
A 7-post collection

Challenge #04450-L066: Enrichment Activities

The goods in your favourite Big Store get fewer and fewer, so those vital but rarely brought items disappear. -- She Who Knits

If variety was the spice of life, the local branch of MegaGloboCorpoMart was slowly turning into gruel. The variety of options and products, that which drew them all in, was getting spare.

It had taken Jaime months to notice, but after that, the limits were growing clear.

More complaints about clothing not available in someone's size. Counting the thousand flavours of ice cream and noticing how many were based around the phrase, "and cream". How many involved the most popular flavours. How many were variations on Neapolitan.

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Challenge #03846-J194: Sharp Choice

A being tries to tempt Wraithvine with a special wish, a test. Their ultimate dream would come true. But is the cost of an innocent soul worth it? -- Anon Guest

Immortals are truly hard to tempt, especially if they've been at it long enough. The wants of mortality fade away as time renders them irrelevant.

Mortals die. Oceans rise. Empires fall. Change occurs and little can stop it. Wants fade away as beauty can be found anywhere, friendship is temporary, and

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Challenge #02765-G208: The Double-Edged Blade

Justice may be blind, but she can smell fear!

~Me -- AmberFox

Power, they often think, is wearing a crown and giving the orders. They were wrong. Power is taking responsibility and knowing that one person made the rules that encapsulated all their welfare.

Numbers beyond the safe ability to count were favourable when it was money, but not so when it was people bearing pitchforks and torches. When the people prospered, those in power prospered. Alas, when the people were oppressed,

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Challenge #02667-G110: A Chosen Confusion

It is, at best, unwise to mistake these things for each other...

Kindness for Weakness

Patience for Passivity

Caution for Cowardice

Silence for Ignorance

Those who have done so have, almost invariably, learned the differences are vast indeed, and quite often have learned this in a manner whose results ensure they do not ever make that same mistake twice... or do anything else ever again, either... -- Anon Guest

It's almost a joke: A Galactic Citizen and a Deregger arrive at a

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Challenge #02641-G084: A Significant Choice

I don’t really drink alcoholic beverages, mostly because I don't know what kind of drunk I am. I’m not willing to find out based off my parents, let’s just say alcohol was the reason why I was born. -- Anon Guest

"Small ale," said Lady Anthe.

"Rivenmont wine," said Wraithvine.

"I'll have a young cider," said Marvin.

Elf and Kobold alike looked to their Human compatriot. "Er," said Lady Anthe. "You remember you're of age now, yes?"

Wraithvine added,

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Challenge #02398-F208: Choose the Light

"You have a darkness in you."

"Yes, we all do, along with God's light. It's what makes us the same. What makes us different is what we choose to follow." -- Anon Guest

"What?" said the Kobold who, at this point in her journey, didn't think herself worthy of a name. She would, in time, become known as Lady Anthe, but that time is not now. She is learning, and these are earlier, more painful days.

Wraithvine took a calming breath. They

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Another rant for another time #2: Vegetarians can do just as much harm as omnivores

I do like vegans and vegetarians. They have their reasons for their diet and lifestyle [Note to the right-wingers - veganism is a lifestyle choice; homosexuality is not. Learn the difference] ranging from “my body won’t let me eat meat” to “I think it’s morally wrong to eat anything that had a face”.

That’s fine.

I understand and accept you have your reasons and I am never so crass as to enforce

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