These short stories still available for FREE!
That’s right, you can own these short tales for the low, low price of absolutely nothing!
What’s not to love?

These short stories still available for FREE!
That’s right, you can own these short tales for the low, low price of absolutely nothing!
What’s not to love?
All these short stories are still FREE!
What are you waiting for? Go get them!
This Halloween… read a free story from your favourite author.
Or. Y'know. Just some loser on Tumblr who keeps pretending they can write.
For those of you already following - please reblog, I need readers.
Read more »Sahra was on the opposite side of the station to Ore Processing when it blew up. She, like all the other tunnel rats, closed her hands over her ears and stayed rigidly stock still until the echoes died down. Alarms, shrill and piping to human ears, were still filling the air with their near-musical noise.
She knew what to do. Follow procedure, and maybe nobody would get hurt.
No smoke in the air. Good. She
Read more »Her hands and legs were throbbing by the time she came out the other side. She took a look at them while the masters checked her cart and the other things they put on her.
Her hands and legs were red with blood.
And dripping.
One of the higher masters noticed and made a squawk of disgust. “Clean that animal up.”
A young male, judging by the newness of his boots and the sharpness of his claws, grabbed her roughly
Read more »The info-station squawked and sputtered, making half her family jump.
“…blow for freedom,” said the low voice of someone. “our agents… (sizz) …victorious.”
Everyone was looking at everyone else. Sahra sat there with her mouth open and her hands pressed flat on the table. She’d never heard anything like this before. No-one was allowed to get up without Mama or current-Papa’s say-so. It was the rules.
“Tonight… (whreeee) …
Or, more accurately, as soon as I can get my dear Beta-Readers to get any found mistakes back to me.
If I can get all edits done by the 25th of October, I can publish on the 29th - just in time for All Hallows’ Read.
‘Cause I’m publishing on the 29th, come hay, hell or
Read more »You might be aware that I’m trying to make a living with words. Anyone who doesn’t… go check out my Smashwords account and buy something, plib-blobbit!
Thing is, I need beta-readers. People willing to read things-I-consider-finished, things-I-don’t-know-what-I’m-doing-with and things-I’m-checking-up-on-to-see-I’m-still-going-in-the-right-direction. AKA WIPs.
I have a whole pet universe I want to share. Short stories, long stories, stories of inbetweenish dimensions… all waiting for readers to help with the
Read more »Posting fanfic isn’t going to help me be a better writer [New year’s resolution#1: Work to improve myself] but it is going to attract my old fans, which means more readers. I need readers :)
So. Along side the fanficcery that promises to become a long-standing tradition in this blog [over 100 fanfics, remember?] I am going to accept challenges from my audience.
Send me a springboard. A favourite phrase, a title of some media you love, ask
Read more »Merry Halloween!
Fifty-four peeps have downloaded my free story [And a few of you have sampled the others available] so here’s a thank-you pic of sorts. The Oshit in all its fuzzy, cuddly glory… as rendered by Xotxot.
Of course, when I’m finally a famous author, I’ll be giving these darlings away as toys :D What say you all to ‘Orrible 'Airy Oshit onna stick? Plush cuddly Oshit pillow dolls?
Yes! The free book is out. Go. Download. Read. Enjoy.
ps, Happy 40th to me.
pps, Somehow, I have two folks downloading before I have the ISBN'ed version up. Go me.
Read more »Things to be grateful for #5247985965490921…
The fact that Xotxot came through with the brilliant cover on the right; so that you get to read a book with that cover, rather than the nasty thing on the left that I came up with.
First thing tomorrow morn, mytime, that cover is going to be in my Smashwords profile. Enjoy!
This is the shit I put together
This is the brilliance Xotxot made for me
Okay, so I finally got off my divot and transferred my soon-to-be-released free book into MSWord 7 ‘cause that’s the only editor that exists for the nice folks at Smashwords 9_9
Now I’m just waiting for @xotxot to get back to me about the cover.
I’m getting nervous. As I usually do when my success at a plan is entirely dependant on someone else. I’ve had plans of mine fail purely because
Read more »Firstly, I would like to thank Neil Gaiman for the idea that wound its way into my head and did what ideas do best: mutate into near cthulu-esque proportions.
See, the kind and apparently flamingo-like Mr Gaiman came up with/publicised All Hallows Read, an event in which people who celebrate Halloween [and even those who choose not to] can give away a spooky book to friends, family or complete strangers.
So I wrote a completely new story. From go to whoa,
Read more »A Question
Why must my mind forever play
With endless bits of yesterday?
I cannot, now, do less nor more
Than anything I did before.
But my imagination cannot set
Aside the game that’s called Regret.
Read more »