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Plague Diary

A 1768-post collection

Thursday, Physio, Spandek, and Ouchies

I have been reminded to do my wrist stretchies by a persistent pain in my right wrist. At least the container bite from packaging rice has healed. But I still need to wear the thumb splint because nerve janglies.

It's time to take off. BRB.

I return.

Even the physio can't figure out what the hell I did to myself. I shall continue with rest and being very careful with how I handle the household taps.

I also have to keep today's offerings short and sweet because my wrist is being NASTY today. I'm taking the rest of today off to rest. I've put Voltaren and Goanna Oil on the wrist and I have the bracer on.

Maybe with rest and minimal work, I'll be better tomorrow.

As long as I remember all of my stretchies.

Healing is slow and annoying.

Wednesday, Tech Support Leyland's Tour

I am currently out with MeMum, one tech issue dealt with and awaiting a good breakfast. During the rush. Yay.

With all good luck, I should have at least a story for you this afternoon. I don't know about the rant. It might not occur tomorrow, either, because physio and incoming spandek. The receipt for which I forgot in my bag. Whoops.

I hope a photo will do.

I also hope that they come on the Thursday like they said.

Food is

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Tuesday, Patreon and Date Night

I have finished a chapter of ADT! Hooray. Since it's a number divisible by five, I now owe some recordings. BUT... because date plns, I'm trying to focus on the daily offerings first.

If I don't get to the nonsense today, I'll get to it... Thursday. Because I already have PLNs to go help MeMum with nonsense.

Whee fun.

I also need to find a time window to concoct something for the Archive. I have some ideas, but nothing's popped into my

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Monday, Backup Reads and Shopping PLNs

The cats need food, the fam needs protein, flavour, and little things. I have a bit of a Leyland's Tour ahead of me, which will commence as soon as the group's done with the backup reads. I have five stops this time and I can only hope I have enough money to cover our needs.

I'm good at juggling finances.

When I get back, that's when my offerings shall occur. Which means I can focus on being Prepared(tm) for social time

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Sunday, Game Nights and Interesting PLNs

I need to get more supplies for the fam. I actually left the house to get meds, today. Considering the backup reads, the plans with Beloved for Tuesday... and some in-fam tech issues... I'm going to be a busy bean this coming week.

Fun times.

I have my second loaf in the incubator and baking today. Yay. I forgot to turn on the incubator so I have to add another hour after the current timer runs out.


One more hour into

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Saturday, Parkrun and Date PLNs

There's a movie called Mickey 17 out in cinemas now. There's another one called The Day the Earth Blew Up coming soon. Both of these are my personal must-sees. So we have a couple of date nights arranged. Yay.

I need to preheat the oven, arrange dough and shape at least one loaf. Since I have to get up at Awful AM tomorrow, I'll be doing my second loaf later on that day.

My shoulder's still giving me trouble and I've discovered

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Friday, One Emergency at a Time Please

I have to make bread. I have found and ordered the spandek to fix the catio. One issue down. I discovered that I still get nerve jangles in my thumb, but not for the big things. I found this out when messing around with the bread incubator. But I can still handle my cane without janglies, and write with a pen...

So yeah. I started a second story in the Butcher's Book.

Relating to the title for today's blog... I had a

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Thursday, The Quest For Spandek(tm)

It's an absolutely wonderful day to go on a Leyland's Tour to find, purchase, and haul a specifically wobbly sheet of metal homewards. By which I mean it's fucking raining.

I have a cyclone headache, digestive issues, my wrist hates me, my shoulder is in need of deep heat and a big burly massage, my feet are deciding whether or not they hate me, I'm constantly tired, and my right thumb has a glitch.

Recap: Last week, I turned a tap off

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Wednesday, Catching Up and Relaxing a Bit

The good news is that my feet don't hate me more than usual. The bad news is that I have to wear a thumb brace on my right hand... because I did something weird with a nerve in there, last week, and an even half of everything I do aggravates it.

So my Butcher's Book goes without a contribution for another day.

I'm hard pressed just walking around with my cane. Writing with a pen is awkward at best. Honestly, using my

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Tuesday, Family Support and Maybe Patreon

I'm taking MeMum hither and thither today, fixing tech issues and helping with the shopping and so on. As a result, there may not be Patreon posts until tomorrow.

There's another embuggerance on top of the regular furforal... Mum's waiting for people to pick up some equipment loaned to help with the flood nonsense. So now we're waiting for those folks to turn up.

On the plus side, I have the time to write this blog, so yay.

I'll be working on

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Monday, Backup Reads and Making PLNs

The writer's group is having a BS session as I write. We all have another week to play with the prompt.

There's a thing in the group about putting up primers for your universe(s) and I am all in. I just need to make sure I have a copy of the standards so I can do it right.

I like having rules to follow, when they make sense.

It'll be nice to have a guide for newcomers who wonder what the

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Sunday, Game Night and Necessary Therapy

My feet hate me. Not shocked, considering I was testing how well they could go without a cane assisting it. I sure as heck need a cane now.

I may also need to soak my feet in cold water.

I'm otherwise rested, and should be good to get my offerings out there. At some point, I'll throw a few sentences into the novel and the Butcher's Book.

I'm not seeking out spandek until later on in the week. Today's not good and

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Saturday, Parkrun Progress and Further PLNs

Today, I decided to see how far I could get this parkrun without using my cane. I had it dangling from my belt in case of need. Which did become necessary. Chaos reckons I made it about 3K and I'm not about to argue with the math. All I know are landmarks. On the way out, it's the bridge over the stream, the large overpass, the small overpass, and then the turn-around before going through all that backwards. I made it past

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Friday, Physio and The Quest For Spandek(tm)

Today is a day for looking for things. I misplaced my glasses, and didn't think I found them because they turned up underneath the spares' case and that's what threw me off from believing they were my 'real' glasses and not a surprise set of not-my-current-prescription spares.

On the plus side, my floor is a little bit cleaner now. A little bit.

My next search for a thing was the surprise revelation that the long dustpan was missing its matching broom. That

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Thursday, Crossed Wires and Running Around

I previously thought I was seeing my physio today. I checked my schedule and no. I'm seeing my physio tomorrow. Nevertheless, I have run out of stuff and things and I need to go on a supply run.

It's a long, long run. Here, there, an extra stop at Bunnings for some corrugated iron, and another stop at a chemist for a restock of some meds. Of course I'm getting the refrigeratables last.

The sheet of corrugated iron is going to be

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