
A 141-post collection

Tuesday, Day 0, Patreon

Two new cases, and the total's stable at eleven. Nothing local, so I'm trying hard to not panic. Not easy. For instance:

  1. I started today at 3AM with a very mild but still detectable cyclone headache
  2. And a good solid dose of the Death Cough(tm) [I'm not dying, I promise. It's just a scary impersonation thereof]
  3. Remembered to bathe at least
  4. Coffee not working, please consult manual

I get the feeling I'm going to CRASH sometime in the afternoon. If not sooner. So I'd better get a rattle on with today's nonsense. Including this bit.

In the news:

  • Forensics says Tiger Woods probably fell asleep at the wheel. Stop, revive, and survive folks
  • Prince Consort Philip moved to a different hospital for the rest of the week
  • More remains wash up connected with the Caddick conwoman case
  • China conducting combat drills whilst going uncomfortably close to other nations' waters
  • Fugitive couple accused of kidnapping found in a luxury resort
  • La Nina causing cooler summers and flooding rains on the east coast means terrible heat waves on the west coast - isn't weather weird?
  • Cyclone season off to a fantastic start with Tropical Cyclone Niran
  • Man allegedly uses knife to try and rob a shoe shop - caught on camera
  • Melbourne docklands still a ghost town because of plague. It's all the moonmelon anti-vax trumpists fault
  • Information and knowledge a big stumbling block for NSW's vax rollout
  • Mistakes were made with the vax rollout, but ScoMo promises things will improve
  • Police making watch lists out of the anti-vax set to make sure they don't destroy the plague vaccines
  • Muppet and minions still spuriously claim that he won
  • Gentrifiers now upset that mums and dads are now supporting their kids' owning a home
  • Ikea contributes to gentrifying caravan parks
  • iPhones, iWatches, and the resulting lawsuits explode
  • Facebook apologises for pulling posts about knitted "white pigs" for "hate speech"... they were actual, knitted, white piggy dolls
  • Blurry, out-of-focus pictures emerge of the suspected Tasmanian Tigers. Experts say its unlikely that they are what the dude says they are

And now I'm off to post some nonsense on Patreon. Hope to see you there.

Tuesday, Day 0, PLNs & possibilities

Two new cases send the total of actives to seven. Dangit. They're from overseas and detected in quarantine, so all is going moderately well. Yay?

I did manage some arts, yesterday, messing around with brush types in ProCreate to create a portrait version of my Tiefling. Because of course I'm going to learn about shading and creating the illusion of life with a guy who's blue.

I am keeping into the habit, which is a good thing. The more I do, the

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Tuesday, Day Zero, Patreon Day

Three more cases, all from overseas and detected in quarantine. Sing along with the chorus. Fourteen active cases, fourteen chances for one arsehole. Sigh.

I'm posting my last chapter of KOSBOB on Patreon today... and an awful lot of Terrible Tiefling Tales.

Some are new. I swear I'm trying to work on the things I already started. Promise.

Headlines... Ugh... Let's see what Humanity's been up to since the last check-in:

  • Muppet refusing to give anything to Biden - including adjudication on
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I had one of those ideas at 1AM that came to fruition at 3AM and you know that is not going to end well. Details on my Patreon as shenanigans ensue. I've already had one salient question about the nonsense that is about to happen.

I'm going to be having fun. I hope everyone else does too.

Today is Patreon day, and there's at least ONE treat for my Patrons to enjoy. Thanks 1AM. I owe you one praise. You were good

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One More Long Weekend

The kids return to schooling this Tuesday. Which means that I have until Monday to get them sleeping during the night again. Not. Easy.

And it's Friday, so that means some nice treat-style foods for dinner. And since I plan to finally get into my promised ice cream, that means a Keto-but-still-a-treat dinner. So... probably cooked chook salad because easy, and quick, and lets me use Saturday for my carb feast.

That's the PLN.

Today, I have a thousand words to do.

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Contingency PLN

So. Patreon pulled a genuine Dick Move, charging all the Patrons for their patronage. Some folks can't afford that and it will kill the staple of Patreon income, the One Dollar Donation.

And this will obliterate half of my Patronage. And, currently, drop my income from that down to $9 a month.

Not exactly inspiring, is it? All this work for such little reward.

In other news, this is the last week of writing Rael. A story that covers quite a few

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