Day Off

A 19-post collection

Lazy Day!

I am going to write today's Instant and then vanish into doing nothing until I either finish a fic or fall asleep.

Beloved will be back on Keto today after a weekend of breaking it good and hard. And to be honest, the instant I'm done with the story, I'm back in there to check on them.

We've had a lot of carbs, yesterday. There might be some trouble from the diabetes as a result. In fact. I'll just check now.

Still snoozing. I'll let them continue to nap.

I have a story to create.

I feel so much better

I should learn. I really should. When I'm feeling depressed or overwhelmed, I just need some Me-Time.

Yesterday - I did buggerall. Today, I plan more of the same.

Of course you will be getting the instant story and the daily instalment of Iris and Peter Get Married (Eventually). But beyond that? I plan on doing nothing very much at all.

Beloved has weather-dependant plans to go to the beach. You will be hearing about my sunburns and sandcastles if all goes

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Slowly Getting There

I took an actual day off, today. Well, most of a day off.

Possibly 50% of a day off.

Because a Mum’s work is never done. I can’t have a complete day off.

The dog got out and I had to go catch him. Invisible fences are looking increasingly attractive right now.

And I spent the afternoon teaching Mayhem (my eldest) that playing with the dog is fun.

That was exhausting. But fun.

But I didn’t

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