Ko-fi donationsBuy Me a Coffee


A 39-post collection

Sunday, No Game Because Lurgi

When I woke up at 4AM today, it hurt to talk. I'm resting up and keeping the fluids going. I also got a heads-up about not pressing a vital button, so a past story is out of order. Whoopsie.

I have to remember to check that I have hit the publish button. It's not always easy when my head is full of gluck.

I'm going to get my offerings out and chill for the rest of the day. Even though I haven't done buggerall yet, I am exhausted.

...stupid Lurgi.

Friday, Shaking it off.

The entire house has Lurgi. Mayhem's got a stomach upset to go with the runny nose, clogged sinuses, and general lack of energy.

I'm... mostly okay. The head fog is terrible. It's like a sneak peek into living with dementia. Words have been escaping me, I've had to wait for the loading screen to get to 100% before I remember why I entered a room. I spent a majority of yesterday reminding myself to get petrol and then forgetting to do that

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Monday, Lurgi'd and Bread

I did not bake bread yesterday. I kind of have to do that today. I may be doing so at a rate slower than an arthritic snail.

But there will be bread. "Twice proofed" since it spent 24hours in the fridge rather than 8-12.

The first loaf is incubating while the oven preheats and the Dutch Oven gets heat sunk into it. I have everything lined up for the inevitable bake.

I'm keeping up my fluids and planning a lot of rest.

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Sunday, Lurgi, and Bread

I was doing all right until about 2PM yesterday. That's when my nose started running like a tap and my throat started hurting like I'd been gargling thorns.

I am not a happy camper.

Mayhem's making a sorta-chicken soup with available materials when I wanted to venture out and get things. It's probably a good idea to stay in and keep up on my fluids.

I'm either overheating or freezing. My head's full of fog, and I am currently in terror of

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Sunday, Bread and Lurgi

I needed extra rest this morning, so VTTRPG with the international maniacs had to be cancelled. I do feel bad about it, but I also need to get over this dang bug.

I have one loaf shaped while the oven pre-heats. Waiting on that last proof. I should have two lovely loaves cooling by dinnertime. I shall be making a sincere effort to see if the fix for GameMaker works and if not, I try the other angle.

Time and experimentation will

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Saturday, Lurgi Again

I was all set and ready to do parkrun today... Until about 7PM when my eyes spontaneously crunchified and my nose began running like a gorram tap.

Yes folks, I once again have Lurgi. Replete with the wonderful world of digestive issues. Yay. Not.

So today I am focussing on achieving bodily stability whilst also working on bread. Because I also need to make bread this weekend.

Offerings soon. Attempts at project maybe. Farting around for sure.

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Thursday, Software Updates and Lurgi

Mayhem's got a rhinovirus. If it's the same rhinovirus I had a while ago, he'll be back on his feet tomorrow.

I have a software update and drive cleanout on the first of every month, so I may be delayed on my offerings because restart-a-thon.

I'm on the refining layer of my fanart of a fanfic of a fanart happening after I've done my half a chapter during my stretchies. There's two panels refined out of five. I might even drag my

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Sunday, Recovery???

I've cancelled my streams today because Lurgi. And recovery time is exactly what this little bean needed.

I was awake sometime around 6 when I got an email from MeMum declaring it to be Monday. I had been intermittently napping and waking all day, so this momentarily made me believe that I'd slept through an entire day.

Fun moment.

Quick calendar check and an email exchange later, we both know what day it is. Yay.

I'm still determined to take things easy.

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Saturday, Lurgi and Luncheon

The thing that is going around has finally roosted on me. Chills, lethargy, one bout of gastro, and the good old ever-reliable head swamp.

Beloved and Adorable are also effected with The Bug so there's no parkrun for us. We need at least another week before we can try. So much for our plans for South Bank/West End followed by a Markets Stroll(tm).

For those of you wondering about Markets Stroll(tm)... you go to the farmer's/crafters/weekend market

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Saturday, Parkrun, Lurgi, and Shenanigans

Yesterday, I baked bread. Behold:
[Shown here: one large "cob" style loaf with huge splits in its floured surface. Some little seeds are visible in the splits. It rests on some parchment paper]

This is my "lazy" loaf. Where I don't really bother to divide it into two loaves. The bottom side is a little too hard and overcooked but the inside is everything you could want from wholemeal flour.

The little seeds are chia.

Next time, I'm going to weigh the

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Friday, Shaking it off

My head doesn't hurt any more. Hooray. The sniffles are still present and my energy is low. Boo.

I should be okay for the plans involving tomorrow. Possibly with some added doses of caffeine.

I PLN to get a lot of sleep and a lot of fluids and hope for the best.

Story and offerings very soon.

I have at least one ready to go.

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Thursday, in a lot of pain

One quarter of my face is in agony. My super painkillers seem to only keep it muted but don't make it go away.

I have a gigantic mug of tea, all my meds, and no help from the rest of the QPP.

I left a message at 3AM and as far as I know, it hasn't been looked at closer to 8AM. It's easy to feel ignored and neglected when there's no feedback.

I am planning to get the daily offerings done

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Friday, Recovery time needed

Something's in the air in the mountains of Rosewood, and I am SUFFERING, this morning.

I'm going to lie down for a bit after I'm done this morning and see how I fare after a good secondary nap.

I have no idea if I'll get going on any of my projects, today.

I need sleeps.

I also need to clean the Catio and feed my Starters at some point.

Publish first. Rest, next. Other nonsense thereafter.

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Saturday, Rhinovirus Embuggerance

So my blood test results were inconclusive. Just below normal, and the Doc wants another go as close as possible to blood lab opening hours.

Problem 1 - I have a rhinovirus
Problem 2 - I have to book the appointment or wait for everyone doing a fasting test before I get jabbed
Problem 3 - I may have to cancel a stream to do it.

Fun times.

So I must wait for the mild sneezies to bugger off before I book,

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