Plague Diary

A 1701-post collection

Saturday, Parkrun and Hopes

My poor Beloved has been run off her feet with work. So much so that the post-parkrun chapter reads have been suspended until further notice.

I sincerely hope that "further notice" happens today. I need to find the end of book five and ponder WTF I'm calling book six.

I'm starting to run out of alliterative D-themed titles.

All whilst also plotting to kill off my MC's and wind up the sketches of the fantasy future.

I will finish this WIP. I will push myself to publish professionally. I will get these works out there.

By hook or by crook. My worlds deserve love.

Friday, Too Hot to Anything

Once again, it's hot and nasty outdoors. I'll be waiting for close to sunset just to be able to clean the catio without dying of heat prostration.

So again, no power tools.


At least I know what I'm doing when I get around to doing it. And there's plenty of time to save up for the other nonsense necessary for Chaos' easier homemade bread experience.


I forgot to finish and upload this, because rampant distractions. Yay. Take it as given

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Thursday, Bread and Nonsense

Once again, it's too hot to work outdoors where the power tools are. It's even hotter than it was yesterday. I've got my first loaf in the incubator and the Dutch Oven preheating.

The PLN today is:

  1. Bake my bread
  2. Set up for the next loaf
  3. Go fetch more meds and a calendar
  4. Bake my second loaf

And somewhere between steps 3 and 4, I will be making my offerings. Probably partially between 1 and 2 also.

Right now, I'm finishing up

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Wednesday, Rant Due and Other PLNs

I checked the weather this morning and, as soon as it's legal to use power tools - it's too hot to do anything outdoors where the power tools are.


Hoping for a rainy day so it's cool enough to do things, soon.

I'm wondering what to do for this week's rant, and hoping something will crop up before I have to do it. As for the meantime - bread.

I've got everything measured out and waiting for the starter to ripen.

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Tuesday, Leyland's Tour Ahoy

Mum needs help with stuff so I'm on the road again. Yoiks and away.

[Which reminds me, I need to stop procrastinating on pitching my books at people. I have found another agency I can pitch at, so they get the book(s) the other ones aren't looking at. Diversity, baby]

I will attempt some minor jiggery-pokery in GameMaker to keep the streak going, tonight. After all the other offerings are done.

The sooner I have all the buttons going 'click', the

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Monday, Shenanigans Ahead

I PLN on making heritable buttons today. No matter what, they will all go 'click'. Other functions will happen later.

When I figure that mess out.

Bread is postponed until Wednesday, because MeMum needs my car and tomorrow is the best time for shenanigans of that ilk.

I think Thursday/Friday might be the best day for posting stuff to Patreon. Trying to remember to do that is the hurdle for me to overcome.

I have ordered the second half of my

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Sunday, Game Night and Shenanigans

I now possess all the things necessary to make the new bread cutter guide thing. Now all I need is the time and the energy to put it together. I have half the buttons added to GameMaker and I'm about to add the rest into the system.

Then I study up about heritable stuff. Groups and subgroups if available.

Since little enough time is left in today, I think the programming stuff may happen tomorrow. Between bread folding sessions.

Oh yeah. I'm

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Saturday, Parkrun and Further PLNs

I aim get the buttons sorted out this afternoon. I have the mock-ups to go off of when I do all of that. I have the assets ready. I have the instructions. All that's left is a few minutes of jiggery-pokery.

All that's standing in my way is my inhibiting terror that this will all blow up on me. Again.

I've had so many setbacks on this thing that I'm overdue some setforwards.

But before I get on with that, I'm doing

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Thursday, Further PLNs

Today, to further my PLNs for Pseuducku, I'll be making certain I have all assets necessary to proceed. That may take all my allotted Pseuducku time today.

I also need to get into my Patreon and share all the things accomplished since the last time I posted.

I don't even know how much I have to share. I should check up on such things.

When I finish my stretchies [and a bit more of ADT], I will be getting on with all

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Wednesday, Rant and PLNs

I am definitely going to share some thoughts about the game, What Remains of Edith Finch. I also have goals to acquire things to make a different kind of bread cutter guide for Miss Chaos.

Step one - finding a small wooden bread board for cheap - has been a bit of a stumbling block. If I get my nonsense out early today, I shall try some other venues to acquire the necessary materials.

The idea being that, if slicing bread vertically

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Tuesday, It's Been...

One week into '25, we're each hoping we all get to stay alive...

Okay I'm done riffing on Barenaked Ladies.

Yesterday's Leyland's Tour was cut short because (a) I forgot my prescription, and, (b) I could not find a cheap breadboard so I could create a different kind of bread cutting guide.

I'll get back on that track tomorrow.

I am now a proud owner of a better, firmer knee brace. Which is tight enough to control my patella but not tight

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Monday, Backup Reads and Leyland's Tour

The cats need food, I need to find a knee brace that will keep my kneecap in one firkin place.

The cloth ones are good for bad days, but one particular knee is doing things worse. I might ask about non-thermal knee sleeves while I'm there.

Australia's hot enough without thermal knee sleeves -_-

I tried the spicy sardines this morning, and they're not that bad. My fears of the spicy are dwindling.

When the reads end, I shall be offski

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Sunday, Game Night Accomplished

It was a fun one, this morning. Lots of laughs, a few bits of strategy. More than one fuckup on my account. But the important thing is lots and lots of laughs.

I've had a good lie in this morning, so this afternoon is devoted to my offerings and then unriddling what's going wrong with my updates.

That promises to be "fun".

But for now, I get a wriggle on with everything you expect to see.

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Saturday, First Parkrun of the Year

I've packed my pills, my headphones are fully charged, I have my knees on and I remembered to cool my heels before I tied my shoelaces.

I think I'm doing pretty good so far. Despite feeling very, very tired.

I will for sure need a cold pack when I return home to make my offerings. All the better to make sure I can shamble around the house for my varied needs.

I don't know why, but my heel is protesting this morning.

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