A 830-post collection

Saturday, Day 0, Doors

Plague news: One new case, an import. Thirty total cases, twenty-four in hospital and two in the ICU.

Today, we have discovered that the new doorknobs fit the old doors perfectly. SO... we have to take down the new door we hung last week, put back the old door, and then install the new doorknob. Yay.


I also have to find and upload my OBS recording of my stream since OBS cut the extant one short. Dangit. Shitty internet sucks bollocks.

I tried.

In the news:

  • USA messed up Afghanistan big time
  • WA might get its wish to secede from Australia. Be careful what you wish for
  • USA continues to warn everyone
  • Playing around has a new name and it's "roaching"
  • Truckies bring the plague with them. Shocker
  • Even monkeys can wear face masks
  • Maskless influencer forced to apologise

I'm posting my story. Finessing the VOD will take longer.

Monday, Day 1, Moving Along

Plague news: No new cases! Thirty-nine total active cases, eighteen in hospital, and one in the ICU.

Capt S. has demanded more time with us in return for her not spouting a bunch of TERF talking points in our direction. IDK how to feel about that, but it's another Saturday not spent catching up on missing output or making gains on any other project in progress. OTOH we did kind of spend the entire visit talking with an Aunt about it on

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Friday, Day 1, Gearing Up

Plague news: NO NEW CASES! Seventy-nine total active cases, with twenty-one in hospital and one in the ICU.

Anxiety is at a peak here in the household as today we PLN to get some final gussying-up before we drop the big reveal tomorrow. That will be happening after household unfuckening and maybe after Chaos returns from school.

I'm still being gentle with myself until all reasons to be panicking are dealt with. One way or another. Stress is hell on inspiration.


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Thursday, Day 0, Catching up?

Plague news: Four new cases, all imports. There's Ninety-seven total active cases, twenty-five in hospital and one in the ICU.

Today's PLN includes working on my book, working on a board, trying to tag at least half of a month for my app, and then late night shopping for nice gear with Beloved.

I want a holiday from all the recent running around. Not happening yet. Gah.

My fault for being a hermit.

In the news:

  • NZ gets one plague case, shuts
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Sunday, Day 0, Door Day

Plague news: Seven new cases - six local, one import. One hundred and sixty-five total cases, forty-one in hospital and one in the ICU.

We have one door painted and ready for the rest of the nonsense. Which is waiting on my personal energies. Which is not a thing on Sundays -_-

Beloved has made the unwise decision to keep my hours with me. I may never know why they decided this, but it's their bad decision to make.

I am

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Thursday, Day 0, Energy Rationing

Plague news: Nineteen new cases, seventeen local, two imports. One HUNDRED total active cases, fifty-nine of those are in hospital and one's in the ICU.

I don't have much in the way of output expected today. No Patreon, no Wordpress. Therefore, there's a chance I can write a bit more in my novel than I've been able to manage of late.

Still planning to be kind to myself. No pressure. Just go wherever the muse leads me. But first, reading my new

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Tuesday, Day 0, Extension Lockdown

Plague news: Lockdown's extended until Sunday. Fifteen new cases: thirteen local, two imports. Sixty-six active cases, thirty-eight are in hospital and one in the ICU.

There's a new variant out there. It's called Lambda and it's even deadlier than Delta.

In unrelated news, I have just now heard that there are people in the USA who deny that the plague was ever real. Dude. We're still swimming in it.

Being kind to me is working. I reached quota yesterday, but I didn't

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Monday, Day 0, Lockdown(cont'd)

Plague news: Nine new cases, all local transmissions. Fifty-three total cases, thirty-four are in hospital, with one of those in the ICU. I honestly don't know how staying indoors for three days total is going to help, but it's masks on outside the home bubble once more.

One of my loafs turned out extra crispy because this idiot forgot to turn the temperature down for the browning part of the equation. The good news is that the extra ten minutes to rise

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Sunday, Day 1, Well Shoot

Plague news: No new cases! Twenty-one total active cases, nineteen in hospital, and one in the ICU.

I'm daring to have hope.

Meanwhile, some thousands of Knomiras had a protest in Sydney about not being allowed to go out and spread Delta all over civilised spaces their right to free movement. There's been violence.

I used to think that it was evil to wish death on fellow humans. And yet... may the Powers forgive me... I'm starting to want to wish every

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Saturday, Day 0, Map-making

Plague news: One new case, locally transmitted. Forty-eight total cases, forty-four in hospital and two in the ICU.

I will for sure be making at least one full map from the campaign book today. Other than that, my day is my own to enjoy.

In the news:

  • Olympics nonsense
  • More hotspots in Victoria
  • Caitlyn Jenner has come to Australia to run a reality show. Refuses to feel bad about the Aussies still stranded OS
  • More hotspots in NSW
  • Britney Spears' mother speaks
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Thursday, Day 0, Onwards!

Plague News: Five new cases, all imports. Forty-seven active, forty-one hospitalised, and only one in the ICU.

I think we might have a handle on things. Maybe.

Some of the restrictions and rules are just silly, but... They seem to be working.

If any day is apropos for me recording a TaleSpire tutorial, this is it. Let's try for it.

In the news:

  • Victoria has more rules after the latest case
  • Sydney's lockdown has to extend more
  • Sydneysider who caught the plague
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Tuesday, Day 0, Shrinky Patreon

Plague news: One new case, an import. Forty-seven total cases, forty-five are in hospital.

I'm visiting my shrink today. Fun times. Which means the novel work is happening in transit. I'll probably get a lot done whilst waiting for the bus.

Patreon shenanigans will be happening RSN too. Yeeps.

In the news:

  • Australia is now an example of what not to do
  • Slam the Celebs for daring to be human
  • Muppet wants to know which officer killed one of the insurgents active
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Friday, Day 0, Unfuckening ho!

Plague news: Three new cases. Two local, one import. Forty-nine total cases, forty-four of those are in hospital.

I've fed the starters, fed the cats, and I shall soon be putting the bikkie on to cook. It was a quiet stream again, and that may change as soon as I have a schedule. People like having timetables.

Next week will be the big crunch. See if I can do it all and manage Miss Chaos' organisation towards school readiness. Fun.

After that

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Monday, Day 0, Getting Organised

Plague news: two new cases, one of each. Forty-seven total, all in hospital.

I got the Death Coughs this morning because Sneezin' and Wheezin' Season has started early. Yaaaayyy...

Which makes seeking out The Jab an even bigger can of arseholes than it needs to be. Ugh. They might not even give it to me whilst I have the Death Cough. Blargh.

In the news:

  • Aged care facilities continue to be hotspots
  • Canada's on fire
  • Muppet makes a dangerous admission in public,
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Wednesday, Day 0, Wordpress

Plague news: 1 local, two imports. Thirty-five total with twenty-seven in hospital. Once again, the local transmission is a quarantine worker who assumed they were safe and let the protocols slip. Whoops.

The vax only protects YOU. It does not stop transmission because this shit can hang out on surfaces for a day or more. Wash your fucking hands, wear your gotdang mask, and know where your hand sanitiser is.

...and vaccinate your fucking kids...

In program news - Beloved and I

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