

A sheathed, dusty, blade that was hidden in a thief's lair is stolen by a young hellkin seeking a way to defend themselves.

The blade finds they are able to speak to their new wielder, and helps them learn how to be a true hero. Not a false one wrapped in gold, but a quiet one wrapped in hope.

https://peakd.com/fiction/@internutter/challenge-04155-k137-a-double-edged-blade -- Anon Guest

Justice is an odd thing, beyond an eye for an eye. For example, harming

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Challenge #04240-K222: Midwinterfeast Blessings

The child given a small toy, it was such a simple gift. A little dragon-shaped doll. Toys, when deeply loved, can have their own life. This toy fought with a wizard, loved a child, and protected the travelers to help the child, and new parent, find their way past darkness, toward home.

https://peakd.com/fiction/@internutter/challenge-04148-k130-one-link-in-the-chain -- Anon Guest

Midwinterfeast passed in a warm little house in a warm little village in the middle of nowhere. A place eager to

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Challenge #04229-K211: Insect Swarm

Cats can get into trouble sometimes, and Lilbit was no exception to that. Poor cat upset a stinger's nest and got stung pretty badly tail and body. Fortunately, the kitty had Wraithvine, and Bibrid there to help, and gentle Gikka to hold her while she was being helped. -- Anon Guest

Even an immortal cat finds trouble before it's lost. For this little adventure, the famous feline had pounced after something rustling in the underbrush... and found more than she bargained for.

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Challenge #04224-K206: A Dire Incident

A predator late at night was sneaking up on Gikka. It met, and ran in terror from, the angry claws and teeth of a protective Lilbit. -- Anon Guest

Kobolds, like the Gobelliin, are one of the few species whose destiny is usually to end in a brief and crunchy squeak. There's an awful lot of creatures that view them as food. Including the Kobolds and Gobelliin.

When your entire species is automatically rejected from everywhere and your resources are slim, you

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Challenge #04216-K198: To Solve the Problem

A person who ran a massive Inn asked Wraithvine, Gikka, and the small dragon hiding in the guise of a brownie to please bless the Inn with protections. The Innkeeper never charged the poor for food and shelter, but did their best to help, but the local rich lord was getting VERY angry about this. -- The New Guy

[AN: Bibrid disguised himself as a Gnome]

"I could deal with the lord permanently," offered Gikka. She made a gesture close to her

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Challenge #04179-K161: Rest and Refuge

Wraithvine, hir cat, Gikka, and the little gnome that was a dragon in disguise came upon a hotel that was a hot spring resort. The very kind family offered a free vacation for all of them. Why? Because the family believed that all travelers should find relaxation on their travels, and it made them happy to help people. -- Anon Guest

It wasn't the first hotel and resort associated with volcanic hot springs. It was, however, one of the few that welcomed

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