Game Nite

A 75-post collection

Sunday, Game Night and PLNs

This will be the evening when the shenanigans of IceSpire Peak wind up, I introduce a new player, and have some celebrations for them to have shenanigans with.

THEN I get them all to decide on what next and maybe set up a thing where I can record the sessions without my gloriously pale fiz in the equation.

Fun times ahoy.

Changes with it.

The fun times shall continue as I continue to build dungeons for my players to dragon in at a later date.

Today, I expect little of myself. Same with tomorrow.

Healthwise, I am still having bad air days. Hydrating my atmosphere is helping. As is regular goes on Max to help improve the air flowing.

I really need to brave up and call the medicos about my nonsense. And complain about the HotDoc app.

Not today. Not at all today.

Sunday, Game Night Shenanigans

Achievement unlocked: Buried hatchets. Cleared the air with involved parties and renewed backup systems in place. Huzzah.

Tonight, my players fight a dragon. Yay.

This morning, I had a good old-fashioned anxiety attack and used it to get some writing in [eventually]. Namely, getting the Tale Foundry prompt entry written early.

I make sleeplessness work for me.

Might as well, right?

I have no further plans than resting my wrists [I borked them a little whilst doing the prompt story] and scheduling

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Sunday, Supertired

It's almost noon, and my throat hurts. I might need to tone down Gort's voice because it does things to me.

OR it could because Sneezin' and Wheezin' Season has made me cough and have lung issues.

It's hard to tell. I shall make myself some Shandy and hope for the best. And I have to check on my meds supplies because FUCK Sneezin' and Wheezin' Season.

It keeps kicking my butt.

The good news is that ScoMo is No Mo'. He

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Saturday, Sleep Shenanigans

I have a D&D game tonight, and Mother's Day Shenanigans tomorrow. So I'm pulling dumb sleep tricks. Including deliberately missing the streams I normally tune in for because Meatspace Social Stuff.

Tomorrow's stream is happening at 5AM and I will be missing Tale Foundry's fic readings. Which is generally where I get the prompt reveal. When I don't cheat and check the vote in advance.

Except that the vote hasn't happened yet.

I'm nervous now.

BUT I also have starters

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Sunday, D&D and Scheduling

I have received news that a friend of Beloved is plotting to have some D&D on Mondays.

I am already awake too long on Mondays.

But I also want to play D&D :P

If I'm going to play, I should figure out what the hell schedule I'm working with because Long Monday is going to ssuuuuuuuck if I go through with it.

But then again. Lure of the game.

It's so... shiny...

The allure is there. Gotta admit.

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Sunday, Day 0, Madness Soon

Plague News: Seven new cases, five local, two imports. Australia's at 92.8% first vax, 88% neat for fully vaxxed. Queensland's tied in last place for the race to 95%... for shame. We're at 87% first vax, 78% fully vaxxed.

Omicron's loose all over the world and I blame Capitalism and Selfishness. This is a disease that hits kids HARD and it's all because Humanity failed to unite and beat the first version over the head all over the world.

I am

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Sunday, Day 1, Game Night

Plague news: No new cases! There's nineteen total active cases, fifteen of those are in hospital. Australia's at 90% first vax, 82.8% fully vaxxed. Queensland is STILL dead last at 81.7% first vax, 69.9% fully vaxxed.

I think I've got a handle on things with the irrational sleep schedule of Long Monday. For those of you not in the know, Long Monday starts at about 10PM Sunday night, when I awake from an afternoon nap I arranged so I

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Fun was had. Friction is generating.

So we had some decent RP. Not a lot of decent fights, but some decent RP. We had all players but I didn't have enough warning to buy Krispy Kremes for the entire group. I let them know though.

I might be on the hook for a gigantic box of doughnuts, next fortnight.


  • Barbarian too scared to confront my Tief so he sent a note up with his invisible servant
  • My Tief gave him lines ["I will not shoot my allies"
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Finally! Rest... (sort of)

Well, today is the 7th day of feeding the starters, and I now have them resting in the fridge so that I have time for other things. Like taking a firkin BREAK.

It's the thirteenth this month, which happens to be a Friday, so there is an almost mandatory uptick in gambling. I won't be having a flutter via $1 scratchie. I am content in hoping my "cheesy bread" will actually turn out okay.

Chaos has swimming and I have D&

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It's the morning after the night before and, despite having D&D, I'm reasonably well-rested.

The session ended early - about 9:30ish because new shenanigans should really include more people at the table than my immediate family members plus one.

Boy howdy, there were shenanigans.

The rescue of the nobles in the house turned into a clusterfuck when the Lord told us his wife was indirectly responsible for the fireballing of some innocent children. This made the Barbarian rage and

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Two of our players are out on other business, and we still have four players, so the sesh will be going ahead. WOO!

Character hints ahoy :D gonna drop some backstory clues and hope other players pick it up. I might get a Glare from the DM, but damnit, I love having a few gems for excavation.

Today includes unfuckening the house again, one thousand words, and of course the D&D. It's gonna be fun.

Tomorrow... I am going to

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That Went... Okay?

The first sesh of the year and we have a completely new player with us, as in, their first ever game of D&D was with us last night. So of course, puns, shenanigans, and at least half an hour debating the renovations we were making to our base of operations.

Fantasy The Block, coming soon to an adventuring table near you.

Lowkey though, I do want to create a replica of this place in Minecraft, even though that's pretty terrible

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Tonight is game night and I am so pumped about it that I awoke at 3AM and had various difficulties sleeping the remainder of the morning.

I am going to be WRECKED tomorrow. Be warned.

With the grace of the Powers That Be, and a LOT of caffeine, I and my character will survive the evening. I plan on having fun with everything, no matter what.

I also have to unfuck the house today. A PLN somewhat helped by the fact that

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Level Up!

My Tiefling Monk [and Nightcrawler Expy] hit level 2 and gained Ki points... Alas, we missed out on RP of a cool training montage. So I did what any writer would do - I wrote five pages of training montage to kind'a share how cool it all looked inside my head.

...I may be forced to DM something because of this, IDK.

Maybe authors shouldn't be allowed to play D&D because we're wont to pull shit like this.

Anyway. 'Tis

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Dee un Dee! Dee un Dee!

It's D&D night and I am planning to at least combat the excess of the evening with the abstinence during the day. I shall be a good little nugget and expand my fasting window so I can gorge -as I inevitably do- when the game is on.

My Beloved is taking this old car of mine as a lost cause. Even if the motor is cheaply fixable, it's not worth keeping around. So... in perfect logic, they went and ordered

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