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A 420-post collection

Monday, Backup Reads and Shopping PLNs

The cats need food, the fam needs protein, flavour, and little things. I have a bit of a Leyland's Tour ahead of me, which will commence as soon as the group's done with the backup reads. I have five stops this time and I can only hope I have enough money to cover our needs.

I'm good at juggling finances.

When I get back, that's when my offerings shall occur. Which means I can focus on being Prepared(tm) for social time with my lovelies. Huzzah.

Saturday, Parkrun and Date PLNs

There's a movie called Mickey 17 out in cinemas now. There's another one called The Day the Earth Blew Up coming soon. Both of these are my personal must-sees. So we have a couple of date nights arranged. Yay.

I need to preheat the oven, arrange dough and shape at least one loaf. Since I have to get up at Awful AM tomorrow, I'll be doing my second loaf later on that day.

My shoulder's still giving me trouble and I've discovered

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Tuesday, Family Support and Maybe Patreon

I'm taking MeMum hither and thither today, fixing tech issues and helping with the shopping and so on. As a result, there may not be Patreon posts until tomorrow.

There's another embuggerance on top of the regular furforal... Mum's waiting for people to pick up some equipment loaned to help with the flood nonsense. So now we're waiting for those folks to turn up.

On the plus side, I have the time to write this blog, so yay.

I'll be working on

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Sunday, Game Night and Necessary Therapy

My feet hate me. Not shocked, considering I was testing how well they could go without a cane assisting it. I sure as heck need a cane now.

I may also need to soak my feet in cold water.

I'm otherwise rested, and should be good to get my offerings out there. At some point, I'll throw a few sentences into the novel and the Butcher's Book.

I'm not seeking out spandek until later on in the week. Today's not good and

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Saturday, Parkrun Progress and Further PLNs

Today, I decided to see how far I could get this parkrun without using my cane. I had it dangling from my belt in case of need. Which did become necessary. Chaos reckons I made it about 3K and I'm not about to argue with the math. All I know are landmarks. On the way out, it's the bridge over the stream, the large overpass, the small overpass, and then the turn-around before going through all that backwards. I made it past

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Thursday, Crossed Wires and Running Around

I previously thought I was seeing my physio today. I checked my schedule and no. I'm seeing my physio tomorrow. Nevertheless, I have run out of stuff and things and I need to go on a supply run.

It's a long, long run. Here, there, an extra stop at Bunnings for some corrugated iron, and another stop at a chemist for a restock of some meds. Of course I'm getting the refrigeratables last.

The sheet of corrugated iron is going to be

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Wednesday, Rant Due and Leyland PLNs

I have to think of something to talk about for my weekly blog. Perhaps the stories behind the story I'm writing in my "Butcher's Book" and the general mood behind Sanity Projects. "In" prefix optional.

Yes, I made a little pamphlet thingy out of a sheet of Butcher's Paper. Replete with sewing the spine for binding. And yes, I am filling it with a weird little story.

Because I happen to be Like That(tm).

And yes, I plan on showing it

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Tuesday, Patreon and Shopping Potential

I have to keep the catio closed off until I fix the roof. The good news is that I can get the corrugated iron real easy. The bad news is that I need to find the tools, the charger(s), the screws, a ladder... and a helpmeet to do the thing.

That's going to be an issue.

So too is escaping the shed with the car. Because the yard turns into a quagmire under a light mist.

We're going to be dragging

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Thursday, The Literal Calm Before the Storm

The storm was due to hit today. Though Cyclone Alfred has apparently decided to delay its arrival. My head's hurting me and I forgot to pre-dose my painkillers.


Painkillers taken. All the glass facing the outside world has been taped and papered. We've closed all possible curtains, just in case.

I think this week's rant might be about the cyclone prep stuff. That has some amusement potentiality.

When I get to that thing. If I get to that thing. Offerings first,

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Wednesday, Rant Due and Other PLNs

We're taping and papering out windows, today. My other plns to hunker and bunker are foiled by having a dental appointment.

The day before the cyclone fucking hits us.

I have excellent fucking timing. It's a gift.

So in the middle of tape and paper [I got a bargain lot of butcher's paper from a newfound source of stuff and things] I have to extract my car from the shed, drive myself down to the dentist's [through the slings and arrows of

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Monday, Backup Reads and Bread

Long story short - I didn't want to stay up past midnight for all of the folds.

Time management is a lack-of-skill of mine :D

Four hours plus six hours plus wandering time would have equalled me putting the dough to rest at somewhere close to two fucking AM.

I put the dough to rest after the first fold. I'm doing the the rest of the three folds today, and then the first loaf after that. We will see how I feel

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Saturday, Parkrun and Shenanigans

Miss Chaos earned her coffee toffees this week. All it took was me expressing my concerns. Would that that worked on her motivation to learn how to make a game.

I might have to find her some variety of McJob in order to appreciate that learning programming is the easier thing to do.

I'll ring APM if I have to.

Then I'll look into online courses to teach me how to properly use GameMaker and how much they might firkin cost.


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Thursday, Another Expedition

Today, my shopping mission includes finding a thumb drive that can be attached to a key ring, and then getting a really visible key ring to attach to it. All the better to store MeMum's backups and keep it Obvious(tm) so it doesn't get lost.

I cannot count the number of thumb drives MeMum has lost. Giving it something big and visible might help there. Might.

But I have to wait until the pay goes through before I head offski for

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Wednesday, Rant Due and Patreon Nonsense

With the help of Beloved, I got MeMum's Kindle backed up. Since it was top priority, I left that day's story on the back-burner while the jiggery-pokery went on. It was closer to eleven at night by the time I got the basic offerings out.

So yeah, I'm a little tired today.

But I also know I can catch up on anything I missed yesterday and that includes recording some chapters for the Patreon! Woo!

I think I'm allowed to feel accomplished,

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Monday, PLNs underway

Adorable doesn't have any ideas for helping me fix LMMS, but has recommended an alternate music maker. I'll be looking into that later in the day.

I now have 89 chapters until ADT is declared finished and I can take a firkin break.

Tomorrow, I'm offski to help MeMum back up her Kindle purchases, and find somewhere she can obtain ebooks for her Kindle without giving any more money to Amazon.

It has to be possible, and a lot of authors are

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